Communication and visibility. During the first five month of the Contract the Contractor shall submit to UNIDO for review and approval a Communication and Visibility Plan in accordance to Annex 1 of the Terms of Reference for implementation thereafter. Unless UNIDO requests or agrees otherwise, the Contractor shall take all appropriate measures to publicise the fact that the Action has received funding from the EU. Information given to the press and to Final Beneficiaries, as well as all related publicity material, official notices, reports and publications shall acknowledge that the Action was carried out “with funding by the European Union” and shall display the EU logo (twelve yellow stars on a blue background) in an appropriate way. Publications by the Contractor pertaining to the Action, in whatever form and whatever medium, including the internet, shall carry the following disclaimer: “This document was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.” Such measures shall be carried out in accordance with the Communication and Visibility Manual published by the European Commission on xxxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/europeaid/funding/communication-and- visibility-manual-eu-external-actions_en or with any other guidelines agreed between the European Commission and UNIDO. If during implementation of the Action, equipment or major supplies are purchased using EU funds, the Contractor shall display appropriate acknowledgement on such equipment or major supplies, including the display of the EU logo (twelve yellow stars on a blue background). Where such display could jeopardise UNIDO’s privileges and immunities or the safety of UNIDO’s staff or of the Final Beneficiaries, UNIDO shall propose appropriate alternative arrangements. The acknowledgement and the EU logo shall be of such a size and prominence as to be clearly visible in a manner that shall not create any confusion regarding the identification of the Action as an activity of UNIDO, the ownership of the equipment and major supplies by UNIDO. Proper acknowledgement shall also be given to UNIDO. The above visibility requirements shall continue to apply for as long as the relevant equipment and remaining major supplies are owned by UNIDO. The Parties will consult immediately and strive to remedy any detected shortcoming in implementing the visibility requirements set out in this Article. This is without prejudice to measures ...
Communication and visibility. 1. The lead partner shall ensure compliance with the communication and visibility obligations specified in the Programme Manual.
2. The XX.XX shall be authorised to publish, in whatever form and on or by whatever medium, including the Internet, (parts of) the project data in order to fulfil its reporting, communication and visibility obligations arising from the body of rules and regulations listed in Article 1. Personal data shall be processed in line with the GDPR (cf. Article 15 of this subsidy contract).
3. The lead partner authorises the XX.XX to use communication and visibility material produced by the project or project partners to showcase how the Programme co-financing is used. Furthermore, the lead partner authorises the XX.XX to forward this material to other Programme authorities, Programme promoters at the national level, as well as Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies. For this purpose, the lead partner ensures that a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable licence to use such material and any pre-existing rights attached to it is granted to the aforementioned Programme and Union bodies in accordance with the Programme Manual.
4. The lead partner takes full responsibility for the content of any audio, visual or audiovisual notice, publication, deliverable or communication and visibility material that has been developed by the lead partner, any of the project partners or third parties on behalf of the lead partner or the project partners and is provided to the XX.XX or published on the project subpage hosted at the Programme portal. Should a third party claim compensation for damages (e.g. due to an infringement of intellectual property rights or personal data protection rights), the lead partner will indemnify the XX.XX in case the XX.XX suffers any damage because of the content of the said material.
Communication and visibility. As far as possible, the GPE partnership should identify potential areas where broader strategic communication could be sought. The European Commission – World Bank Group Joint Visibility Guidelines included in the Framework Agreement should be used as a reference. “Standard Provisions Applicable to the Global Partnership for Education Fund II: World Bank as exclusive Supervising Entity or Implementer The following provisions shall be applicable to and form an integral part of all Contribution Agreements entered into between the IBRD (the “Bank”) and the Donors.
Communication and visibility.
1. Each project partner shall ensure compliance with the communication and visibility obligations specified in the Programme Manual.
2. Upon request of the lead partner, each project partner shall support the lead partner in maintaining the project subpage hosted at the Programme portal in accordance with the rules laid down in the Programme Manual.
3. Upon request of the lead partner, each project partner shall contribute to the communication activities of the Programme as outlined in the Programme Manual. If requested by the lead partner, the project partners shall assist the lead partner in preparing and publishing a set of pre-defined communication products on the project subpage as listed and defined in the Programme Manual.
