Progression For progression for all classifications under this agreement, refer to Schedules A to D.
Incremental Progression Three (3) Year Trained Teacher - Professional Development (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 7.1.4 (f), a 3 year trained teacher may apply for progression by annual increments from Proficient 4 to 8 subject to the following conditions: (i) completion of at least twelve (12) months service on Proficient 4; (ii) participation in one hundred and fifty (150) hours of accredited professional development activities to be achieved at an annual average rate of not less than thirty (30) hours (five (5) days) and to be undertaken outside the hours engaged in teaching; and (iii) provision of a statement outlining the knowledge and skills acquired through participation in professional development. (b) Applications for progression identified in paragraph 7.1.6 (a) shall be made through the principal of the school and be subject to assessment and recommendation to the school authority by a panel consisting of: (i) a representative of the school authority; (ii) a representative of the teacher seeking progression; (iii) a representative jointly agreed to. (c) Applications for progression identified in paragraph 7.1.6 (a) shall include: (i) certification of participation in accredited professional development activities by activity providers; and (ii) a brief statement on a standard agreed, outlining the additional knowledge and skills acquired and their application in the teacher's work. (d) No teacher shall be required to undergo classroom or other inspection for the purposes of certification. (e) The review panel identified in paragraph 7.1.6 (b) shall make a recommendation to the employing authority as to whether in its opinion the teacher has satisfied the eligibility criteria in clause 7.1.6 (a). (f) A teacher who is assessed by the review panel as having satisfied the requirements contained in clause 7.1.6 (a) shall be entitled to progress to the next incremental pay step (Proficient 4 to 8 as appropriate) effective from their date of application or on the completion of twelve (12) months' service on their current incremental step (whichever is the later).
Step III 12.5.1 If the employee desires to appeal the grievance to Step III, the employee shall complete the appropriate appeal section of the grievance form, sign the appeal, and present the grievance to the Municipal Employee Relations Officer or designee within five (5) working days following receipt of the written decision at Step II. 12.5.2 Within fifteen (15) working days after receipt of the appeal to Step III, the Municipal Employee Relations Officer or designee shall hold a meeting with the employee, the appropriate Union representative, the Department Director or designee to discuss the matter. A written decision shall be given the employee or the appropriate Union representative within five (5) working days following the meeting. 12.5.3 If the decision of the Municipal Employee Relations Officer or designee is unsatisfactory, the appropriate employee organization representative may appeal the grievance to Step IV - Arbitration.
STEP IV If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step III, the Association may submit the grievance to final and binding arbitration through the American Arbitration Association, which shall act as the administrator of the proceedings. If a demand for arbitration is not filed within thirty (30) days of the day for Step IV answer, then the grievance shall be deemed withdrawn. a. The arbitrator shall have no power to alter the terms of the agreement.
STEP II If the grievance is not resolved at Step I, the Association may refer the grievance to the superintendent or the superintendent's official designee within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the Step I answer. The superintendent shall arrange with the Association representative for a meeting to take place within fifteen (15) days of the superintendent's receipt of the appeal. Within ten (10) days of the meeting, the Association shall be provided with the superintendent's written response, including the reasons for the decision.
Step I An employee may present the grievance orally either directly or through the Union representative to the immediate supervisor. The grievance must be presented within ten (10) working days following the event or events on which the grievance is based. The immediate supervisor shall make whatever investigation is necessary to obtain the facts pertaining to the grievance. Within ten (10) working days after receiving the oral grievance, the immediate supervisor shall give the employee an oral reply. If the employee is not satisfied with the reply of his/her immediate supervisor, he/she may appeal the grievance to Step II.
Step 3 i. The employer shall investigate the complaint. The investigation shall be conducted by a person who shall have training and/or experience in investigating complaints of harassment. The complainant may request that the investigator shall be of the same gender as the complainant and where practicable the request will not be denied. ii. The investigation shall be conducted as soon as is reasonably possible and shall be completed in ten (10) working days unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.
COSTS DISTRIBUTED THROUGH COUNTYWIDE COST ALLOCATIONS The indirect overhead and support service costs listed in the Summary Schedule (attached) are formally approved as actual costs for fiscal year 2022-23, and as estimated costs for fiscal year 2024-25 on a “fixed with carry-forward” basis. These costs may be included as part of the county departments’ costs indicated effective July 1, 2024, for further allocation to federal grants and contracts performed by the respective county departments.
Order Confirmation All TIPS Member Agreement purchase orders are approved daily by TIPS and sent to vendor. The vendor should confirm receipt of orders to the TIPS Member (customer) within 3 business days. • Vendor custom website for TIPS: If Vendor is hosting a custom TIPS website, updated pricing when effective. TIPS shall be notified when prices change in accordance with the award.
Step 2 If the grievance is not settled under Step 1, a Union representative may, within five (5) workdays of the decision under Step 1 or within five (5) workdays of the day this decision should have been made, submit a written grievance to the Employer. The parties shall meet to discuss the grievance within one (1) week after the grievance has been filed. The Employer shall notify the grievor and the Union representative of his decision in writing within three (3) workdays following the said meeting.