Rights of the Parties Sample Clauses
Rights of the Parties. Nothing expressed or implied in this Agreement is intended or will be construed to confer upon or give any Person other than the parties hereto any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement or any transaction contemplated hereby.
Rights of the Parties. Should a complainant file a complaint under the provisions of the Human Rights Code, it is understood that the Human Rights Code complaint will be set aside until such time as the procedures under this Article have been completed. Where an allegation includes both complaints under the Human Rights Code and a personal harassment complaint, the local parties may agree to have the Investigator investigate all of the complaints, in order to relieve against expense and duality of process.
2.5.1 The above noted procedure does not restrict:
(a) The employer's right to take disciplinary action;
(b) The union's right to grieve such disciplinary action or to grieve an alleged violation of this Article.
2.5.2 The report of the investigator may be used in the development of an Agreed Statement of Fact for an arbitral proceeding.
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 The Board will make available to the Association, upon its request, statistics and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 A copy of the current Board Policy and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the public.
5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state and national Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School District. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lost.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe same basis as other school affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevail.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet wi...
Rights of the Parties. SECTION 1. The Union retains all rights, except as those rights are limited by the express and specific language of this written Agreement. Nothing anywhere in this Agreement shall be construed to impair the right of the Union to conduct its affairs in all particulars except as expressly and specifically modified by the express and specific language of this written Agreement. It is further agreed that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting the Union’s right to control its internal affairs and discipline its members who have violated the Union’s Constitution and Bylaws, or who have violated the terms of this Agreement, or who have crossed or worked behind a primary picket line including, but not limited to, such a picket line at the Employer’s premises or jobsite where the Employer is engaged in work. It shall not be a violation of this Agreement if the Union advises Cement Masons to exercise rights conferred by this Agreement or provided by law.
SECTION 2. Except as limited by this Agreement the Employer shall have exclusive right to manage their business, to control and supervise all operations and direct all work forces, including but not limited to the right to select and hire, discharge (with or without cause), promote, transfer, or schedule employees, to control and regulate the use of equipment, materials, tools and other property of the Employer and to maintain efficiency among their employees.
SECTION 3. Any reference to “mutual agreement” is defined to mean an agreement between the Union and the Employer.
Rights of the Parties. (A) The Board reserves to itself sole jurisdiction and authority over matters of policy and retains the rights, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to the following:
(1) To direct teachers of the School District.
(2) To hire, promote, assign, and to retain teachers in positions with the School District and, with just cause, to demote, suspend, discharge, or take other disciplinary action against teachers, except that the just cause provision shall not apply to non-renewal of teachers who are not on continuing contract as defined by contract.
(3) To relieve teachers from duties because of lack of work or for other legitimate reasons.
(4) To maintain the efficiency of the School District operations entrusted to them.
(5) To determine the method, means, and personnel by which such operations are to be conducted.
(6) To take whatever actions which may be necessary to carry out the mission of the School District in situations of emergency.
(B) The Board agrees that all employees shall have full freedom of association and self-organization and shall be free from restraint, coercion, interference, discrimination or reprisals by the Board by reason of membership in the Association or participation in any of its business and activities or the exercise of their individual rights under RSA 273-A.
(C) There shall be no reprisals by either the Board or the Association against any employee by reasons of membership or lack of membership, or participation in the Association, nor shall reprisals be taken against an employee as a result of participation in the grievance or arbitration procedure provided by this Agreement.
(D) The Board agrees to make available to the Association two (2) copies of the minutes of School Board meetings.
(E) Those members of the bargaining unit so designated by the Association shall be permitted to place notices, circulars, and other materials pertaining to Association business in the Association members’ mailboxes, not contrary to law.
(F) The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use the school buildings at all reasonable times subject to ARTICLE 5 (B).
(G) Representatives of the Association and their affiliates shall be permitted to transact Association business on school property at all reasonable times, subject to ARTICLE 5.
(H) The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment, including typewriters, computers, and copiers, at all reasonable times with ...
Rights of the Parties. 5.1. Rostelecom shall have the right to:
5.1.1. Change, on a unilateral basis, the Tariffs, payment terms and conditions and time frames pursuant to para. 4.1.2 hereof.
5.1.2. Initiate temporary suspension of User’s access to the long-distance and international telecommunications in circumstances referred to in para. 7.2. hereof.
5.2. The User shall have the right to:
5.2.1. Raise objections against bills issued to it, in the manner described in Article 8 below.
5.2.2. To refuse to pay for Telecommunications, that was rendered to the User without their concert. Telecommunications shall be deemed provided with User’s consent if the call is made from the User Equipment by means of the course of action referred to in paras 3.2. and 3.3. hereof.
