Pursuant to S Sample Clauses
Pursuant to S. B. 1368 of the 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session, Vendor is required to make any information created or exchanged with the State pursuant to this Contract, and not otherwise excepted from disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act, available in a format that is accessible by the public at no additional charge to the State.
Pursuant to S. 16.75(10p), Wis. Stats., contractor agrees it is not, and will not for the duration of the contract, engage in a prohibited boycott of the State of Israel as defined in s. 20.931(1)(b). State agencies and authorities may not execute a contract and reserve the right to terminate an existing contract with a company that is not compliant with this provision. This provision applies to contracts valued $100,000 or over.
Pursuant to S. B. 1368 of the 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session, upon reasonable written request to Vendor, Vendor shall to make any public information (as defined in Texas Government Code Section 552.002) in Vendor’s possession which was created or exchanged with the State pursuant to this Contract, and not otherwise excepted from disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act, available in paper or electronic format that is accessible by the public at no additional charge to the State. Notwithstanding the foregoing, providing any such information under this Section shall not be deemed a violation of any confidentiality provision by Vendor under the Contract or any Order Form.
Pursuant to S. C. Code Xxx. §59-40-140(C), the Sponsor shall during the School’s fiscal year of operation, as received, and to the extent allowed by federal law, distribute to the School federal funds which are allocated to the Sponsor on the basis of the number of special characteristics of the students attending the School. These amounts must be verified by the SCDE before the first disbursement of funds.
Pursuant to S. C. Code Xxx. §59-40-140(B), the Sponsor shall receive and distribute state funds to the School as provided by the General Assembly on a monthly basis beginning in July of the School’s fiscal year of operations.
Pursuant to S. C. Code Xxx. §59-40-140(D), the Sponsor shall distribute within 10 business days after receipt of federal or state categorical aid funds, the proportional share of each categorical fund for which the School qualifies unless the School is under revocation or nonrenewal and the Sponsor is under court order to withhold payments to the School. The Sponsor shall notify the School when the Sponsor is notified of the allocation amount by the SCDE and provide a timeline consistent with applicable law for when the funds will be distributed.
Pursuant to S. C. Code Xxx. §59-40-60(F)(15) and SBE Regulation 43-601, the School shall assume the liability for the activities of the School and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Sponsor, its servants, agents, and employees from any and all liability, damage, expense, causes of action, suits, claims, or judgments arising from injury to persons or property or otherwise that arises out of the act, failure to act, or negligence of the School, its agents and employees, in connection with or arising out of the activity of the School.
Pursuant to S. 1012.34(3) (a) 1 one third [33%] of the performance evaluation will be based upon data and indicators of student performance. This portion of the evaluation will include growth or achievement data of the teacher’s students.
Pursuant to S. I 484/2013 - European Union (Consumer Information, Cancellation and Other Rights) Regulations 2013, where an XxX/PSA is signed with an individual Client (and not a business Client) by way of either distance contract (e.g. E-Signature) or at a place that is not the Agents business premises, a “Cooling Off” period of 14 days is applicable. The “Cooling Off” period entitles the Client to cancel the XxX/PSA within 14 days of the date the agreement is signed by both parties.
Pursuant to S. 11.3(1)(b) of the Act, if authorized by Ministerial Order, a local authority may delegate its powers and duties under the Act to a joint committee representing two (2) or more local authorities that is composed of one or more members appointed by each of the local authorities; and