Project Strategy. A narrative description of the Project delivery methods which shall be utilized to accomplish the Project goals.
Project Strategy. Project design: Results Framework/Logframe:
Project Strategy. 25 In the SNC, Nepal will especially address the lack of data and information on emissions in some of the important sectors not included in the first INC; establish new and important information for the analysis and elaboration of projections regarding the behaviour of the emissions and absorption of GHGs. The general description of steps, as they appeared in the INC was developed after consideration of Nepal’s experiences and that of other institutions that cooperated in this respect. There were several gaps that need to be filled-up in the SNC. The strategy will focus mainly on the following:
a) Use of current climate vulnerability and adaptation as a starting point for the baseline analysis.
b) Explicit inclusion of adaptation to climate variability and extreme events, as well as longer- term average climate change
c) Development, testing and application of an analytical framework for strengthening adaptive capacity to assess vulnerability and to prepare for adaptation
d) Specific examination of current development activities, especially those activities that increase vulnerability to climate variability and change, or which are maladaptive
e) Integration of adaptive strategies, policies and measures into development plans and activities of national-scale policies.
f) Identifying multiple interventions from the local to the national scale
g) Exploring the linkages between these interventions at different spatial and temporal scales
h) Elaborating how varying levels of current vulnerability will characterize different sectors in the future
i) Specifically examining how local-scale interventions can best influence national policy and formulation.
Project Strategy. A principal component of the AED Project’s strategy is to focus on “aggregation of efforts.” What does this mean? The aggregation of the human rights community’s efforts has several interrelated aspects: • Gaining a holistic picture of the human rights environment, or the environment for a given human rights issue, and tracking changes. • Developing strategies – by identifying, targeting and prioritizing changes that will have systemic effects, and then weaving activities into the strategy to serve larger goals; and • Building constituencies that put power behind the pursuit of the goal, including connecting the relatively vast population of victims and potential victims to the relatively small population of activists and professionals involved in human rights. As the graphic below illustrates, these foci are mutually reinforcing. A holistic assessment of the human rights environment enables comprehensive strategies and prioritization of activities. Those activities then provide further information to refine assessments and strategies. Where the process is participatory, it should also draw in ever larger numbers of allies and constituents. Implementation: • Communications • Outreach • Lobbying • Awareness • Networking • Constituency building Dialogue Research & Information Gathering Strategic Planning & Political Mapping Problem Identification To accomplish this strategic aggregation, AED will utilize a series of organizing principals, including the following: • Incrementalism. As AED starts working with the Human Rights community in Bangladesh, it brings no comprehensive blueprint for the human rights community’s future actions. In a similar manner, the community itself articulates no overarching vision for what things might look like after five or ten years. Instead, AED is putting in place a series of processes to help the HR community reach strategic decisions. Decisions relating to the project will be made incrementally, as groups and organizations learn what works, and build on experience and successes. The HR community can only move forward as fast as it wants to.
Project Strategy. Definition of the real estate and credit niche that the Project fills and justification of the range of returns which is contemplated. Building Design: Preliminary description of building design (e.g., massing, floor plans, elevations), including site plan and any special features that impact potential multi-tenant re-leasing.1
Project Strategy. Given this context, XXx proposes an intervention on the outstanding health problems (water-related diseases) in the two districts mentioned above [...
Project Strategy. In order to achieve the goals of the program, three key strategies have been developed:
Project Strategy. Steps of an NFA project
Project Strategy. The heads of project are allowed freedom in the realisation of the coordinated tasks; they inform the WHS of any planned activities and actions. If the heads of project propose changes in the project strategy, these changes must be discussed with and approved by the WHS before being executed. They have to be added in written form to this project contract.
Project Strategy. The overall strategy is to facilitate the process towards the establishment of a global cybersecurity strategy for each of the involved Member States. As such the aim is to initially equip Member States with functioning CIRTs, to be extended to other interested Member States in the future. This project will: facilitate the establishment of watch-warning and incident response capabilities to better identify, respond to, and manage cyber-threats; assist the Member State in identifying its national critical information infrastructure sectors and establish a foundation on the national level to be able to further elaborate and implement a national cybersecurity strategy; build the national capacity and transfer know-how required in order to facilitate further development within the area of national critical information infrastructure protection, such as establishing sector CIRTs, etc.