Premises Security Sample Clauses
Premises Security. 10.1 Security of premises and control of access.
Premises Security. The Tenant shall be responsible for the security of the Premises and shall use its best endeavours to protect and keep safe the Premises and any property contained therein from theft, robbery, fraudulent or unlawful access, or any other antisocial behaviour. The Tenant shall keep all doors, windows and other openings closed and securely fastened when the Premises are not in use or left unoccupied. أمن العين المستأجرة يكون المستأجر مسئولا عن امن العين المستأجرة و عليه ان يبذل أفضل الجهود في حماية العين المستأجرة و أية محتويات بداخلها من السرقة و السطو أو الإحتيال أو أي دخول غير قانوني، او أي سلوك إجتماعي غير مستحب. و يتعين علي المستأجر إبقاء كل الأبواب و النوافذ مغلقة و محكمة الإغلاق في حال كانت العين المستأجرة غير مشغولة.
Premises Security. Please describe how you will comply with the requirements of Premise Security.
Premises Security. Tenant assumes full responsibility for protecting its space from theft, robbery and pilferage, which includes keeping doors locked and other means of entry to the Premises closed and secure. Landlord shall not in any way be responsible to Tenants or any Tenant Party, for any loss of property from the Premises or public areas or for any damage to any property thereon from any cause whatsoever.
Premises Security. The University shall make reasonable efforts to maintain Premises and Building security according to the University’s own security standards, but the University makes no representations as to security of the Building or the Premises and shall not be responsible for any breach in Building or Premises security, nor for any trespass, theft, vandalism, loss or damage whatsoever that may occur in the Building or the Premises. Licensee shall take reasonable and routine safety and security precautions when accessing the Building and the Premises, and shall not provide unauthorized persons with access to the Building or the Premises.
Premises Security. Please describe how you will comply with the requirements of Premise Security. Guidance: Please detail the security measures you will operate for your premises to ensure that DWP Data is protected from unauthorised access theft or damage, these should cover: - Controls and procedures to secure the perimeter of site building or office; - Controls and procedures to allow only authorised personnel to enter site; and - Controls and procedures to allow only authorised personnel into secure areas. Please provide details of Business Continuity plans.
Premises Security. 21.1 University’s [Option:___________] [Option: ODOP] has the authority and responsibility to maintain the security of all University premises and property. Contractor will cooperate with [Option:________] [Option: ODOP] in all matters including the reporting of suspected security violations. Contractor will immediately report any evidence of security breaches to [Option:________] [Option: ODOP] at _______________.
21.2 Under no circumstances will keys or access cards in Contractor's possession be used to admit persons, known or unknown, into buildings, rooms, or offices or other facilities on University’s premises. Anyone requesting admittance must be referred by Contractor to [Option:___________] [Option: ODOP] at _______________.
21.3 In an effort to maintain maximum security in each Service Area, ALL DOORS ARE TO BE UNLOCKED ONLY WHILE CLEANING IS BEING PERFORMED AND MUST BE CLOSED AND LOCKED AFTER CLEANING IS COMPLETE. Lights are to be turned off when Contractor leaves each room in a Service Area. At no time will Contractor permit an unattended room in a Service Area to remain unlocked or lighted. [Option (Include if University feels a liquidated damage provision is necessary. Note that liquidated damages may not be enforceable in Texas.): Contractor and University agree that leaving doors unlocked and lights on after cleaning of a room in a Service Area could result in the disruption of University’s business operations and the resulting harm is incapable of being estimated or is difficult to estimate. Therefore, as a reasonable estimate of just compensation for the harm caused by leaving doors unlocked and lights on after cleaning of a room in a Service Area, Contractor and University agree that, if doors remain unlocked or lights remain on after cleaning of a room in a Service Area, then at University’s option (1) Contractor will pay University an amount equal to [Option:________] [Option: $50.00] for each occurrence, or (2) University may offset an amount equal to [Option:________] [Option: $50.00] for each occurrence from any amounts otherwise due by University to Contractor. Contractor and University agree that this remedy is not a penalty but is a reasonable estimate of just compensation to University.]
Premises Security. FIS will comply with Client’s applicable written safety, security and facilities procedures and policies applicable generally to Client’s employees, for Services performed on Client’s premises. Client agrees to give FIS written notice of applicable policies and procedures upon FIS’s request. Client will promptly notify FIS in writing of any changes in such policies and procedures previously provided to FIS. Client will be responsible for compliance by Client’s personnel with FIS’s standard safety, security and facilities procedures and policies when on any premises or facilities of FIS.
Premises Security. The Contractor shall make every effort to identify unauthorized diners in such a manner as not to delay service or inconvenience authorized persons from being served. The University shall be responsible for the removal and/or discipline of unauthorized persons, as the University, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. The Contractor shall also have the responsibility for determining that all appropriate equipment and lights have been turned off and appropriate doors locked at the close of operation within the food service venues. The areas under the Contractor’s jurisdiction shall be the Contractor’s responsibility relative to security during the scheduled hours of operation. The University shall not be responsible in any manner for the loss or damage to the Contractor’s stored supplies, materials, or equipment, or for any of the Contractor’s employees’ personal belongings brought onto the premises.
Premises Security. Except as provided by Landlord, Tenant shall be responsible for ensuring the perimeter and all eased areas and structures of the areas that Tenant is leasing from Landlord are adequately secured against trespassing. Landlord and Tenant shall jointly meet with co-tenants, if any, to ensure Premises security protocols and expectations are adequately communicated and understood. Landlord shall nominate a property manager that staff and co-tenants may contact and maintain a 24-hour contact phone number for use in the event of an emergency. Where necessary, Tenant shall make itself available to communicate with co-tenants on Landlord’s behalf or on behalf of co-tenants, or Owner.