4. By signing this agreement, each project partner confirms that the XX.XX is authorised to publish information about the project as defined in Article 8(4) of the subsidy contract.
5. Each project partner authorises the lead partner to use communication and visibility material produced by the project or project partners to showcase how the Programme co-financing is used. Furthermore, each project partner authorises the lead partner to forward this material to the XX.XX, other programme authorities, programme promoters at the national level, as well as Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies. For this purpose, each project partner ensures that a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable licence to use such material and any pre-existing rights attached to it is granted to the aforementioned Programme and Union bodies in accordance with the Programme Manual.
6. In accordance with Article 8(6) of the subsidy contract, each project partner takes full responsibility for the content of any audio, visual or audiovisual notice, publication, deliverable, output or communication and visibility material provided to the lead partner which has been developed by the project partner or third parties on behalf of the project partner. The project partner is liable in case a third party claims compensation for damages (e.g. due to an infringement of intellectual property rights or personal data protection rights). The project partner will indemnify the lead partner in case the lead partner suffers any damage because of the content of the said material.
Communication and visibility. Communication and visibility are tools for raising the public awareness on sector reforms as well as instruments for gaining public support for the intended changes and reaching out the biggest possible number of potential beneficiaries of the planned measures. Therefore communication will be given high importance during the implementation of the Action. A Communication and Visibility Plan will be elaborated at an early stage and will be further implemented with the support of the envisaged technical assistance (complementary support). It will involve both the national authorities and the European Commission / EU Delegation to Skopje. The resources and capacity of the national authorities will be used in the communication exercises. Currently, the Operational Plan for Active Employment Services and Measures has a chapter and funds dedicated to communication. Both ministries have PR Departments and functional websites in Macedonian and Albanian language, where well structured information on the targeted sector reforms and Action activities will be published. Both ministers will have an important role in communication of the reforms. All visibility and communication actions shall focus on results and changes achieved and shall demonstrate how the EU support brings the country closer to the EU standards. The communication policy applied must ensure that the added value and impact of the EU's interventions are understood by the citizens and that EU funds are managed and used in an transparent, efficient and effective way for the benefit of the country as a whole. All necessary measures will be taken to respect the EU communication and visibility rules . Promotion of the action will be also achieved through the visibility and communication strategy "EU for YOU", of the EU Delegation, based on sector campaigns, which target the citizens at large outlining the benefits of the EU aid for the country in a communicative, comprehensible and interactive style. In addition, all EU projects are promoted through the Delegation web-site. As of 2018, the EU Delegation together with XXXXX launched the IPA Visualization Map (xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxx.xx) providing information on all IPA projects in the country.
Communication and visibility. Communication and visibility Describe the communication strategy for promoting the Erasmus+ programme and your activities. Clarify how you will reach the target groups and explain the choice of the dissemination channels. Provide the web link where you will host the EPS and the ECHE Charter. La charte Erasmus+ sera affichée à l’entrée de l’Institut et mise en ligne sur le site Internet de l’IFMS xxxxx://xx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/ifsi/presentation/. Elle sera également jointe au projet pédagogique et au règlement intérieur, communiqué aux étudiants et aux membres du personnel. Le site Internet sera mis à jour pour permettre d’accéder aux pages dédiées aux projets menés par l’établissement sur la plateforme Erasmus+ Project Results. Ce site référencera les liens utiles vers les sites Internet des différents organismes qui sont dédiés au Programme Erasmus+. Dès que ce sera réalisable, l’IFMS s’inscrira dans le réseau Erasmus Without Paper pour communiquer davantage. La documentation papier fournie par l’Agence française sera affichée dans les espaces dédiés de l’IFMS et disponible sur demande auprès du Coordinateur Xxxxxxx+. Le papier à entête de l’IFMS xxxxxxx en mention le logo du Programme et le numéro de la charte. Cette dernière sera affichée à l’entrée de l’IFMS. Ces éléments constituent des marqueurs de l’empreinte européenne sur la vie quotidienne de l’établissement. À l’occasion des journées portes ouvertes et autres forums d’orientation, des informations relatives à la participation de l’IFMS au Programme Erasmus+ seront communiquées aux candidats intéressés par la formation en soins infirmiers. À l’issue des expériences de mobilité réalisées par les étudiants ou les enseignants, l’IFMS se servira de l’outil d’autoévaluation ECHE pour s’assurer de la notoriété des objectifs du Programme et de ses impacts et effets sur le développement de l’internationalisation de l’établissement et un temps d’informations partagées sera organisé à destination des publics concernés à l’IFMS de Sète. Le Directeur de l’Institut et le Coordinateur Xxxxxxx+ s’assureront que les principes de la charte soient appliqués par tous à tout niveau. Un point d’étape sur la mise en œuvre des projets et actions menés dans le cadre du Programme sera à l’ordre du jour de l’Instance Compétente pour les Orientations Générales de l’Institut.
