Observation Process. The formal observation process shall consist of:
1. Pre-Observation Conference
A) The pre-observation conference is the opportunity for the professional staff member and evaluator(s) to provide each other with information that will be helpful to observation process.
B) At or before the pre-observation conference, the staff member will submit the Pre-Observation Conference Form for the session to be observed.
C) At this pre-observation conference, the staff member may submit other artifacts or planning data.
Observation Process a. The first observation for classroom teachers and non-teachers will be completed by January 15th.
b. All new classroom teachers and new non-classroom teachers shall be observed at least once for a total observation time of thirty (30) minutes within the first (90) ninety calendar days of their employment.
c. All classroom teachers and non-classroom teachers in the 3rd year of provisional status under RCW 28A.405.220 shall be observed at least three (3) times for not less than ninety (90) minutes.
d. Following each observation or series of observations the evaluator shall promptly document the results of the observation in writing, and shall provide the classroom teacher and non-classroom teacher with a copy thereof within three (3) days after such report is prepared.
e. At least one (1) observation of an employee on the comprehensive evaluation during the year shall include an entire observation cycle of pre-observation/planning conference, a formal observation, and a post-observation conference. A post- observation conference is mandatory if problems are noted.
f. Required, formal observations of classroom teachers and non-classroom teachers will not take place on half, early release, or late start days, the day before winter or spring break, and on days of an assembly or a modified schedule, unless mutually agreed upon by the evaluator and classroom teacher or non-classroom teacher in written form. Late start Mondays are not included in these exclusions.
g. All observations shall be conducted openly. No audio or video devices shall be used to listen to or record the procedures of any class, unless mutually agreed upon by the evaluator and classroom teacher or non-classroom teacher in written form.
h. For any classroom teacher or non-classroom teacher who may be recommended for probation, a minimum of one (1) formal observation shall be completed by December 15th.
i. Criteria noted as needing improvement shall be documented on the observation form with recommendations for improvement.
j. All required formal observations will be completed by May 1st.
Observation Process. (a) The observation shall extend for a period of not less than forty (40) minutes (if not an observation of an instructional block) or for the length of an instructional block. The observation shall include the introduction and/or lesson closure.
(b) All observations/evaluations shall be based on the Professional Evaluation Criteria/Rubric and reported on the Professional Evaluation Performance Report. At the sole discretion of the superintendent and/or his/her designee, additional information from the evaluator may be provided in narrative or other form. No additional information may be added after the post-conference.
(c) A post-conference will be held between the supervisor and teacher within ten (10) school days, not to exceed fifteen (15) calendar days, for the purpose of reviewing and discussing the written valuation.
(d) Following the conference a written report in quadruplicate shall be prepared by the supervisor and signed by the supervisor and the teacher within ten (10) school days of the conference.
(e) The teacher shall have the right to make additional comments or explanations concerning the observation/evaluation report within ten (10) school days. Such comments shall be attached to and be made a part of the formal evaluation.
Observation Process. Each observation shall be forwarded within a reasonable period of time, but no longer than fifteen (15) school days, by a conference to indicate areas of strength and weakness and to make specific recommendations which shall assist the teacher in the improvement and/or correction of observed deficiencies. In addition, the administrative and supervisory staff person performing the observations shall discuss with the teacher and all areas of the “Evaluation Criteria” for which there is concern and about which the administration may have knowledge at the time of the observation. Following the conference, an observation/evaluation report shall be prepared in triplicate within a reasonable period of time, but no longer than fifteen (15) school days after the conference, which shall be signed by both the administrator and staff member. One copy shall be retained by the staff member, one copy shall be retained in the building administrator’s office, and one copy shall be maintained in the staff member’s permanent folder in the District Office. The staff member shall have the right to make additional comments or explanations on the observation/evaluation form. The signature of the staff member shall constitute an acknowledgment that he or she has read its content.
Observation Process. (a) The observation shall extend for a period of not less than forty
Observation Process. 1. Nontenured teachers shall be observed with the classroom visitation model by more than one qualified person a minimum of four times a year: twice during the first semester no sooner than ten
Observation Process. 1. The Evaluator is not required nor expected to review all the indicators in a rubric during an observation. The Evaluator's first observation of the Educator should take place by November 15th. Observations required by the Educator Plan should be completed by May 15th. The Evaluator may conduct additional observations after this date.
2. The Evaluator shall characterize an observation that generally demonstrates proficient or better practice in the Evidence Log as either
Observation Process. 1. The classroom observation of a GA Educator shall be carried out by a member of the Evaluation Team and shall encompass one full class period.
2. The Evaluation Team Member conducting the classroom observation shall initiate communication in writing to the GA Educator to schedule 1) an initial goals discussion meeting; 2) a mutually-agreed upon time and date for the observation; and
Observation Process. All evaluations, regardless of course modality, shall be evaluated following the same applicable process. Any evaluatee working in multiple modalities shall be evaluated in all of the modalities. Each member of the evaluation team shall observe at least one class or service session. The evaluation team (including the administrator) will observe one class/service session of each course in which the faculty member serves. All courses and/or services taught/provided by the faculty member shall be observed. Elements of the evaluation for non-instructional faculty, who are teaching, must include a class observation. To the extent possible, a Observations normally will be for a period of at least fifty (50) minutes; however, the period of time of an observation may be shortened or lengthened by mutual agreement of the evaluatee and the observer. Notes may be taken during the observation. Observation forms should be filled out during or immediately following the observation and forwarded to the administrative evaluator within four (4) workdays of the observation. For educational counselors each member of the team will observe the counselor being evaluated in a counseling session with at least one student. The student’s written consent shall be obtained prior to the observation. For librarians, the team and the librarian will schedule a specific time for the observation of the librarian’s duties, including services provided online. Each member of the team will observe the librarian’s duties. For mental health counselors, the team and the mental health counselor will select which campus-wide events will be observed. Given the sensitive and confidential nature of mental health services, only those events where no consent is required to participate shall be observed.
Observation Process. At minimum, the observation process shall consist of the following:
a. Four (4) short observations lasting 10-20 minutes each.
b. Two (2) long observations lasting 30-50 minutes each. Observations will include lesson plans submitted by the unit member prior to the observation.
c. The two (2) long observations shall be pre-scheduled and followed-up with a post-observation conference between the evaluatee and evaluator.