Polygraph Testing Sample Clauses
Polygraph Testing. The Corporation and its representatives will not initiate, suggest, demand or otherwise intimate that any employee is expected or required to submit, for any reason, to polygraph testing, nor will the results of such testing be used as evidence in arbitration hearings. Where tests have been taken or refused by any party involved in an arbitration, neither party may refer to this in the arbitration.
Polygraph Testing. The University will not utilize any polygraph examinations and/or their results in any personnel action.
Polygraph Testing. The City may request but shall not require an employee to submit to a polygraph examination. Should the employee agree, the employee shall be informed of the topic of the examination and provided twenty-four (24) hours’ notice of the examination.
Polygraph Testing. No employee will be required to take a polygraph examination as a condition of retaining employment, nor will any employee be subject to discipline for refusing to take a polygraph examination.
Polygraph Testing. The University will comply with State Law on Polygraph Testing.
Polygraph Testing. Polygraph (lie detector or other like device) shall not be used in initial employment interviews or testing nor shall any Associate be required to submit to the use of such machine as a condition of continued employment.
Polygraph Testing. For children participating in sex offender treatment, the cost of the Offense Summary Polygraph and the Sexual History Polygraph will be paid by the Service Provider at a rate of $175 per exam. Additional polygraphs required due to the child failing one or both of the aforementioned exams will be paid by the Juvenile Probation at a rate of $175 per exam. Psychiatric services will be provided on an as needed basis following consultation and agreement between El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department and the service agency. If jointly agreed as stated in the above paragraph, then the initial psychiatric evaluation will be paid for by the Juvenile Probation at a rate of $200 per exam. Follow-up evaluations will be paid by Juvenile Probation at a rate of $100 per exam.
Polygraph Testing. The offender shall submit to polygraph testing at a minimum of one time per year while on a sex offender aftercare or general supervision caseload.
Polygraph Testing. 32 Section 14.5. Rules, Regul ations and Practic32es SectioBni1l4.6.l of Rights ................................ ........................... 32 Section 14.7. Arbitrat................................ ion of Discipline ......... 32 ARTICLE XV