Communication and visibility. 1. The lead partner shall ensure compliance with the communication and visibility obligations specified in the Programme Manual.
2. The lead partner shall maintain and keep updated a project subpage hosted at the Programme portal in accordance with the rules laid down in the Programme Manual.
3. The lead partner shall contribute to the communication activities of the Programme as outlined in the Programme Manual. Among others, the lead partner undertakes to prepare and publish on the project subpage a set of pre-defined communication products as listed and defined in the Programme Manual.
4. The XX.XX shall be authorised to publish, in whatever form and on or by whatever medium, including the Internet, (parts of) the project data in order to fulfil its reporting, communication and visibility obligations arising from the body of rules and regulations listed in Article 1. Personal data shall be processed in line with the GDPR (cf. Article 15 of this subsidy contract).
5. The lead partner authorises the XX.XX to use communication and visibility material produced by the project or project partners to showcase how the Programme co-financing is used. Furthermore, the lead partner authorises the XX.XX to forward this material to other Programme authorities, Programme promoters at the national level, as well as Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies. For this purpose, the lead partner ensures that a royalty-free, non-exclusive and irrevocable licence to use such material and any pre-existing rights attached to it is granted to the aforementioned Programme and Union bodies in accordance with the Programme Manual.
6. The lead partner takes full responsibility for the content of any audio, visual or audiovisual notice, publication, deliverable, output or communication and visibility material that has been developed by the lead partner, any of the project partners or third parties on behalf of the lead partner or the project partners and is provided to the XX.XX or published on the project subpage hosted at the Programme portal. Should a third party claim compensation for damages (e.g. due to an infringement of intellectual property rights or personal data protection rights), the lead partner will indemnify the XX.XX in case the XX.XX suffers any damage because of the content of the said material.
Communication and visibility. Communication and visibility are tools for implementation of sector reforms and will be given high importance during the implementation of the Action. There will be a dedicated communication and visibility plan for the sector strategy and the budget support programme.
Communication and visibility. This Activity covers the communication and dissemination activities and the necessary publicity measures. The plans for information and publicity of the project will be approved and supervised by the beneficiary. The scope of this activity under this project includes: - Preparation and approval of a Communication action plan; - Design, supply and installation of minimum 3 billboards at stations Plovdiv (around km 155+321), station Skutare (around km 15+940) and station Krumovo (around km 163+746); - Conducting two information and publicity events promoting the project: at the start of the construction period and after completion of the construction process; - Preparation of brochures aiming to promote the project (1000 copies). The brochures will be necessary for the above mentioned two publicity events; - Preparation of one video for public awareness and promotion of the project. In the future, these video will be used further for project results related activities and media campaigns. Expected deliverables for Activity 6 include: - Communication action plan approved by the Project management board - Minimum 3 installed billboards - 2 events organised - 1000 brochures published - one video prepared
Communication and visibility. The Action will develop a set of suitable communication and visibility activities that relate to the different target groups, partners and stakeholders such as beneficiaries, local media, international development partners and embassies. GIZ will consider the EU’s visibility requirements as set out in the Communication and Visibility Manual for EU External Actions as well as the visibility guidelines of the German BMZ. Communication and visibility activities will be implemented in coordination with the SADC Secretariat responsible for the overall communication and visibility of the SIPS programme. See Annex VI “Communication and Visibility Plan” for detailed planned activities.