Levels Sample Clauses
Levels. Service will be made available to Customer via one or more of the following levels:
Levels. (1) Level One Principal or Immediate Superior
(a) A unit member with a grievance or dispute shall first discuss it with an immediate supervisor or principal, either directly or with the SEA’s Building Grievance Representative, with the objective of resolving the matter informally.
(b) Before proceeding to Level Two, the matter shall be presented to the Grievance Committee of the SEA, which shall decide whether there is a valid grievance.
(c) Where the Grievance Committee rejects the validity of the grievance and the grievant or grievants decide to proceed to Level Two, any costs incurred by the grievant or grievants shall be at their own expense.
(2) Level Two Superintendent of Schools
(a) In the event that such aggrieved unit member is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level One, or in the event that no decision has been rendered within ten (10) school days after presentation of the grievance, the aggrieved party may appeal in writing to the Superintendent of Schools through the chairperson of the SEA Grievance Committee within five (5) school days after the decision at Level One or fifteen (15) school days after the grievance was presented, whichever is sooner.
(b) The Superintendent shall represent the Administration at this level of the grievance procedure. Within ten (10) school days after receipt of the written grievance by the Superintendent, the Superintendent shall meet with the aggrieved unit member in an effort to resolve it.
(c) If a unit member does not file a written grievance to the Superintendent within ninety (90) days after the member of the unit knew, or should have known of, the act or condition on which the grievance is based, then the grievance shall be waived.
(d) A dispute as to whether a grievance has been waived under this paragraph shall be subject to arbitration pursuant to Paragraph D4 of this article.
(3) Level Three Board of Education
(a) In the event that the aggrieved unit member is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Two, or in the event no decision has been rendered within ten (10) school days after he or she has first met with the Superintendent, he or she may file a written grievance, indicating such dissatisfaction, with the chairperson of the SEA Grievance Committee within fifteen (15) school days after he/she has first met with the Superintendent, or within five (5) school days after the decision at Level Two, whichever is sooner. Within five (5) school days after receivi...
Levels. Prices are based on quality levels commensurate with ITT’s standard specifications and normal processing. If a different quality level is required, Buyer shall specify the requirements in writing and pay any additional costs that may apply.
Levels. This policy recognises four levels of disciplinary procedure: • Counselling • First Written Warning • Final Written Warning • Dismissal The nature and frequency of the problem will generally determine which level of disciplinary procedure will apply in any individual situation.
Levels. Health Service Medical Practitioner 13-15 inclusive
Levels. Level 1: The building principal (or immediate supervisor) or designated representative Level 2: The Superintendent or designated representative. Level 3: Mediation
Levels. Employees will be notified of their right to representation at all levels of the Corrective Action Process. Employees, who dispute any action under this process, shall have the right to file a grievance at any time during the process, within the timelines specified by the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
Levels. Light activity of frequent duration. OR Moderate activity of occasional duration.
Levels. Results are limited within the unit and with limited impact. Work is subject to regular checks and close direction by others. Work of others is usually not related to or dependent on this job.