Section 14.7 Sample Clauses

Section 14.7. 24 The administration and the employees will cooperate with each other in the investigation of any 25 grievance, and further, will furnish such reasonable information relating to the grievance as is requested 26 for the processing of any grievance.
Section 14.7. 16 Annually in labor management, the parties will review the answers to the 14 job measure questions for 17 positions in levels A and B to ensure the job description is current, and to review any answer changes 18 which may impact the position’s total score for level placement. Level A positions will be reviewed in 19 November of every odd year, and Level B positions will be reviewed in November of every even year. 20 If a Level change is substantiated, the pay increase will be made retroactive to September 1.
Section 14.7The parties recognize that a well-trained and technologically proficient workforce is beneficial to employer and employees alike. As technological changes are occurring at a rapid pace, such changes may have a dramatic impact on both employees’ careers and the employer’s business. In the event the Employer introduces technological changes that impact bargaining unit work, they shall meet to discuss the changes, their anticipated impact on the workforce, and any other subjects relating to or arising from the technological change in question and the affected employees.
Section 14.7. 13 The District agrees to accept employee authorization of dues by paper form, voice-authorization and X- 00 signature in accordance with “E-SIGN”. PSE Membership Department will provide a list of those 15 members who have agreed to union membership via any of the above methods. The PSE Membership 16 Department will be the custodian of the records related to dues authorization and agrees that, as the 17 custodian of the records, it has the responsibility to ensure the accuracy and safe-keeping of those 18 records. 20 22 ARTICLE XV 23
Section 14.7. 2 The membership of the Mount Baker JATC shall consist of four (4) members: two (2) members shall be 3 appointed by the District and two (2) members appointed by the Mount Baker PSE. 7 A R T IC L E X V 8 9 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND DUES DEDUCTION 12 All employees subject to this Agreement may choose to join the Association. The District shall deduct 13 Association dues and assessments from the pay of any employee who authorizes such deductions upon 14 receipt of a written authorization executed by an individual employee.
Section 14.7. 29 Employees who transfer from one classification to another or fill new or open positions pursuant to 30 Article XIV shall, during the first twenty (20) working days, have the option of returning to their 31 previous job position. During those same twenty (20) working days, the District shall have the option 32 of reassigning the employee to his/her previous job position.
Section 14.7. 6 Provided the Washington State Legislature continues to fund the Paraeducator Certification Program 7 the District will reimburse all employees in the Educational Support Professional Classification for the 8 cost of all required clock hours and certificates of which are part of the Paraeducator Certificate 9 Program through the Professional Educator Standards Board. 11 14 A R T I C L E X V 15 16 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AND CHECKOFF
Section 14.7. 5 At the time of hire, the District will inform new hires of the terms and conditions of this Article. 9 A R T I C L E X V 11 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE
Section 14.7. 26 The District will provide PSE reasonable access to new employees of the bargaining unit for the 27 presenting information about PSE to the new employee. “Reasonable access” for the purposes of this 28 section means the access to the new employee occurs within one month of the employee’s start date 29 within the bargaining unit; the access is for no less than thirty (30) minutes; and the access occurs 30 during the new employee’s regular work hours at the employee’s regular worksite, or at a location 31 mutually agreed to by the District and PSE. 34 35 A R T I C L E X V 36 37 SALARIES AND EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION 38 39 Section 15.1 40 Employees shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, Schedule A as 41 attached, and Section 6.2, 6.4. and 6.5. for hours worked. 42 43 Section 15.2. 44 Salaries for employees subject to this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement, are contained in 45 Schedule A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein.
Section 14.7. 23 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall require Association membership of employees who object to 24 such membership based on bona fide religious tenets, or philosophical belief, or teachings of a church or 25 religious body of which such employee is a member. Such employee shall pay an amount equivalent to 26 normal dues to a nonreligious charity or other charitable organization mutually agreed upon by the 27 employee and the Association. The employee shall furnish written proof that such payment has been 28 made. If the employee and the Association cannot agree on such matter, it shall be resolved by the Public 29 Employment Relations Commission pursuant to RCW 41.56.