Medical Emergencies. If you encounter a medical emergency that makes you unable to pay your bill for a period of time, or that requires your account remain active, even if it has already been suspended or disconnected, Viasat may payment or reconnection options available for you. You must contact Viasat immediately upon learning of such emergency to determine what options are available in your situation. If you reside in Maine or Pennsylvania, please contact us regarding the specific procedures to follow for relief.
Medical Emergencies. In the event of an accident, injury or illness involving the registrant, and immediate contact by the YMCA with a designated contact cannot be made, I hereby authorize and grant permission to YMCA staff to secure proper medical treatment and authorize on the registrant’s behalf all procedures, including, without limitation, admission to an emergency unit, hospital and treatment therein, ordering of x‐rays, tests or treatment, injections, anesthesia and/or surgery, as deemed necessary by the attending medical professional(s). I agree not to hold the YMCA responsible for any costs or injury arising out of an emergency situation. PLEASE INITIAL
Medical Emergencies. 12.3.1 In the event of a medical emergency, you understand that if you cannot be contacted in time, your child will be treated, if necessary, for his or her immediate welfare at an NHS hospital (or private hospital if necessary) including but not limited to blood transfusions (unless you have previously notified us that you object to blood transfusions), the administration of a general anaesthetic and operations where certified by an appropriately qualified medical practitioner.
Medical Emergencies. If an inmate who has a hearing disability and requires a qualified interpreter for effective communication has a medical need that cannot wait for the assistance of a qualified interpreter to facilitate communication, VDOC will not delay in providing whatever medical care, treatment, evaluation, or service would be provided to other persons under similar circumstances. In such event, VDOC will use the most effective, readily available means of communicating with the inmate and will provide a qualified interpreter as soon as possible, but within no more than 2 hours. VDOC will require the interpreter service agencies with whom it contracts for VRI services to provide a qualified interpreter within 2 hours.
Medical Emergencies. If a medical emergency arises, parents will be notified immediately. If parents cannot be located, the persons authorized by the parents will be called. If neither the parents nor the authorized persons can be reached, the school will arrange for medical care through the child’s physician or Greenwich Hospital. An incident report will be completed by the staff and is to be signed by the parent. A copy will be given to the parent.
Medical Emergencies. If you encounter a medical emergency that makes you unable to pay your xxxx for a period of time, or that requires your account remain active, even if it has already been suspended or disconnected, Viasat may, but is not required to, work with you to find a suitable payment and/or reconnection arrangement. You must contact Viasat immediately upon learning of such emergency.
Medical Emergencies. ● Though rare, serious illnesses and injuries can occur during participation in international travel. Should I experience illness or injury while abroad, I will obtain appropriate medical care and alert my program director or liaison. Any expenses incurred due to illness or injury are my responsibility. I have noted the section below on International SOS Health Insurance. ● In the event of a medical emergency, I give Rutgers Global–Study Abroad permission to notify my designated emergency contacts.
Medical Emergencies. We may use or disclose your PHI in a medical emergency situation to medical personnel only in order to prevent serious harm. Our staff will try to provide you a copy of this notice as soon as reasonably practicable after the resolution of the emergency.
Medical Emergencies. Medical-surgical complications that preclude participation in the therapeutic program.
Medical Emergencies. The quality of medical personnel and facilities vary from region to region and cannot be controlled by PFL. In some parts of the world, substandard medical care is common and unavoidable. Hospital facilities are often unavailable and evacuation can be prolonged, difficult and expensive. PFL is not responsible for the costs of any medical treatment you may require during a Trip and assumes no liability regarding provision of medical care or lack thereof that you may receive while on the Trip. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH, AND COSTS, OF ANY AND ALL MEDICAL TREATMENTS AND EVACUATIONS YOU MAY REQUIRE OR RECEIVE DURING YOUR TRIP. Traveler releases PFL from any liability relating to any such medical care, whether secured by a Service provider on behalf of Traveler, or otherwise, and agrees to be responsible for any and all expenses incurred for said medical care. Some Travelers will be traveling to foreign countries, with different customs, standards, laws and risks than those Travelers are accustomed to. Traveler understands that they must be prepared to cope with the unexpected, with local customs and shortages, with the vagaries of weather, travel and mankind in general. As such, Traveler acknowledges and accepts the risks associated with travel in a foreign country and agrees to release and hold PFL harmless for any such problems experienced while participating in their Trip. All Travelers must obey the local laws and regulations of the places they visit on their Trip, including their medicinal and/or recreational drug laws and restrictions regarding alcohol consumption. PFL is not liable or responsible for any damages, costs and/or added expenses incurred as a result of Traveler’s failure to obey any local, provincial or federal laws. Although most travel to participating destinations is completed without incident, travel to certain areas may involve greater risk than others. You assume sole responsibility for your own safety at any destination traveled to. PFL cannot not guarantee your safety at any time, and assumes no responsibility for disseminating information to you relating to risks associated with your destination(s). BY OFFERING OR FACILITATING TRAVEL TO CERTAIN DESTINATIONS, WE DO NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT TRAVEL TO SUCH POINTS IS ADVISABLE OR WITHOUT RISK, AND WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES THAT MAY RESULT FROM TRAVEL TO SUCH DESTINATIONS. PFL may occasionally use statements and testimonials provided by Traveler...