Section 7.8.4 Sample Clauses
Section 7.8.4. 15 Employees requested by their supervisor to return to work after the completion of the regular 16 workday or workweek will receive no less than two (2) hours pay at the appropriate rate, and 17 if more than four (4) hours are worked under such circumstances, the employee will receive a 18 minimum of eight (8) hours pay at the appropriate rate and an appropriate lunch period.
Section 7.8.4. 19 Driver Trainer seniority shall be established with the earliest Driver Trainer certification date 20 regardless of years of service. Driver Trainers hired after September 1, 2003, shall be placed at 21 the bottom of the Driver Trainer seniority list regardless of the date of their certification. If at any 22 time a driver trainer allows their certification to lapse, said driver shall be placed at the bottom of 23 the seniority list upon re-certification. If two or more existing Driver Trainers have the same 24 certification date, then the Driver Trainer seniority shall be determined by date of hire seniority. 26 Driver Trainer work is that work which by law can only be performed by a certified Driver
Section 7.8.4. 2 All hours worked on the seventh (7th) consecutive day shall be compensated at the rate of twice 3 the employee's base pay.
Section 7.8.4. 25 Employees who are less than full-time will be offered extra hours first within the bargaining unit 26 and classification as more hours become available, if qualified, as determined by the district. 27 Temporary positions that become available will be offered to bargaining unit employees in the 28 classification first by seniority, if qualified. If no employee in the classification is available the 29 position may be offered to an employee out of classification, if qualified.
Section 7.8.4. 011, relating to assault, if the victim of the offense was a minor.
Section 7.8.4. 8 Employees called back on a regular workday or called on the sixth or seventh consecutive 9 workday shall receive no less than two (2) hours’ pay at the appropriate rate.
Section 7.8.4. 27 For those employees who are not able to get to work on inclement weather days and are 28 contracted to work on a year around basis (260 days per year), must take applicable leave. On 29 days when school starts late or dismisses early due to inclement weather, all employees are 30 expected to arrive as near their regular shift as is safely possible.
Section 7.8.4. 18 Extra trips will receive fifteen (15) minutes pre-trip and thirty (30) minutes post-trip time to 19 clean, rinse, fuel the trip bus and submit the trip report.
Section 7.8.4. 45 In the event an extra trip is canceled once the driver has reported for the extra trip, the driver will 46 be paid one-half (1/2) hour call out pay.
Section 7.8.4. District will provide all paraeducators with the required state mandated training (for 2019- 11 20 the mandated training through PESB is 14 hours). Further information can be found at the 12 Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) website at xxxxx://