Proposed framework Sample Clauses

Proposed framework. In this section, the authors present their proposed framework for the audit of RCM data in industrial systems. The framework replaces the TTP typically involved in these systems with a permissioned blockchain architecture, leaving data producers/data owners (providers), data users (consumers), and SC as the key actors in the system. Figure 2 illustrates this change; Figure 2 (a) shows a typical trust arrangement that would apply in a none DLT-based RCM network; in this case all parties must trust that the other producing/consuming parties will honour their obligations under the agreement defining the distribution of system costs; the TTP reviews local financial cost assessments provided by the other actors in order to confirm adherence to the applicable terms. This process will henceforth be referred to as “local cost monitoring.” As the local cost monitoring of both providers and consumers is dependent on the data they report, even with the TTP in place there is no guarantee of strict adherence to the terms of the contractual agreements between the parties. As an example of the requirement for trust, consider the Quality of Service (QoS) criteria placed on a data provider. Honest providers could choose to comply with the terms of the signed agreement and offer the requested level of service that they initially advertised; this would result in an estimated cost calculation for the data as delivered and an associated attribution of the cost to the consumer. The consumer, on the other hand, will have their own interpretation of the quality of the service they have received; this may tally with that of the provider, or may be impacted by external factors such as network latency resulting in a different view of the fair attribution of the cost from the consumer’s side. To reinforce their point of view, both parties will provide evidence, but as there is no confidence between them, there will be no trust in the correctness of their evidence. The presence of the TTP goes some way to mediating these issues but still requires that the evidence as presented by the provider and consumer is fundamentally accurate, or that the TTP can identify when that evidence is incorrect and (ideally) who is in error. By comparison, the relationships and trust between actors required in the proposed framework are shown in Figure 2 (b). A trust relationship between the provider and the customer is no longer necessary, although both sides do need to trust the DLT and the SCs that im...
Proposed framework. It is proposed that the service will be delivered through one team, managed by the Heritage Manager at MCC retaining the existing team positions and structure for MCC with the addition of the one new fixed term post. The existing team Leader Economy and Strategic Regeneration (Post E) will also provide additional resource for the Heritage Service as set out below: A team structure is set out in Appendix A. a) The vacant post (Post D) which will be recruited on a fixed term contract for two years, will be wholly funded by TCBC for the duration of the agreement. b) The existing team Leader Economy and Strategic Regeneration for TCBC (Post E) will also provide additional resource for the Heritage Service that will include World Heritage Site Matters, Regeneration Initiatives and Grant Funding with the Heritage Service providing a mentoring role specific to conservation matters.
Proposed framework. The below table illustrates a proposal for a new distribution framework for STA Population-Based funds.
Proposed framework. The framework being examined in this project sheds light on some of the limitations of current resources described above while aiming to significantly reduce the re-traumatization that CSEC survivors face. It proposes a unique method for interagency data sharing that accounts for potential privacy and confidentiality concerns. The multidisciplinary framework consists of four key parts: a secure, password-protected database for logging pertinent survivor information, a court-mandated therapy program, relocation placements that would ensure collaboration between law enforcement and clinicians, and wraparound trainings for social workers, law enforcement, and clinicians on the principles of trauma-informed, survivor-centered care (See Appendix V). This framework is unique as it reorganizes the existing roles of law enforcement, medical professionals, and social workers in a way that maximizes the time and resources of all stakeholders, while also emphasizing collaboration. Diffusions of Innovations Theory (DOI) provides a framework through which to understand the factors that might influence adoption of the above framework by the main stakeholders, including law enforcement, clinicians, social workers, and survivors themselves. DOI Theory was developed by prominent sociologist X.X. Xxxxxx in 1962, and originated to explain the process through which an idea gains momentum and spreads through a social system (Xxxxxx, 2002). The theory emphasizes that all members of the social system do not simultaneously adopt this new idea, but rather some members are more likely to adopt it than others. As described above, a comprehensive framework to reduce re-traumatization among CSEC survivors is a new health innovation. The DOI framework explains the stages by which people adopt this innovation: awareness of need, decision to adopt or reject, initial use of the innovation, and continued usage of the innovation. These stages are further broken down into factors that influence adoption. For adoption to be successful, adopters must see the innovation as better than the framework it is replacing (Relative Advantage), consistent with their values, experiences, and needs (Compatibility), simple enough to understand or use (Complexity), testable (Trialability), and observable (Xxxxxx, 2002). In other words, an individual or group must recognize their own needs and believe that the innovation would help them. These factors, as well as the individuals’ knowledge and overall percep...
Proposed framework. It is proposed that the service will be delivered by MCC managed by the Heritage Manager at MCC. Only the CADW nominated officers as identified above to authorise Listed Building Consents under the CADW scheme of delegation:
Proposed framework. It is proposed that the service will be delivered through one team, managed by the Heritage Manager at MCC. A team structure is set out in Appendix A. a) Post D is on a fixed term contract for two years, wholly funded by TCBC for the duration of the agreement.

