Publication of Study Results Sample Clauses

Publication of Study Results. GSK represents that it generally seeks publication of the results of all GSK-Sponsored interventional Research in peer-reviewed, searchable journals and imposes specified timeframes for the drafting and submission of manuscripts following completion of a study. For purposes of these publication requirements, GSK’s publication policy includes certain GSK-Sponsored observational Research studies and certain GSK-Sponsored meta-analyses and pooled analyses. In addition, GSK represents that it has established policies and “operating practices” governing scientific engagement, which included detailed directions regarding publications. Among other things, the operating practices require the implementation of data dissemination plans that establish prospective publication strategies for GSK-Sponsored Research and address requirements for appropriateness, accuracy, and balance in publications of GSK-Sponsored Research. In all publications about GSK- Sponsored Research, GSK shall acknowledge its role as the funding source. In addition, GSK represents that it has established policies, systems, and practices designed to ensure that adverse event data is properly reported to the FDA. In addition, GSK requires investigators to report study-related information and data, GlaxoSmithKline LLC Corporate Integrity Agreement including data about adverse events before receiving final payment from GSK. The standards, policies, and practices described above shall hereafter be referred to collectively as the “Research and Publication Practices.” GSK shall maintain its Research and Publication Practices (or standards and practices substantially equivalent to those set forth above) for studies initiated or completed after the Effective Date for the term of the CIA. To the extent that GSK intends to materially change these Research and Publication Practices, it shall notify the OIG about the change 30 days in advance of the effective date of the change;
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Publication of Study Results. The Company recognizes that under the Group policy, the results of the Study must be published and agrees that researchers engaged in the Study reserve the right, and are entitled, to present and publish Data at symposia, national or regional professional meetings, and to publish in a journal or otherwise, of their own choosing, methods and results of the Study undertaken under the Agreement, subject to the requirements of this Section 3.
Publication of Study Results. 1) The full or partial results of the Study shall not be presented or published or otherwise made public by the Medical Care Institution or the Principal Investigator unless prior written Sponsor’s permission is obtained.
Publication of Study Results. Pfizer supports the exercise of academic freedom and has no objection to publication by Principal Investigator of the results of the Study based on information collected or generated by Principal Investigator, whether or not the results are favorable to the Pfizer Drug. Requirements associated with such publications are set forth in Section 15 (Publications) of the agreement between CRO and Principal Investigator. 15.
Publication of Study Results mimo jiné, vyplněných eCRFs a jakýchkoli dalších výkazů, zpracovaných Zdravotnickým zařízením, Hlavním zkoušejícím a/nebo Výzkumným personálem v průběhu Studie, jsou výlučným vlastnictvím Zadavatele a budou sbírána, zpracována, uchovávána a hlášena podle Protokolu a příslušných právních předpisů.
Publication of Study Results. The ability to timely publish research results is a key principle of academic freedom. Accordingly, HMH clinical trial agreements must contain publication clauses which allow HMH to publish research and study data results within a reasonable amount of time after the termination of the clinical trial. However, reasonable restrictions, such as a limited period of time for sponsor review of the publication for patent protection, are permissible.
Publication of Study Results. Pfizer supports the exercise of academic freedom and has no objection to publication by Principal Investigator of the results of the 15.1
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Publication of Study Results. 1) The full or partial results of the Study shall not be presented or published or otherwise made public by the Institution or the Principal Investigator unless prior written Sponsor’s permission is obtained in compliance with the terms herein. 2) The Parties agree that the Study is part of a multicentre study and it is the intent of the Parties that the first publication and/or presentation of the results of the Study will be made in conjunction with the presentation of a joint, multicentre publication of the complete multicentre study results. 3) Being subject to Sponsor’s written consent, Institution and the Principal Investigator will not submit for publication or presentation until publication of multicentre study results prior to any of following alternatives: a) Sponsor’s confirmation there will be no multicentre publication; or b) eighteen (18) months after the completion of the data analysis for the entire multicentre Study. 4) The Institution and the Principal Investigator will provide a copy of the publication or presentation 60 days before submission for 5) Zdravotnícke zariadenie a Hlavný skúšajúci sú povinní poskytnúť Zadávateľovi primeranú súčinnosti pri podávaní a uplatňovaní prípadných patentových prihlášiek vo vzťahu k Vynálezom, a to na náklady Zadávateľa. Čl. XIV. Publikovanie výsledkov Klinického skúšania 1) Výsledky Klinického skusania alebo ich časť nebudú Zdravotníckym zariadením či Hlavným skúšajúcim prezentované ani publikované či inak zverejňované bez predchájúceho písomneho súhlasu Zadávateľa v súlade s podmienkami v tejto Zmluve. 2) Zmluvné strany súhlasia s tým, xx Xxxxxxxx skusanie je súčasťou multicentrického klinického skusania a že zámerom Zmluvných xxxxx xx, aby k prvému publikovaniu a/alebo prezentovaniu výsledkov Klinického skusania došlo v rámci spoločného multicentrického uverejnenia výsledkov multicentrického klinického skusania ako celku. 3) Bez písomného súhlasu Zadávateľa Zdravotnícke zariadenie a Hlavný skúšajúci neposkytnú výsledky Klinického skusnaia k publikovaniu či zverejneniu, dokiaľ nedôjde k zverejneniu výsledkov multicentrického klinického skusania ako celku alebo predtým, než nastane niektorá z následujúcich alternatív: a) Zadávateľ potvrdí, že nebude vykonaná žiadna multicentrická publikácia alebo b) uplynie osemnásť (18) mesiacov od ukončenia analýz dát v rámci multicentrického klinického skusania ako celku. 4) Zdravotnícke zariadenie a Hlavný skúšajúci poskytnú Zadávateľovi k schváleniu kópiu publiká...
Publication of Study Results 

Related to Publication of Study Results

  • Protocol The attached Protocol shall be an integral part of this Agreement.

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