Provisions of Coverage. Provisions of the health care insurance program shall be detailed in master policies and contracts agreed upon by the Employer and the Local and shall include:
a. Hospital room and board & miscellaneous costs
b. Out-patient benefits
c. Laboratory fees, diagnostic expenses and treatments
d. Maternity costs
e. Surgical costs (including prevailing fee schedule basis)
f. Major medical coverage
Provisions of Coverage. Provisions of the health care insurance program shall include:
a. Blue Cross
b. Blue Shield
c. Major Medical
x. Xxxxx "J" In the event of a change of insurance carrier, the Association shall be notified of such change as soon as practicable.
Provisions of Coverage. Provisions of health care insurance program shall be detailed in master policies and contracts and shall include:
a. Hospital room and board and miscellaneous costs
b. Out-patient benefits
c. Laboratory fees, diagnostic expenses and therapy treatments
d. Maternity costs
e. Surgical costs
f. Major Medical coverage, lifetime maximum unlimited
g. Co-pay for office visits: $20.00 per visit h. Prescription Coverage co-pay - $10.00 generic; $20.00 preferred brand on drug plan list and $35.00 for non preferred name brand drugs not listed. Mail order prescriptions are subject to the same co-pays for each category.
i. Employees will not have the ability to submit prescription drug co-pays for reimbursement through Major Medical.
j. Deductibles of $300.00 for single coverage and $600.00 for family coverage k. Out of network coverage percentage of 70%/30%
Provisions of Coverage. The provisions of the insurance programs shall be detailed in master policies and contracts agreed upon by the Board and Association and shall provide benefits for the following services:
1. Hospitalization
2. Surgical
3. Out-Patient
4. Major Medical
5. Prescription
6. Dental (2009-2012 $1,500 per person cap) Copies of such policies and contracts shall be made available to Association members.
Provisions of Coverage. Provisions of the Health-care insurance program shall be detailed in master policies and contracts agreed upon by the District and the Association and shall include coverage as determined by the New Jersey State Health Benefits Plan for full family coverage as follows:
a. Hospital room and board and miscellaneous costs.
b. Out-patient benefits.
c. Laboratory fees, diagnostic expenses and therapy treatments.
d. Maternity costs.
e. Surgical costs.
f. Major-medical coverage.
g. Emergency room costs as provided by New Jersey State Health Benefits Program (Employees should use the emergency room for emergency purposes only).
Provisions of Coverage. Provisions of the Health-care insurance program shall be detailed in master policies and contracts agreed upon by the District and the Association and shall include coverage as determined by the New Jersey State Health Benefits Plan:
a. Hospital room and board and miscellaneous costs.
b. Out-patient benefits.
c. Laboratory fees, diagnostic expenses and therapy treatments.
d. Maternity costs.
e. Surgical costs.
f. Major-medical coverage.
g. All Emergency room costs as provided by New Jersey State Health Benefits Program (Employees should use the emergency room for emergency purposes).
h. Members of the bargaining unit shall contribute $1,000 per annum towards the cost of hospital/medical insurance, provided all other bargaining units adopt language providing for a similar contribution to this health benefit.
Provisions of Coverage. Provisions of the health care insurance program shall be detailed in master policies and contracts agreed upon by the Board and ALSS and shall include:
a. Hospital room and board, and miscellaneous costs
b. Out-patient benefits
c. Laboratory fees, diagnostic expenses, and therapy treatments
d. Maternity costs e. Surgical cost
Provisions of Coverage. Provisions of the health care insurance program shall be detailed in master policies and contracts agreed upon by the Board and the Association and shall include:
a) Hospital room and board and miscellaneous costs
b) Out-Patient benefits
c) Laboratory fees, diagnostic expenses, and therapy treatments
d) Maternity costs
e) Surgical costs
f) Major Medical Coverage
g) Medical emergencies
h) Eligible dependents to age 23.
1. Carrier(s) Pursuant to law, the Board of Education may elect to change medical insurance carrier of health benefits program only if said change provides a plan and coverage which is equal to or better than the current plan in effect 1989-1990, and in no way diminishes or reduces the current level of health insurance protection. The President of the Association shall receive copies of all contracts for review.
Provisions of Coverage. Provisions of the health care insurance program shall be detailed in master policies and contracts and shall include:
1 Hospital room and board and miscellaneous costs
Provisions of Coverage. Provisions of the health care insurance program shall be detailed in the master insurance policy and contract with any changes made from the present policy agreed upon by the Board and Association.