Related to Proposed framework

  • Proposed Goods and Services Proposed Goods and Services pdf D/M/WBE Certification OPTIONAL No response Warranty No response

  • PROPOSED MOBILITY PROGRAMME The proposed mobility programme includes the indicative start and end months of the agreed study programme that the student will carry out abroad. The Learning Agreement must include all the educational components to be carried out by the student at the receiving institution (in table A) and it must contain as well the group of educational components that will be replaced in his/her degree by the sending institution (in table B) upon successful completion of the study programme abroad. Additional rows can be added as needed to tables A and B. Additional columns can also be added, for example, to specify the study cycle-level of the educational component. The presentation of this document may also be adapted by the institutions according to their specific needs. However, in every case, the two tables A and B must be kept separated, i.e. they cannot be merged. The objective is to make clear that there needs to be no one to one correspondence between the courses followed abroad and the ones replaced at the sending institutions. The aim is rather that a group of learning outcomes achieved abroad replaces a group of learning outcomes at the sending institution, without having a one to one correspondence between particular modules or courses. A normal academic year of full-time study is normally made up of educational components totalling 60 ECTS* credits. It is recommended that for mobility periods shorter than a full academic year, the educational components selected should equate to a roughly proportionate number of credits. In case the student follows additional educational components beyond those required for his/her degree programme, these additional credits must also be listed in the study programme outlined in table A. When mobility windows are embedded in the curriculum, it will be enough to fill in table B with a single line as described below: Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the sending institution Semester [autumn / spring] [or term] Number of ECTS* credits Mobility window … Total: 30 Otherwise, the group of components will be included in Table B as follows: Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the course catalogue) at the sending institution Semester [autumn / spring] [or term] Number of ECTS* credits Course x … 10 Module y … 10 Laboratory work … 10 Total: 30 The sending institution must fully recognise the number of ECTS* credits contained in table A if there are no changes to the study programme abroad and the student successfully completes it. Any exception to this rule should be clearly stated in an annex of the Learning Agreement and agreed by all parties. Example of justification for non-recognition: the student has already accumulated the number of credits required for his/her degree and does not need some of the credits gained abroad. Since the recognition will be granted to a group of components and it does not need to be based on a one to one correspondence between single educational components, the sending institution must foresee which provisions will apply if the student does not successfully complete some of the educational components from his study programme abroad. A web link towards these provisions should be provided in the Learning Agreement. The student will commit to reach a certain level of language competence in the main language of instruction by the start of the study period. The level of the student will be assessed after his/her selection with the Erasmus+ online assessment tool when available (the results will be sent to the sending institution) or else by any other mean to be decided by the sending institution. A recommended level has been agreed between the sending and receiving institutions in the inter-institutional agreement. In case the student would not already have this level when he/she signs the Learning Agreement, he/she commits to reach it with the support to be provided by the sending or receiving institution (either with courses that can be funded by the organisational support grant or with the Erasmus+ online tutored courses). All parties must sign the document; however, it is not compulsory to circulate papers with original signatures, scanned copies of signatures or digital signatures may be accepted, depending on the national legislation. * In countries where the "ECTS" system it is not in place, in particular for institutions located in partner countries not participating in the Bologna process, "ECTS" needs to be replaced in all tables by the name of the equivalent system that is used and a weblink to an explanation to the system should be added. The section to be completed during the mobility is needed only if changes have to be introduced into the original Learning Agreement. In that case, the section to be completed before the mobility should be kept unchanged and changes should be described in this section. Changes to the mobility study programme should be exceptional, as the three parties have already agreed on a group of educational components that will be taken abroad, in the light of the course catalogue that the receiving institution has committed to publish well in advance of the mobility periods and to update regularly as ECHE holder. However, introducing changes might be unavoidable due to, for example, timetable conflicts. Other reasons for a change can be the request for an extension of the duration of the mobility programme abroad. Such a request can be made by the student at the latest one month before the foreseen end date. These changes to the mobility study programme should be agreed by all parties within four to seven weeks (after the start of each semester). Any party can request changes within the first two to five-week period after regular classes/educational components have started for a given semester. The exact deadline has to be decided by the institutions. The shorter the planned mobility period, the shorter should be the window for changes. All these changes have to be agreed by the three parties within a two-week period following the request. In case of changes due to an extension of the duration of the mobility period, changes should be made as timely as possible as well. Changes to the study programme abroad should be listed in table C and, once they are agreed by all parties, the sending institution commits to fully recognise the number of ECTS credits as presented in table C. Any exception to this rule should be documented in an annex of the Learning Agreement and agreed by all parties. Only if the changes described in table C affect the group of educational components in the student's degree (table B) that will be replaced at the sending institution upon successful completion of the study programme abroad, a revised version should be inserted and labelled as "Table D: Revised group of educational components in the student's degree that will be replaced at sending institution". Additional rows and columns can be added as needed to tables C and D. All parties must confirm that the proposed amendments to the Learning Agreement are approved. For this specific section, original or scanned signatures are not mandatory and an approval by email may be enough. The procedure has to be decided by the sending institution, depending on the national legislation.

