Peer. To have a professional dialogue and reflective review with supervisor/evaluator at the end of the second year of the four-year evaluation cycle to summarize achievements/efforts and to support continuous growth and achievement.
Peer. To create and participate in a professional partnership group, to inform his/her supervisor/evaluator of the names of the partnership group members by September 30, and to meet at least quarterly to discuss teaching concerns and interests.
Peer centered activities, including peer mentoring and tutoring;
Peer. To discuss the professional development plans with participant and sign the plan to indicate acceptance.
Peer. General term for individuals who have the lived experience of recovery from mental health, substance use, and/or traumatic conditions, and who has specialized training and supervision to guide and support people experiencing similar conditions toward increased wellness.
Peer. (b) To discuss the professional development plans with participant and sign the plan to indicate acceptance.
(c) To observe informally on a regular basis, collect data on teacher performance in all areas covered by teaching standards, and discuss data promptly and honestly.
(d) To support teacher’s professional development goals by providing resources, feedback, and recognition, or by arranging for this support to be provided by others.
(e) Additional Procedures Required of the Supervisor/Evaluators for staff on Plan 2.4
Peer review process: The editor appoints two reviewers whose names are hidden from the authors. Authors' data is unknown to reviewers. The paper will be published in ACE provided that the two reviews are positive. If reviewers have any comments, the authors receive reviews to read and consider these comments. The editor decides whether the paper fulfill all requirements i.e. formal and scientific. Paper publication requires the author's final approval. As soon as the publication appears in print and in electronic forms on the Internet there is no possibility to change the content of the article.
Peer to-peer Voice and Video: Each User of Service is entitled to participate in voice or video communications with other Users of Service. Such voice or video communication is performed on a “best-effort” basis and is not guaranteed. Reliability of this feature is dependent on available Internet bandwidth between the endpoints involved in the communication.
Peer mentoring programs have shown great success in building self-efficacy, confidence, improved behaviors and attitudes, stronger relationships and improved interpersonal skills. The proposed GUNS program will be adapted from the successful initiative Office of Neighborhood Safety in Richmond, California. The GUNS program will be customized based on available resources in Milwaukee and to fit the community's specific needs related to their rising gun violence rates. Based on Xxxxxxxx’s experience, the prospects for Milwaukee would appear bright. The Office of Neighborhood Safety claims Xxxxxxxx has seen a 77 percent drop in its murder rate since 2010. In addition 54 of 68 program participants since that time have not been charged with another gun- related crime (Huffington Post).
Peer. A person, such as a family member, with lived experience with a particular condition or set of conditions, such as mental health, substance use, or physical illnesses, who can serve as a supportive advocate for the Panel Enrollee. Pooled Participants: Participants that aggregate the number of Panel Enrollees in each Participant’s Panel or that are aggregated by EOHHS in the manner, to the extent and for the purposes permitted by the RFA. Practice Site: A physical location with an individual address from which Contractor provides Primary Care Services. Primary Care or Primary Care Services: Health care services customarily furnished by or through a general practitioner, family physician, internal medicine physician, obstetrician / gynecologist, pediatrician, independent nurse practitioner, to the extent the furnishing of those services is legally authorized in the Commonwealth. Primary Care Services include CPCP Covered Services as listed in Attachment C of the RFA. Primary Care Services do not include emergency or post-stabilization services provided in a hospital or other outpatient setting. Primary Care Clinician (PCC): A physician, independent nurse practitioner, group practice organization, community health center, hospital-licensed health center, or acute hospital outpatient department, with a signed PCC Plan Provider agreement that is approved by EOHHS, pursuant to 130 CMR 450.118. Primary Care Clinician (PCC) Plan’s Behavioral Health Vendor (BH Vendor): The entity with which EOHHS contracts to administer EOHHS’s Behavioral Health program for Members enrolled in the PCC Plan. Primary Care Payment Reform Initiative (PCPRI): The program that is the subject of this Contract Addendum. Primary Care Provider: A health care professional licensed and qualified to provide general medical care for common health care problems, who supervises, coordinates, prescribes or otherwise provides or proposes health care services, initiates referrals for specialist care and maintains continuity of care within the scope of practice. A Primary Care Provider may be, but is not necessarily, a PCC in the PCC Plan.