Publicity and visibility Sample Clauses
Publicity and visibility. In the case of centralised and joint management, information on programmes and operations shall be provided by the Co- mmission with the assistance of the national IPA co-ordinator as appropriate. In the case of decentralised management and in all cases for programmes or part of programmes under the cross-border co-operation component not implemented thro- ugh shared management, the Beneficiary, in particular the national IPA co-ordinator, shall provide information on and publicise programmes and operations. In the case of shared management, the Member States and the Beneficiary shall provide information on and publicise programmes and opera- tions. The information shall be addressed to the citizens and beneficiaries, with the aim of highlighting the role of the Co- mmunity and ensuring transparency.
Publicity and visibility. (1) In the case of centralised and joint management, information on programmes and operations shall be provided by the Commission with the assistance of the national IPA co-ordinator as appropriate. In the case of decentralised management and in all cases for programmes or part of programmes under the cross-border co-operation component not implemented through shared management, the Beneficiary, in particular the national IPA co-ordinator, shall provide information on and publicise programmes and operations. In the case of shared management, the Member States and the Beneficiary shall provide information on and publicise programmes and operations. The information shall be addressed to the citizens and beneficiaries, with the aim of highlighting the role of the Community and ensuring transparency.
(2) In the case of decentralised management, the operating structures shall be responsible for organising the publication of the list of the final beneficiaries, the names of the operations and the amount of Community funding allocated to the operations by means of the award of grants in the following way:
a) The publication shall be made according to a standard presentation, in a dedicated and easily accessible place of the Beneficiary's internet site. If such internet publication is impossible, the information shall be published by any other appropriate means, including the national official journal.
b) Publication shall take place during the fist half of the year following the closure of the budget year in respect of which the funds were attributed to the Beneficiary.
c) The Beneficiary shall communicate to the Commission the address of the place of publication. If the information is published otherwise, the Beneficiary shall give the Commission full details of the means used.
d) The operating structures shall ensure that the final beneficiary is informed that acceptance of funding is also an acceptance of their inclusion in this list of beneficiaries published. Any personal data included in this list shall nevertheless be processed in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (5), and with due observance of the requirements of security.
(3) In the case of decentralised management, the relevant bodies shall prepare a contr...
Publicity and visibility. The Applicant and its employees, including SRER, shall comply with the Competitive Sectors Programme Communication and Visibility Manual and Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union External Actions3 while producing and using any visibility material regarding the Project. Any publicity and/or visibility activity shall be conducted only upon prior written approval of the OS.
Publicity and visibility. In the case of centralised and joint management, information on programmes and operations shall be provided by the Co- mmission with the assistance of the national IPA co-ordinator as appropriate. In the case of decentralised management and in all cases for programmes or part of programmes under the cross-border co-operation component not implemented thro- ugh shared management, the Beneficiary, in particular the national IPA co-ordinator, shall provide information on and publicise programmes and operations. In the case of shared management, the Member States and the Beneficiary shall čivo na taj program, a smatra se kao sredstvo za Korisnika u obliku nacionalnog javnog doprinosa te se prikazuje Komisiji u trenutku završnog zatvaranja programa. Nacionalni dužnosnik za ovjeravanje brine se da sve relevantne in- formacije budu dostupne kako bi se u svakom trenutku osigurao dovoljno detaljan tijek revizije. Te informacije uključuju dokumen- tirane dokaze o odobrenju zahtjeva za plaćanje, knjiženju i plaćanju takvih zahtjeva te o obradi predujmova, garancija i dugova.
Publicity and visibility. Indemnities by ERA and OS’s Non-Liability
Publicity and visibility. Instructions on the use of SCP and the Donor’s name and logo shall be obtained from SCP and any use of such name and logo shall be approved by SCP in writing in advance by SCP and, with respect to the name and logo of the Donor, shall comply with the Donor Conditions. In addition to complying with any Donor Conditions relating to visibility and external communications, the Partner will comply with any communications strategy agreed with SCP and will, as a minimum, include the Donor and SCP’s name and logo in any external publications produced in connection with the Project. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Partner shall, prior to publishing any material or document containing SCP or the Donor’s name or logo (and/or containing or in any way based on information or data acquired directly or indirectly as a result of any program, project or arrangement involving SCP, Save the Children or its beneficiaries), submit such material or document to SCP for approval (and, where relevant, review). In carrying out the Project, the Partner will not do anything that may be expected to damage the reputation of SCP or the Donor.
Publicity and visibility. The Participants will coordinate in advance any publicity, press releases, promotional materials, announcements on social media platforms and websites, and any other communications under this MoU, including use of the name, trade name, brand, trademark, logo or other symbol or designation (or any abbreviation thereof) of the other Participant.
Publicity and visibility. 18.1 All parties will share details with each other, of any planned publicity or media to promote the Partnership, at least five working days ahead of the planned activity, and each will approve final drafts of publicity materials.
Publicity and visibility. 8.1 MUNDO COOPERANTE and the PARTNER ORGANIZATION undertake to spread information about the project and their collaboration through their respective communication channels.
8.2 MUNDO COOPERANTE is authorized to use the photographs and other graphic and /or audiovisual materials provided by the PARTNER ORGANIZATION. In the use of graphic material, MUNDO COOPERANTE undertakes to respect the privacy and the rights of the beneficiaries of the project.
8.3 PARTNER ORGANIZATION commits to: - Insert the logo of MUNDO COOPERANTE in the website and in all materials produced in the project. - Make at least two communications of the project that are likely to be shared over the internet (social media or email). - Provide MUNDO COOPERANTE with photographs and/or videos of the main activities of the project. In this context, the visibility of the MUNDO COOPERANTE logo in the photographs and/or videos will be evaluated positively.
Publicity and visibility. The OS keeps his rights stated in the Article A.5 of the signed Protocol between former Applicant (ERA) and the OS. The ERA shall also: Ensure that the contractor performs tasks complying with the rules and principles that are stated in the Competitive Sectors Programme Communication and Visibility Manual and Communica- tion And Visibility Manual For European Union External Actions in all written, printed, and visual materials related to its operation (xxxxx:// dokumanlari-2); Receive an approval from the relevant Project/Contract Manager of the OS before producing any publicity/visibility material or organising a publicity/visibility event; failing to comply with the EU visibility and communication guidelines and Competitive Sectors Programme Commu- nication and Visibility Manual rules is an irregularity and such expenditure may be ineligible; Make sure that the Communication and Visibility Plan of the Operation developed by the rele- vant Contractor is implemented appropriately, effectively and with due care and diligence;