  • Bona Fide Request/New Business Request Process for Further Unbundling 6.1 BellSouth shall, upon request of <<customer_name>>, provide to <<customer_name>> access to its network elements at any technically feasible point for the provision of <<customer_name>>'s telecommunications service where such access is necessary and failure to provide access would impair the ability of <<customer_name>> to provide services that it seeks to offer. Any request by <<customer_name>> for access to a network element, interconnection option, or for the provisioning of any service or product that is not already available shall be treated as a Bona Fide Request/New Business Request (BFR/NBR), and shall be submitted to BellSouth pursuant to the BFR/NBR process. 6.2 <<customer_name>> shall submit any BFR/NBR in writing to <<customer_name>>’s Account Manager. The BFR/NBR shall specifically identify the requested service date, technical requirements, space requirements and/or such specifications that clearly define the request such that BellSouth has sufficient information to analyze and prepare a response. The BFR/NBR also shall include <<customer_name>>’s designation of the request as being (i) pursuant to the Telecommunications Act of 1996 or (ii) pursuant to the needs of the business.

  • Scope and Order Placement These terms may be used by Customer either for a single Order or as a framework for multiple Orders. In addition, these terms may be used on a global basis by the parties’ “Affiliates”, meaning any entity controlled by, controlling, or under common control with a party. The parties can confirm their agreement to these terms either by signature where indicated at the end or by referencing these terms on Orders. Affiliates participate under these terms by placing orders which specify product or service delivery in the same country as the HP Affiliate accepting the Order, referencing these terms, and specifying any additional terms or amendments to reflect local law or business practices.

  • RESERVE PRICE AND BIDDING AT AUCTION CONDITIONS OF SALE 1.1 This sale is made by XxXxxx (M) Berhad [196901000166 (8515-D)][formerly known as AmFinance Berhad](“Assignee/Bank”) in exercise of the rights and powers conferred upon the Assignee/Bank pursuant to the Facility Agreement, Deed Of Assignment and Power Of Attorney all dated the 4th day of May, 2017 executed by Xxx Xxx Xxx (Assignor/Borrower”) in favour of the Assignee/Bank subject to all conditions and category of land use, express or implied or imposed upon or relating to or affecting the property (“Property”) and shall further subject to the reserve price (“Reserve Price”) and the Conditions of Sale as appearing in the Proclamation of Sale. 1.2 Subject to the provisions of Clause 5 below the highest bidder for the Property described in the Proclamation of Sale if so allowed by the Auctioneer shall be the Purchaser (“Purchaser”) thereof and the Auctioneer shall have the right to reject any bid. If any dispute shall arise as to any bidding, the Property shall be at the option of the Auctioneer be put up again for sale at the last undisputed bid or the Auctioneer may decide on the dispute and the decision of the Auctioneer on all matters not provided for in this Conditions of Sale shall be final and binding in all respects if such decision is made during the course of conducting the auction on the auction date. 1.3 No bid shall be less than the previous bid and each bid shall be increased by a minimum amount to be determined by the Auctioneer at the time the Property is put up for sale and no bidding shall be withdrawn or retracted. Should there be any withdrawal or retraction from the registered bidder(s) or the highest bidder before or after the fall of the hammer, the bidding deposit (“Bidding Deposit”) shall be forfeited to the Assignee/Bank and the Property shall be at the option of the Auctioneer be put up for sale again or the Auctioneer may decide to adjourn the auction sale to another date. 1.4 In the event the subject matter offered for auction comprises more than one (1) property, the Auctioneer shall have the right to: - (a) determine or vary the order of sale; (b) offer the properties for sale either individually or en bloc or in any combination/manner as determined by the Auctioneer; and/or (c) withdraw any of the properties from the sale.

