Trial Period Other than certain benefits prescribed by law, the Employee will not be eligible for Benefits, Vacation Time, or Personal Leave until after the first days of employment (“Trial Period”). In addition, the Employee will not be eligible vacation time, sick leave, or any time off that would be paid or unpaid.
Promotional Probationary Period For a permanent worker who changes job classification due to promotion (except as noted in Section 7.5), probation shall be for six months, unless the worker is released from the new job before this time. At the end of the second month on the new job, the worker shall receive a written evaluation of his/her performance and progress towards permanency. The worker retains permanent status in the District and is only probationary in the new job. If he/she is released from the new job during the six-month probationary period, the Director of Human Resources shall assign the worker to a position in the class in which he/she holds permanency. He/she will be reinstated as a permanent worker, and his/her seniority at the higher position shall be credited to his/her seniority in the lower class. Workers who successfully complete probation shall have their annual step date adjusted to reflect the six-month probationary period.
Promotional Probation a. An employee on promotional probation may be failed at any time without right of appeal or hearing, except as provided in C.3., below, and except that failing an employee on promotional probation must not be arbitrary, capricious or unreasonable. b. An employee who fails promotional probation shall receive a performance evaluation stating the reason for failure of promotional probation. c. When an employee fails his or her promotional probation, the employee shall have the right to return to his or her former class provided the employee was not in the previous class for the purpose of training for a promotion to a higher class. When an employee is returned to his or her former class under the provisions of this Section, the employee shall serve the remainder of any uncompleted probationary period in the former class. A regular employee who accepts promotion to a limited-term position, other than at the direction of the employee's agency/department head, shall not have the right to return to his or her former class. d. If the employee's former class has been deleted or abolished, the employee shall have the right to return to a class in his or her former occupational series closest to, but no higher than, the salary range of the class which the employee occupied immediately prior to promotion and shall serve the remainder of any probationary period not completed in the former class.
Commercialization Plan At such times as the JGC will deem appropriate, the JGC will direct the Parties to mutually prepare a Worldwide Commercialization Plan, and the JGC will review and approve such initial Worldwide Commercialization Plan. Thereafter, the JGC will have one or the other Party (or both) update the Worldwide Commercialization Plan each calendar year, and the JGC will review and approve any such update or any other amendment to the Worldwide Commercialization Plan. Notwithstanding anything in this CCPS Agreement to the contrary, the Parties acknowledge and agree that (i) Bluebird may decline to perform any Commercialization activity proposed to be conducted by Bluebird in the Worldwide Commercialization Plan (other than Manufacturing of Vectors and associated Payloads), and (ii) the Worldwide Commercialization Plan will not include, and Bluebird will have no obligation to perform, any such Commercialization activity that Bluebird has declined to perform, provided that once Bluebird has agreed to perform a Commercialization activity, it will be obligated to perform, and cannot decline to perform, such activity. In addition, either Party may request at any time that the JGC consider and approve other updates to the Worldwide Commercialization Plan. Further: (a) The JGC will set the required form and contents of the Worldwide Commercialization Plan. The Worldwide Commercialization Plan will reflect a singular marketing and sales approach worldwide, and will specify, among other things, the number of sales reps in the U.S. for each Party, allocation of regions in the U.S. for each Parties’ sales force, creation of marketing materials, planning for conferences, and other marketing activities. CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL PORTIONS OF THIS EXHIBIT WERE OMITTED AND REPLACED WITH “[***]”. A COMPLETE VERSION OF THIS EXHIBIT HAS BEEN FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECRETARY OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO AN APPLICATION REQUESTING CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT PURSUANT TO RULE 406 PROMULGATED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED. (b) Neither Party (itself or by or through any others, including any Affiliates or Sublicensees) will take any material action regarding the Commercialization of Licensed Product unless described in the Worldwide Commercialization Plan or approved by the JGC. (c) All Commercialization of Licensed Product for U.S. Administration will be conducted under the supervision of the JGC and as part of the U.S. Development & Commercialization Program. (d) Celgene will have final decision making authority for all Commercialization activities worldwide, including timing of launch and pricing and the Worldwide Development Plan.
