Trial Periods Sample Clauses

Trial Periods. Where you take a product or service on a trial basis for a full, reduced or zero charge for a fixed period, unless otherwise advised to you in writing, you need to give us notice in writing if you wish to cancel the Service at the end of the trial. If you fail to give us notice then we will automatically invoice you for the product or service at the end of the trial for the remainder of the agreed contract term (or where there is no agreed term, for a minimum of twelve months). For the avoidance of doubt, unless otherwise agreed in writing you will be liable for all usage charges during the trial period. Should you wish to cancel after the trial then you agree to return, at your own cost, any equipment to us in full working order.
Trial Periods. Where you take a product or service on a trial basis for a reduced or zero charge for a fixed period, unless otherwise advised to you in writing, you need to give us notice in writing if you wish to cancel the product or service at the end of the trial. If you fail to give us notice then we will automatically invoice you for the product or service at the end of the trial for the remainder of the agreed contract term.
Trial Periods. A continuous employee who changes to a different position description by means of a posted vacancy or whose position is reclassified to a higher grade, shall have a trial period of six (6) months (as per Clause 3.
Trial Periods. (i) At any time during a continuing appointment, if there is cause for concern about an employee's performance as a result of unfavourable evaluation reports or other just cause, the employee may be placed on a trial period not exceeding three (3) months for employees in pay groups two to four (2-4) inclusive, and not exceeding six (6) months for employees in pay groups five (5) and above inclusive, with complete access to the grievance procedure. (ii) At the time of notification of placement on a trial period, the Employer shall provide written notice to the employee of the length of the trial period and the cause for concern about the employee's performance, in order that the employee may have the opportunity for assistance to improve his or her performance. (iii) At the end of the trial period, the employee shall be re-evaluated and, as a result of the re-evaluation, shall be returned to a continuing appointment without term unless there is cause for termination as per ARTICLE 14: (TERMINATION AND DISCIPLINE), or unless, by mutual agreement between the employee, the Employer, and the Association, a second trial period (not exceeding the time allowed for the first trial period) is considered an appropriate alternative to termination. (iv) There shall be no more than one (1) trial period in succession, except as provided for in Article 12.1(d)(iii) above (Trial Periods). (v) There shall be no more than two (2) trial periods within any two (2) year period.
Trial Periods. 1. A secondment agreement may only include a trial period clause if and insofar as the contract is concluded for a period of more than six months. In that case, the maximum trial period laid down by law shall apply. 2. If the private employment agency and the temporary agency worker conclude or have concluded more than one secondment agreement, no further trial period may be stipulated in a subsequent secondment agreement. As an exception to this, a trial period may be agreed if the secondment agreement is concluded for more than six months and the work performed by the temporary agency worker clearly requires the employee to have different skills or take on different respon- sibilities. This refers to skills and responsibilities into which the private employment agency cannot reasonably be expected to have acquired sufficient insight during the preceding agency work employment contract(s).
Trial Periods. All promotions and voluntary transfers shall be on a trial basis. The transferred or promoted employee will be given a trial period of five hundred (500) worked hours in which to demonstrate ability to perform the new position satisfactorily. If, during the above mentioned trial period the employee does not succeed, or chooses not to continue in the position, the Employer will reinstate the employee in the former position or, if the former position is not available, place the employee in another suitable position provided such position is available and provided the employee has the skills, training, knowledge and ability to perform the work satisfactorily. In the event that a suitable position is not available, the employee shall be laid off in accordance with the provisions of Article 13.00 – Long- Term Lay-off & Recall.
Trial Periods. 18.1 At any time during a continuing appointment, if there is cause for concern about an employee’s performance as a result of unfavourable evaluation reports or other just cause, the employee may be placed on a trial period not exceeding six months for staff, and two teaching semesters for faculty. 18.2 At the time of notification of placement on a trial period, the Employer shall provide written notice to the employee of the performance issues, the length of the trial period, the trial period interim evaluation date (pursuant to Article 18.3) and identify performance expectations. As such, the employee and appropriate exempt supervisor shall develop a written plan of action outlining the steps needed to address the area(s) of concern and/or actions needed to remedy the situation. Such a plan must be in writing, signed by both the employee and NVIT. 18.3 Half way through the trial period, the exempt supervisor shall conduct an evaluation with the employee to provide feedback on progress and an interim assessment. 18.4 Upon successful completion of the trial period, the employee shall return to a continuing appointment without term. 18.5 If the trial period is not completed successfully termination will occur as per Article 14, Discipline, Suspension, Dismissal. By mutual agreement between the employee and NVIT, a second trial period (not exceeding the time allowed in the first trial period) is considered an appropriate alternative to termination. 18.6 There shall be no more than one (1) trial period in succession, except as provided for in 18.5 above. 18.7 There shall be no more than two (2) trial periods within any two (2) year period. 18.8 An employee has the right to dispute NVIT’s decision to terminate their employment after the trial period and may file a grievance at Step Three of the grievance procedure.
Trial Periods. When employing new employees who fall within the coverage of this collective agreement, the employer will not agree to a trial provision as defined in section 67A of the Employment Relations Act 2000.
Trial Periods. The successful applicant from within the bargaining unit to a permanent position inside or outside the bargaining unit shall be placed on a trial period of six hundred (600) hours. The employee's immediate Supervisor will review with the employee the job description, and if requested, provide a copy. The Supervisor shall provide to the employee such orientation to the workplace and/or to specific workplace procedures which in the opinion of the Supervisor is necessary for the employee to commence his/her duties. Except for temporary positions, the employee shall be declared permanent in the new position on conclusion of the trial period, conditional on satisfactory service. If the employee proves unsatisfactory in the position during the trial period, or if the employee so requests during the trial period, he/she shall be returned to his/her former position without loss of seniority, previous wage or salary rate, and any other employee who, in the meantime, has been transferred in consequence of the transfer of the original successful applicant, shall likewise be returned to his/her previous position, without loss of seniority, previous wage or salary rate. If the employee proves unsatisfactory in the position during the trial period, the employee and the Union shall be notified in writing setting out the reason(s). This article does not apply to employees whose job status is changed from full-time to part- time or vice versa or any other such change in job status, within the same classification, unless previously agreed to in writing.
Trial Periods. Employee who is the successful applicant on a posting shall be considered on a trial period in the new position for three hundred and ten (310) hours worked following the date of appointment. During this trial period the employee may choose to return or the Employer may direct the Regular Employee to return to the Regular Employee’s former position and basic rate of pay without loss of seniority. Relief Appointments