Project Signs. The Contractor shall supply, erect, and maintain Project Sign(s) in accordance with the City of Roanoke Standard Detail. The sign(s) shall be located as directed by the Division Manager. The Contractor shall not display any other signs or advertisements.
Project Signs. Outside the Project ROW 2
Project Signs. Unless otherwise specified for “Construction Project Informational (CPI) signs” in the Special Provisions of the Contract, the following shall apply:
Project Signs. Contractor, at no additional cost to the Owner, shall construct a project job sign as indicated and described on Site Sign Detail. Contractor shall coordinate location of sign with Owner's representative and install such sign within 21 days after Owner's issuance of "Notice to Proceed". Any deletion/addition of lettering during the life of the Project will be at the Contractor's expense. Contractor will remove and properly dispose of sign at Substantial Completion of the Project. With the exception of the right reserved by the Owner to erect a sign in connection with the Project and unless otherwise provided in the Contract, Contractor shall not display or permit to be displayed on or about the project, any sign, trademark, poster or other advertising or identifying device, without prior written approval of Owner.
Project Signs. If BORROWER displays, during the TIME OF PERFORMANCE, any signs or markers identifying parties that are providing funds for the PROJECT, BORROWER must include the Washington State Department of Health Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and the Washington State Department of Health as participants in the PROJECT.
Project Signs. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, erect, maintain and remove one project sign each, for DHHL and USDA. The project signboard shall be 3/4 inch thick, “AC” exterior grade fir plywood, 4 feet in height and 7 feet long each. All lettering type and size and color selection shall be as specified by DHHL and USDA (refer to Exhibit A). All paints used shall be exterior enamel paints manufactured either by Ameritone-Devoe, Boysen, DuPont, Dutch Boy Xxxxxx-X’Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx, Pittsburg, Sherwin—Williams, Sinclair, or approved equal, and made primarily for the purpose for which they are used, and shall be prepared and applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions. Signs shall be painted with one prime coat and two finish coats. Final layout shall be based upon sign plans submitted by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the DHHL. The Project Sign shall be erected at a location directed by the DHHL and shall be adequately braced in such a way that does not interfere with the viewing of the signs. The sign shall be maintained in good condition throughout the progress of the work until final completion of the project. The project sign shall be erected within five (5) days after approval of the sign layout. After the final approval of the construction work by the DHHL, the project sign shall be removed from the site and shall become the property of the CONTRACTOR. Payment will be made for one project sign painted, with lettering specified by DHHL, in place complete (see attachment). Payment for sign removal shall be incidental to said item.
Project Signs. A project sign consistent with criteria established by the Secretary (HUD), shall be erected on the Project site prior to commencement of construction through completion of construction.
Project Signs. A. The Contractor must furnish, erect and maintain at each Work Area at points and in positions to be designated by the Commissioner, two signs 2’-0” X 3’- 0” or 4’-0” X 6’-0” or other signs as directed. Lettering on each sign will be as per the Details or as ordered or provided by the Commissioner. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor must remove all such signs unless otherwise ordered by the Commissioner and deliver these signs to the Department. Contractor shall protect signs from damage; and shall promptly replace signs that are damaged or defaced to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. The cost of furnishing, erecting and maintaining project signs will be included in the prices bid for Mobilization.
Project Signs. All reports and other documents completed, as part of this Contract, other than documents prepared exclusively for internal use, shall contain an appropriate notice of financial assistance provided by PennDOT.
Project Signs. All reports and other documents completed, as part of this Contract, other than documents prepared exclusively for internal use, shall contain an appropriate notice of financial assistance provided by XxxxXXX.