Other Reimbursable Expenses. Agency will reimburse the actual cost for other expenses if Outside Counsel provides a reasonable and sufficient explanation of the nature and purpose of the charge and the charge is reasonable and either necessary or advisable.
Other Reimbursable Expenses. 1. Supplies, materials and equipment - At actual cost for items used directly in the furtherance of work and supported by receipts on all individual items. Any equipment, copiers, computer software, intellectual property licenses or any other non-consumable supplies (collectively, “Equipment”) purchased or licensed by Consultant for use at the Site and reimbursed by LAWA, shall be LAWA’s and title therefore shall vest in LAWA upon such purchase or license. Equipment may also be leased if determined to be cost effective. The Consultant shall provide a lease versus purchase analysis for such proposed leased Equipment. If Equipment is currently owned by the Consultant, it may be leased for exclusive use at the Site and on the Project and reimbursed by LAWA at a fair market rate. No such Equipment may be purchased, leased or licensed without the prior written approval of LAWA.
Other Reimbursable Expenses. Reimbursable Expense shall mean the actual expenses incurred directly or indirectly in connection with the Project for transportation travel, subconsultants, subcontractors, computer usage, telephone, telex, shipping and express, and other incurred expense. Hourly equipment charges apply to specific equipment used on the project.
Other Reimbursable Expenses. Agency will direct SPS, ETI, or SWEPCO, as determined by Agency’s designated representative, to reimburse the actual cost for other expenses if Outside Counsel provides a reasonable and sufficient explanation of the nature and purpose of the charge and the charge is reasonable and either necessary or advisable.
Other Reimbursable Expenses. Other reimbursable expenses include purchase and rental of special equipment, necessary field supplies and facilities, testing and laboratory services, individual shipping charges in excess of ten dollars ($10.00), materials, supplies, printing, large quantity drawing reproduction, photographs requested by the Department, and physical model-building used in the work performed for the Department pursuant to an authorized Task Order. Reimbursable expenses shall be paid by the Department at the actual cost of such expenses, the expense rates established in Exhibits B and C, or the expense rates established in an authorized Task Order, as applicable. In the event of a conflict between the expense rates established in Exhibits B and C and an authorized Task Order, expenses shall be reimbursed at the lowest rate. No markup by the Consultant, Subconsultant of any tier, or supplier for other reimbursable expenses shall be allowed. Any items purchased at the request of the Department to accomplish the work in an authorized Task Order shall be charged to the Department, shall become the property of the Department, and shall be delivered to the Department by the Consultant upon request or completion of the Task Order. Any other items purchased by the Consultant for performance of services pursuant to an authorized Task Order shall be the property of the Consultant, shall not be charged to the Department, and shall not be reimbursed by the Department.
Other Reimbursable Expenses. A. TELEPHONE EXPENSES
Other Reimbursable Expenses. It is anticipated and agreed that the Superintendent shall be required to incur certain other expenses for the official business of the Board and attendance at local, state, national, community, civic and professional meetings. As such, the Board agrees to reimburse the Superintendent for any such expenses incurred by him on behalf of the Board, including local lodging overnight as needed; subject, however, to the Superintendent’s substantiation and the Board’s prior approval of such expenses, and compliance with Board Policy.
Other Reimbursable Expenses. During the term of the Executive's employment hereunder, the Company, upon the submission of proper substantiation by the Executive, shall reimburse the Executive for all other reasonable expenses actually and necessarily paid or incurred by the Executive in the course of and pursuant to the business of the Company.
Other Reimbursable Expenses. The following amounts are invoiced for other Reimbursable Costs incurred by Contractor in accordance with the Agreement * With respect to Subcontractors, Contractor shall provide: (1) the company name; (2) a description of the Services provided; and (3) the original amount invoiced by such Subcontractor. All Work related to the correction of Defective Work shall be listed under a separate and distinct classification. Contractor shall attach hereto backup for other Reimbursable Expenses invoiced. PROJECT NAME: Corpus Christi Pipeline Project OWNER: Corpus Christi Pipeline L.P. CONTRACTOR: [_____________________] DATE OF AGREEMENT: [___________________] INVOICE NUMBER: ___________ DATE OF INVOICE: _________________, 20__ This final Invoice covers (i) under Section 1, the Payment Period from [ ], 20[ ] to [ ], 20[ ] and (ii) under Section II, any adjustments required to reconcile all previous Invoices, payments and Change Orders.
Other Reimbursable Expenses. The following amounts are invoiced for other Reimbursable Costs incurred by Contractor in accordance with the Agreement. * With respect to Subcontractors, Contractor shall provide: (1) the company name; (2) a description of the Services provided; and (3) the original amount invoiced by such Subcontractor. All Work related to the correction of Defective Work shall be listed under a separate and distinct classification. Contractor shall attach hereto backup for other Reimbursable Expenses invoiced.