  • Proposed Personnel

  • Alternative Proposals Prior to the Effective Time, the Company agrees (a) that neither it nor any of its Subsidiaries shall, nor shall it or any of its Subsidiaries, knowingly permit their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives (including, without limitation, any investment banker, attorney or accountant retained by it or any of its Subsidiaries) to, initiate, solicit or encourage, directly or indirectly, the submission of any proposal or offer (including, without limitation, any proposal or offer to its stockholders) with respect to a merger, consolidation, reorganization, exchange, plan of liquidation or similar transaction involving the Company or its Subsidiaries, or any purchase of any equity securities of the Company or all or any significant portion of the assets of the Company or its Subsidiaries other than the transactions contemplated hereby (any such proposal or offer being hereinafter referred to as an "Alternative Proposal"), or engage in any negotiations concerning, or provide any confidential information or data to, or have any discussions with, any person or entity relating to an Alternative Proposal or otherwise facilitate any effort or attempt to make or implement an Alternative Proposal; (b) that it will promptly cease and cause to be terminated any existing activities, discussions or negotiations with any person or entity conducted heretofore with respect to any of the foregoing; and (c) that it will notify the Purchaser promptly if any such inquiries or proposals are received by, any such information is requested from, or any such negotiations or discussions are sought to be initiated or continued with, the Company; provided, however, that nothing contained in this Section 5.1 shall prohibit the Board of Directors of the Company and its authorized representatives from (i) furnishing information to or entering into discussions or negotiations with, any person or entity that makes an unsolicited Alternative Proposal, if, and only to the extent that, (A) the Board of Directors of the Company, based upon the advice of outside counsel, determines in good faith that such action is required for the Board of Directors to comply with its fiduciary duties to stockholders imposed by law, (B) prior to furnishing such information to, or entering into discussions or negotiations with, such person or entity, the Company provides written notice to the Purchaser to the effect that it is furnishing information to, or entering into discussions or negotiations with, such person or entity, and (C) the Company keeps the Purchaser reasonably informed of the status and all material information with respect to any such discussions or negotiations; and (ii) to the extent applicable, complying with Rule 14e-2 promulgated under the Exchange Act with regard to an Alternative Proposal. Nothing in this Section 5.1 shall (x) permit the Company to terminate this Agreement (except as specifically provided in Article 7 hereof), (y) permit the Company to enter into any agreement with respect to an Alternative Proposal for as long as this Agreement remains in effect (it being agreed that for as long as this Agreement remains in effect, the Company shall not enter into any agreement with any person that provides for, or in any way facilitates, an Alternative Proposal (other than a confidentiality agreement in customary form)), or (z) affect any other obligation of the Company under this Agreement.

  • Order Placement To place orders for the Trustee to create or redeem one or more Baskets, Authorized Participants must follow the procedures for creation and redemption referred to in Section 3 of this Agreement and the procedures described in Attachment A hereto (the “Procedures”), as each may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time.

  • Auction Schedule The Auction Agent shall conduct Auctions in accordance with the schedule set forth below. Such schedule may be changed by the Auction Agent with the consent of the Company, which consent shall not be withheld unreasonably. The Auction Agent shall give notice of any such change to each Broker-Dealer. Such notice shall be received prior to the first Auction Date on which any such change shall be effective. Time Event ---- ----- By 9:30 A.M. Auction Agent advises the Company and the Broker-Dealers of the Reference Rate and the Maximum Applicable Rate as set forth in Section 2.2(e)(i) hereof.

  • Alternative Transactions (a) Except as otherwise permitted by this Section 6.02, from the date of this Agreement until the Effective Time, the Company shall not, and shall not permit any of the Company Subsidiaries, or any director, officer or employee of the Company or any Company Subsidiary or any investment banker, attorney or other advisor or representative retained by it or any of the Company Subsidiaries to, directly or indirectly, (i) initiate, solicit, propose or knowingly encourage (including by providing information), or take any other action to knowingly facilitate, any Alternative Transaction Proposal, or any inquiries or the making of any proposal or offer that constitutes or could reasonably be expected to lead to an Alternative Transaction Proposal, (ii) engage in, continue or otherwise participate in any discussions or negotiations regarding, or furnish or provide access to any Person any information or data concerning the Company or any Company Subsidiary with respect to, any Alternative Transaction Proposal (except to disclose the existence of the provisions of this Section 6.02) or any proposal or offer that could reasonably be expected to lead to an Alternative Transaction Proposal, (iii) grant any waiver, amendment or release under any standstill or confidentiality agreement or Takeover Statutes, (iv) approve, endorse, recommend, or execute or enter into any letter of intent, agreement in principle, merger agreement, acquisition agreement or other similar agreement relating to an Alternative Transaction Proposal, or that contradicts this Agreement or requires the Company to abandon this Agreement; or (v) resolve, propose, commit or agree to do any of the foregoing. The Company shall, and shall cause each of the Company Subsidiaries to, immediately cease any existing solicitations, discussions or negotiations with any Person (other than the parties hereto) that has made or indicated an intention to make an Alternative Transaction Proposal. The Company shall promptly inform the Company Representatives of the Company’s obligations under this Section 6.02. The Company shall immediately terminate electronic access to the Company’s electronic datasite located on for each Person other than Parent and its Representatives.