HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME 16.01 The normal work week is thirty-seven point five (37.5) hours over five (5) days. Employees shall be entitled to a one half (0.5)) hour unpaid lunch period taken at a time directed by the Employer. Where the work day exceeds nine (9) hours, there shall be a second thirty (30) minute unpaid lunch break taken at a time directed by the Employer. In the event that patient care programs (e.g. flu shot clinic, patient education sessions) are scheduled and require an Employee to work hours other than those listed above, such employee shall be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice prior to the change in shift. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Article are intended only to provide a basis for calculating time worked and shall not be considered a guarantee as to the hours of work per day or the days of work per week. Should the Employer wish to make a change to the current schedule, a meeting shall occur with the Union to discuss the implementation of such schedule. 16.02 Authorized hours worked in excess of forty-four hours per week (Sunday to Saturday) shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the Nurse’s regular hourly rate of pay. The Employee may elect time off in lieu at the rate of time and one-half (1½) her regular rate of pay. The time off will be taken at a time which is mutually convenient to the individual and the Employer. 16.03 Schedules will be posted monthly. 16.04 An Employee who is called in and required to work outside his/her normal scheduled hours, other than those hours immediately prior to or after normal starting or quitting time, shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay at straight time or payment for the actual hours worked. It is agreed that there shall be no pyramiding of overtime or any premiums provided for in this agreement.
HOURS OF WORK & OVERTIME Section 15.1 This Article is intended to define the normal hours of work per day or per week in effect at the time of execution of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as preventing the Employer from restructuring the normal workday or workweek as necessary to promote efficiency or improve services, or from establishing the work schedules of employees. However, nothing in this Section shall relieve the Employer of its duty to bargain the affects of such decisions on employee wages, hours, terms and other conditions of employment. This Article shall be used as the basis for computing overtime for employees who are not exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and shall not be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per day or per week. Section 15.2 Employees may take one paid fifteen (15) minute break for every four (4) hour block worked. Employees may combine breaks to take up to one (1) sixty (60) minute paid break. Employees may not leave campus on their paid breaks. Section 15.3 Bargaining unit employees who are not exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be paid one and one-half times their normal hourly rate for all hours actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. All overtime shall have prior supervisory approval, except when it is necessary for a nurse to remain on duty to protect patient safety. Only hours actually worked are counted for the purpose of computing an employee's eligibility for overtime pay. There shall be no pyramiding of hours or pay. Section 15.4 The Board serves individuals 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. To meet this need for service to our individuals evening and weekend hours may be required of any bargaining unit employee. The Employer will establish the standard work day as beginning at 6:00 a.m. and ending at 5:59 a.m. and starting and ending times for each shift in each department. Supervisors will establish daily workschedules. Section 15.5 Absent an emergency situation, management will notify the Union in the event management intends to institute a long-term change in the present shift times for nurses. Following notification and upon request by the Union, management will meet with the Union to discuss the reason for the change and possible alternatives.
Overtime-Eligible Employees Employees who are covered by the overtime provisions of state and federal law.
Compensatory Time for Overtime Eligible Employees A. Compensatory Time Eligibility
Normal Hours of Work 10A.01 The normal work day is defined as the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 12:00 Midnight. 10A.02 The employer has the option of working either five (5) eight (8) hour days or four (4) ten
HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT A. The on-site work day for employees shall commence twenty-five minutes before the start of the pupils’ instructional day. The length of the workday for full-time employees, including a duty-free lunch break, shall be seven and one half hours per day. Employees may be required to serve additional hours at extra-curricular activities called by the site administrators. On Fridays or on designated minimum days with the exception of Teacher Collaboration or Conference days, employees may leave directly after the students except when required to complete other assigned duties. Employees, at their discretion, may leave school at the end of the student day if their immediate supervisor has required that they return to school to serve at an extra-curricular activity. Staff meetings called by the building principal shall be conducted during contract hours. Excepting state, federal, contractual, or mandated committees, all committee memberships shall be voluntary. Required committees shall be equitably filled by all teaching staff. Required extra-curricular activities shall be equitably distributed/attended by all teaching staff B. Every full-time teacher shall be entitled to one duty-free, uninterrupted lunch period and two ten-minute relief periods each day. The lunch period shall be for the same duration of time as that provided for pupils of the school. Administrators will make every effort to ensure that the time between each duty free break will not exceed 2 hours. In instances where that is not possible, administrators will work with the teachers impacted to provide restroom relief as needed. C. All teachers shall have time set-aside for preparation and planning. Teachers in grades TK-5 shall be entitled to at least a thirty minute daily prep period. Teachers in grades 6-8 and 9-12 shall be entitled to preparation periods equal to one class period as long as all grades are located on the same campus/site and have the same instructional minutes. If the sixth grade is returned to an elementary configuration (example 4-5-6), teachers shall be entitled to the same preparation period offered teachers in grades 4 and 5. Scheduling of preparation time shall be the responsibility of the site administrator. Preparation periods shall be duty free. Employees will not be requested by site administrators or by other staff to "cover" other classes during their preparation period. Employees may volunteer to cover classes during prep periods for teachers who need to be absent for a portion of the day to fulfill extra-duty assignments. D. Hours of employment for part-time employees shall be assigned by the Superintendent. E. Reasonable release time shall be provided for Association representatives to meet and negotiate and to process grievances. When Association representatives perform these duties outside of the 185 contracted work days, those representatives of the Association will be granted one compensatory day for each day in which business between the Association and the District is conducted, for a maximum of six KUTA members. Compensatory days must be taken by June 30 of the school year in which they are granted. Unused compensatory days will be forfeited after June 30 of each year. F. The dismissal time and number of minimum days will be fairly applied at all sites within the District. The number of minimum days will be not less than 9 days, and shall include the days listed in Article V, Paragraph B as part of the nine minimum days. G. The hours of employment for teachers shall include the following minimum number of instructional minutes which shall be offered to the students and shall continue to comply with the longer day, longer year provisions of California Education Code §46201:
Hours of Service The minimum number of Hours of Service an Employee must complete during a vesting computation period to receive credit for a Year of Service is: (Choose (c) or (d)) [X] (c) 1,000 Hours of Service.
Overtime Work A. Overtime pay is to be paid at the rate of one and one- half (1½) times the basic hourly straight-time rate. B. Overtime shall be paid to employees for work performed only after eight (8) hours on duty in any one (1) service day or forty (40) hours in any one (1) service week. Nothing in this Section shall be construed by the parties or any reviewing authority to deny the payment of overtime to employees for time worked outside of their regularly scheduled work week at the request of the Employer. C. Penalty overtime pay is to be paid at the rate of two
Compensation for Overtime Assigned overtime is designated as those hours over the regular hours of work which are requested of the employee by management. Assigned overtime worked shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2).