Trial Periods Where you take a product or service on a trial basis for a full, reduced or zero charge for a fixed period, unless otherwise advised to you in writing, you need to give us notice in writing if you wish to cancel the Service at the end of the trial. If you fail to give us notice then we will automatically invoice you for the product or service at the end of the trial for the remainder of the agreed contract term (or where there is no agreed term, for a minimum of twelve months). For the avoidance of doubt, unless otherwise agreed in writing you will be liable for all usage charges during the trial period. Should you wish to cancel after the trial then you agree to return, at your own cost, any equipment to us in full working order.
Development Period The Contractor may commence pre-construction activities like utility shifting, boundary wall construction or any other activity assigned to the Contractor by the Authority to enable construction of the Project Highway immediately after signing of the Agreement, to the extent that such work is ready for execution. The Parties agree that these works may be taken up and completed to the extent feasible by the Contractor, before declaration of the Appointed Date, but no claim against the Authority for delay shall survive during this period and that the undertaking of these works by the Contractor shall not count towards the Scheduled Construction Period of the project which starts counting only from the Appointed Date. No construction activity of the Project Highway shall be undertaken during the development period.
Development Plan document specifying the work program, schedule, and relevant investments required for the Development and the Production of a Discovery or set of Discoveries of Oil and Gas in the Concession Area, including its abandonment.
Negotiation Period The Parties shall negotiate in good faith and attempt to resolve any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement (a “Dispute”) within 30 days after the date that a Party gives written notice of such Dispute to the other Party.
Meal Period A Contractor shall schedule an unpaid period of not more than 1/2 hour duration at the work location between the 3rd and 5th hour of the scheduled shift. A Contractor may, for efficiency of operation, establish a schedule which coordinates the meal periods of two or more crafts. If an employee is required to work through the meal period, the employee shall be compensated in a manner established in the applicable Schedule A.
License Period a. The License is hereby granted in favour of the Licensee for a total period of 15 (fifteen) years from the Commencement Date subject to unless otherwise terminated by Maha-Metro or surrendered by the Successful Bidder/Licensee, in term of provisions of License Agreement. b. The tenure of License Agreement shall commence from the date of handing over of the property business space. c. Tenure of the License Period of any additional space handed over subsequently shall be co- terminus with above period irrespective of date of actual handing over for such additional space. d. There shall be a lock in period of five (05) years from the date of commencement of agreement/ handing over of licensed space. e. Licensee shall have option to exit from the License Agreement immediately after completion of lock in period of 5 (Five) years. For it, Licensee shall have to issue 180 days prior notice to Maha-Metro. Such prior notice intimation can be given after four and half (4 ½) years however option to exit will be available only after five (05) years. f. At no time during the license tenure, the Licensee shall be allowed to surrender partial Licensed Space which has been handed over to the Licensee by Maha-Metro. g. At the end of License period or in the event of termination of this agreement prior to completion of license tenure, for any reason whatsoever, all rights given under this License Agreement shall cease to have effect and the premises shall revert to Maha-Metro, without any obligation to Maha-Metro to pay or adjust any consideration or other payment to the Licensee. h. The tenure shall be inclusive of fitment period as applicable for the tendered space. i. On completion/ termination of License Agreement, the Licensee shall hand over the space with normal wear & tear. The Licensee shall be allowed to remove its assets like temporary structure, furniture, almirahs, air-conditioners, DG sets, equipments, etc. without causing damage to the existing structure. However, the Licensee shall not be allowed to remove any facility, equipment, fixture, etc. which has become an integral part of the development plan of the space. j. At the end of the License Period or sooner determination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever all rights given under this License Agreement shall cease to have effect and the Licensed Area with all the furniture and fixtures and other assets permanently attached to the Licensed Area shall revert to Maha-Metro without any obligation on part of Maha-Metro to pay or adjust any consideration or other payment to the Licensee. The Licensee voluntarily gives Maha-Metro the right to seal the said Licensed Space(s) and remarket the same as part on its discretion upon Termination of this Agreement. No claim, compensation or damages will be entertained by Maha-Metro on this account.