Revocation of Leave Sample Clauses

Revocation of Leave. If the Superintendent of Schools is convinced that the teacher is not fulfilling the purposes for which the leave was granted, the Superintendent shall report this fact to the Board. 15:14.1 If the Board believes that the leave should be revoked, it shall provide the teacher with the opportunity to be heard. 15:14.2 After evaluating the merits of the case, the Board shall either continue the leave of absence or revoke the leave, and return the teacher to service.
Revocation of Leave. A leave of absence may be revoked by the County Superintendent upon evidence that the cause for requesting leave was misrepresented or has ceased to exist.
Revocation of Leave. 1. If the Superintendent of schools determines that the terms of the sabbatical leave are not being fulfilled, he/she shall report this fact to the Board. 2. If the Board believes that the leave should be revoked, it shall provide the administrator with the opportunity to be heard. 3. After evaluating the merits of the case, the Board shall either continue the Sabbatical Leave or revoke the leave and return the administrator to service.
Revocation of Leave. The Executive Director may revoke or terminate any leave of absence upon determining that the cause for granting it was misrepresented or has ceased to exist.
Revocation of Leave. A leave of absence may be revoked at the sole discretion of the Director, Human Resources, upon evidence that the cause for granting it was misrepresented or has ceased to exist. A unit member may request to return from leave prior to the agreed upon expiration of the leave. The District will consider the request and approve the revocation of the leave if a vacancy is available but there is no right to return to the unit member’s school or administrative site.
Revocation of Leave. Any decision to cancel or revoke leave (see definition of terms) must be made on clear clinical grounds, i.e. for the safety of the consumer, staff or the general public. The revocation or cancellation of leave can never be used as a punitive measure.
Revocation of Leave. Leave of absence may be revoked by the District when the good of the service may require it or when the need for the leave no longer exists. The District shall provide the employee of written notice of revocation of the leave and shall cite the reasons for such revocation.

Related to Revocation of Leave

  • Termination of Leave Interruption of pregnancy will terminate the leave. Human Resources may require in such cases forty-five (45) days’ notice to return.

  • Duration of Leave An eligible female employee may apply for pregnancy leave, to commence after the 22nd week of pregnancy for a duration of up to 17 weeks. The pregnancy leave of an employee who is not entitled to take parental leave ends on the later of the day that is seventeen weeks after the pregnancy leave began or the day that is six weeks after the birth, still-birth or miscarriage.

  • Extension of Leave 4 If an extension of the leave is required, a request for the extension must be 5 submitted on the Leave Request Form at least five days in advance of the leave 6 expiration. Consideration of an extension will be based on the same criteria as 7 the original request. Failure to return to work at the expiration of the leave may 8 result in termination.

  • Revocation of License To the extent the Respondent engages in similar activity that was the basis for this Agreement, Respondent affirmatively consents to the immediate revocation of any impacted mortgage loan originator license. Respondent further agrees to waive his or her right to a hearing, and to any reconsideration, appeal, or other rights which may be afforded to contest the revocation of the impacted mortgage loan originator license under this provision.

  • Taking of leave (a) Annual leave shall be given and shall be taken within a period of six months after the date when the right to annual leave accrued; provided that the giving and taking of such leave may be postponed by mutual agreement between the parties for a further period not exceeding six months. (b) Where an employee requests, annual leave can be taken in single days. (c) The employer shall provide a response within a reasonable timeframe giving consideration to the urgency of the application to an employee’ application for annual leave.

  • Abuse of Leave If it is found that a leave is not actually being used for the purpose for which it was granted, the Employer may cancel the leave and direct the employee to report for work by giving written notice to the employee.

  • Revocation Elsevier or Copyright Clearance Center may deny the permissions described in this License at their sole discretion, for any reason or no reason, with a full refund payable to you. Notice of such denial will be made using the contact information provided by you. Failure to receive such notice will not alter or invalidate the denial. In no event will Elsevier or Copyright Clearance Center be responsible or liable for any costs, expenses or damage incurred by you as a result of a denial of your permission request, other than a refund of the amount(s) paid by you to Elsevier and/or Copyright Clearance Center for denied permissions. The following terms and conditions apply only to specific license types:

  • Ratification of Lease Except as amended hereby, the Lease shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms and is hereby ratified. In the event of a conflict between the Lease and this Amendment, this Amendment shall control.

  • Commencement of Leave Parental leave must commence no later than the first anniversary date of the birth or adoption of the child or of the date on which the child comes into the actual care and custody of the employee. The employee will decide when his or her parental leave is to commence.

  • Use of Leave An employee does not need to use this leave entitlement in one block. Leave can be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule when medically necessary. Employees must make reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned medical treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the employer’s operations. Leave due to qualifying exigencies may also be taken on an intermittent basis.