RECORDAL Sample Clauses
RECORDAL. 2.1. The SCC is the Fund’s standard terms and conditions of contract and constitutes part of the Service Provider Agreement between the Fund and the Service Provider, or in lieu of a Service Provider Agreement, constitutes part of the Purchase Order issued by the Fund to the Service Provider (whichever is applicable)
2.2. All references to the Agreement are references to the Service Provider Agreement or Purchase Order (whichever is applicable) and the SCC and the GCC.
RECORDAL. 1.1. The Service Provider has been awarded a contract in terms of the Fund’s Request for Proposal process of procurement.
1.2. This Service Provider Agreement serves to record the agreement between the parties and to regulate all aspects of the services and/or products to be supplied by the Service Provider and the general business relationship between the parties.
1.3. The Scope of Work specifying the services and products to be supplied to the Fund are those contained in the Fund’s Request for Proposal under reference number , and any additions or amendments thereto furnished to the Service Provider during the procurement process. It is recorded that the Service Provider accepted these provisions and on the basis thereof submitted its proposal and any supplementary information thereto.
1.4. Such Scope of Work is incorporated into the provisions of this Service Provider Agreement as if specifically mentioned and are binding and enforceable on the parties.
1.5. In the event of any of the provisions of the Fund’s Request for Proposal and any additions or amendments thereto furnished to the Service Provider during the procurement process, including the Scope of Work mentioned in clause 1.4 above, being in conflict with the provisions of this Service Provider Agreement, the provisions of this Service Provider Agreement (including the Annexures to this Service Provider Agreement) shall prevail.
1.6. It is recorded that the further Annexures to this Service Provider Agreement are as follows:
RECORDAL. 3.1. The Seller wishes to develop the Land by the construction of the Building thereon.
3.2. The Seller has procured the completion of the Drawings.
3.3. The Seller has appointed the Contractor to construct the Building.
3.4. The Seller wishes to sell the Property prior to the commencement of the construction of the Building.
3.5. The Building has not been completed and the Sectional Plan not yet drawn nor registered and accordingly the exact and final boundaries of the Components will only be reflected on the approved Sectional Plan.
RECORDAL. 2.1 The Seller is the registered owner of the land comprising the Development, as indicated on Appendix 2 hereto.
2.2 The Seller intends to install municipal services to the boundary of the Property as required in terms of the subdivision conditions.
2.3 The Seller wishes to sell the Property subject to the condition that the Purchaser will be obliged to improve the Property in accordance with the provisions of the Building Agreement and upon the further terms and conditions of this Agreement.
RECORDAL. 3.1 The Seller purchased the land with the view of developing the Land by the Opening of a Sectional Title scheme on the land, as indicated on the Site Development Plan attached hereto.
3.2 The Sectional Plan has not been prepared or approved, as it can only be prepared once the construction of the building has reached such an advanced stage which allows the surveyor to prepare the Sectional Plan. The exact and final boundaries and area of the Section will be as indicated on the approved Sectional Plan.
3.3 The Sectional Plan will be registered and the Register will be opened in the relevant deeds registry as soon as it is reasonably possible after the Completion Date and that transfer of the Property shall preferably take place simultaneously with or as soon as possible after the opening of the Register.
RECORDAL. 2.1 The Seller is or will at the relevant time be the registered owner of the Land, which it is in the process of improving by constructing a building or buildings comprising of residential Sections, exclusive use areas and Common Property.
2.2 The Seller hereby sells to the Purchaser who hereby purchases the Property upon the terms and conditions more fully described in this Agreement and subject to the fulfilment of the suspensive conditions set out in clauses 5 and 6 respectively.
RECORDAL. 2.1 The Seller is the registered owner of xxxxx in the Acres Precinct.
2.2 The Seller wishes to sell the Property with the Buildings constructed thereon, including the Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings and Golf Cart, to the Purchaser as a turnkey product upon the further terms and conditions of this Agreement.
RECORDAL. The PARTIES to this Agreement expressly acknowledge and agree that:
3.1. The PROPERTY was sold to the PURCHASER by the AUCTIONEER on behalf of the SELLER by public auction as advertised through the auction marketing campaign conducted by the AUCTIONEER;
3.2. The PARTIES negotiated this Agreement out of their own will and have not acted under any duress or compulsions, whether legal, economic or otherwise;
3.3. The PURCHASER has been encouraged to seek professional and/or legal representation regarding the inspection, examination and valuation of the PROPERTY and the interpretation and understanding of this Agreement;
3.4. The provisions of this Agreement have been expressly agreed to and were taken into consideration in determining the price offered and accepted;
3.5. The PURCHASER was expressly advised by the AUCTIONEER about the auction method prior to bidding, more specifically that the PURCHASER would be bound by this Agreement and the Rules of Auction if declared the highest bidder and that the PURCHASER should choose NOT TO BID IF THE PURCHASER HAD NOT READ AND AGREED TO BE BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT AND THE RULES OF AUCTION;
3.6. The AUCTIONEER is the sole agent for this transaction and represents the SELLER exclusively and shall be paid a fee by the SELLER in terms of a separate agreement entered into between the SELLER and the AUCTIONEER.
RECORDAL. 3.1. The Seller wishes to develop the Land by the construction of the Building thereon.
3.2. The Seller has procured the completion of the Drawings.
3.3. The Seller, as the appointed Main Contractor will manage the building works, and will appoint the Sub- Contractor by means of the JBCC to construct the Building as provided for in this Agreement.
3.4. The Seller wishes to sell the Property prior to the commencement of or during the construction of the Building.
3.5. The Building has not been completed and the Sectional Plan not yet drawn nor registered and accordingly the exact and final boundaries of the Components will only be reflected on the approved Sectional Title Plan.
RECORDAL. 2.1 The Seller is the registered owner of the land.
2.2 The Seller intends to establish a sectional title scheme on the land.
2.3 The Seller has agreed to sell to the Purchaser who has agreed to purchase a sectional title Unit in the Scheme comprising a Unit, together with the rights to the exclusive use of Exclusive Use Area/s, as described in the Covering Schedule (“the Subject Matter”), together with an undivided share in the Common Property, subject to and upon the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.