Rights of the Parties. 23.1 The Union retains all rights except as those rights are limited by the express and specific language of this written Agreement. Nothing anywhere in this Agreement shall be construed to impair the right of the Union to conduct its affairs in all particulars except as expressly and specifically modified by the express and specific language of this written Agreement. The Union and the Employer agree that nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting the Union’s right to control its internal affairs and discipline its members who have violated the Union’s Constitution and Bylaws, or who have violated the terms of this Agreement. This Section is not intended and shall not be construed to authorize any conduct which is proscribed by the National Labor Relations Act.
23.2 Except as specifically limited herein, the Employer shall have the exclusive right to manage its business, to control and supervise all operations and direct all working forces, including but not limited to, the right to select and hire, discipline or discharge for justifiable cause, lay off, promote, transfer, or schedule employees, to control and regulate the use of all equipment, materials, tools and other property of the Employer, and to maintain discipline and efficiency among its employees. Pertaining exclusively to the Washington Association of Signatory Glazing Contractors, Inc. Collective Bargaining Agreement, discipline or discharge for justifiable cause shall be defined as the Employer’s judgment of unsatisfactory quality or quantity of work, unsatisfactory attendance and/or tardiness, lack of skills, misuse of paid time, and/or other unsatisfactory workplace-relevant behavior. The Employer retains discretion to determine the degree of discipline to apply or to waive based upon the Employer’s judgment and without precedent. The Employer will not exercise its judgment or discretion in an arbitrary or capricious manner. Justifiable cause will not apply to an employee who has less than fifteen (15) consecutive working days employment at the Company prior to the date of any discipline/discharge.
23.3 Supervisors or managers shall have the right to work at the trade within the shop only. Under this Section the number of people in these categories shall be determined, by the Employer and the Union, on an individual shop basis.
Rights of the Parties. 18.4.1 No recording device shall be utilized at Levels 1 through 3 of these procedures, and no person shall be present for the sole purpose of recording the discussion at these levels.
18.4.2 The parties shall have the right to stenographic assistance at their own expense at Level 4 (arbitration). By mutual consent, the cost of such transcript or recording may be equally shared by the parties.
Rights of the Parties. The Parties, according to the ASPS, may:
a) establish, adopt, maintain or implement any sanitary or phytosanitary measures in their territories , only to the extent necessary to protect human life and health (food safety) and animal life and health or to preserve plant health, even if they are stricter than international standard, guidelines or recommendations, provided that there is a scientific basis to justify them;
b) implement the sanitary and phytosanitary measures only to the extent necessary to reach an appropriate level of protection; and
c) verify that plants, animals, products and by-products bound for export are subject to sanitary and phytosanitary monitoring to ensure conformity with the requirements of the sanitary and phytosanitary measures established by the importing Party.
Rights of the Parties.
4.1 The parties will make available to each other non-confidential information which is necessary in connection with negotiations upon written request from the other party.
4.2 The Federation shall have a right to access employees before school, during breaks and lunch periods, and after school, not to interfere with class assignments or assigned duty.
4.3 District shall provide the Federation with a copy of the school board agenda documents to which the public would have access or inspection rights under the provisions of the Public Records Act. Such documents shall be made available at the time and in the same manner as they are made available to the Board.
4.4 Upon request, the designated representatives of the parties shall be provided with all necessary information from the other party that is non-confidential by law and which is necessary in connection with the review of matters relating to employee/employer relations. The exercise of this right shall not be arbitrary or capricious. After request has been made, materials will be transmitted during the normal hours that the district administrative offices are open.
4.5 The Federation shall provide the District with a current list of authorized representatives of the Federation. Changes in representatives shall be provided to the District.
4.6 It is understood and agreed that the District retains all of its powers and authority to direct, manage, and control the operations of the District to the full extent of the law. Included in (but not limited to) those duties and powers are the exclusive right to: determine its organization; direct the work of its employees; determine the initial times and hours of operation; determine the kinds and levels of services to be provided and the method and means of providing them, including the use of independent contractors and the subcontracting out of work; establish its educational policies, goals, and objectives; ensure the rights and educational opportunities of students; determine staffing patterns; determine the number and kinds of personnel required; maintain the efficiency of the District operation; build, move, or modify facilities; establish budget procedures and determine the methods of raising revenues; and take action on any matter in the event of an emergency. In addition, the Board retains the right to hire, classify, assign, evaluate, promote, terminate and discipline employees. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and re...