RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. Customer acknowledges and understands that trading and investment in leveraged OTC Rolling Spot Forex Contracts is highly speculative, involves an extreme degree of risk, and is generally appropriate only for persons who can assume risk of loss in excess of their margin deposit. Customer understands that because of the low margin/high leverage normally available in foreign currency trading, price changes in foreign currency Contracts may result in significant losses. Such losses may substantially exceed Customer’s investment and margin deposit. By Customer directing Service Provider to enter into any Contract, any profit or loss arising as a result of a fluctuation in the exchange rate affecting such Currency will be entirely for the Customer’s account and risk. Customer warrants that the Customer is willing and able, financially and otherwise, to assume the risk of foreign currency trading, and in consideration of Service Provider carrying his/her Account(s), Customer agrees not to hold Service Provider and its Technology Providers responsible for losses incurred through following its trading recommendations or suggestions or those of its employees, agents or representatives. Customer recognizes that guarantees of profit or freedom from loss cannot be given and it is impossible to predict performance in foreign currency trading. Customer acknowledges that Customer has received no such guarantees from Service Provider or from any of its representatives or any introducing broker or other entity with whom Customer is conducting or managing his/her/its Service Provider Account and has not entered into this Agreement in consideration of or in reliance upon any such guarantees or similar representations. All transactions effected for Customer’s account and all fluctuations in the market prices of the Contracts carried in Customer’s Account are at Customer’s risk, and Customer shall be solely liable therefore under all circumstances. Customer represents and warrants that Customer is willing and financially able to sustain such losses, and that the trading of Spot Foreign Exchange (Currencies) is a suitable investment vehicle for the Customer. Service Provider is not responsible for delays or partial or total failures in any online (electronic) trading platforms or any communications facility or other causes beyond Service Provider reasonable direct control. The Customer understands and recognizes that the transactions to be conducted pursuant to this Agreement a...
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RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. 5.1 CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND UNDERSTANDS THAT TRADING AND INVESTMENT IN LEVERAGED OTC SPOT FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS IS HIGHLY SPECULATIVE, INVOLVES AN EXTREME DEGREE OF RISK, AND IS GENERALLY APPROPRIATE ONLY FOR PERSONS WHO CAN ASSUME RISK OF LOSS IN EXCESS OF THEIR MARGIN DEPOSIT. Customer understands that because of the low marg�n / h�gh leverage normally ava�lable �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals trad�ng, pr�ce changes �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals Contracts may result �n s�gn�f�cant losses. Such losses may substant�ally exceed Customer’s �nvestment and marg�n depos�t. By Customer d�rect�ng BLUE SUISSE to enter �nto any Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals Contract, any prof�t or loss ar�s�ng as a result of a fluctuat�on �n the exchange rate affect�ng such Currency w�ll be ent�rely for the Customer’s account and r�sk, all �n�t�al and subsequent depos�ts for marg�n purposes shall be made �n U.S. dollars, �n such amounts as BLUE SUISSE may �n �ts sole d�scret�on requ�re; and BLUE SUISSE �s author�sed to convert funds �n Customer’s account for marg�n �nto and from such Fore�gn Currency at a rate of exchange determ�xxx by BLUE SUISSE �n �ts sole d�scret�on on the bas�s of the then preva�l�ng money market rates. Customer warrants that the Customer �s w�ll�ng and able, f�nanc�ally and otherw�se, to assume the r�sk of Fore�gn Currency and/or Prec�ous Metals trad�ng. In cons�derat�on of BLUE SUISSE carry�ng h�s/her Account(s), Customer agrees not to hold BLUE SUISSE respons�ble for losses �ncurred through follow�ng �ts trad�ng recommendat�ons or suggest�ons or those of �ts off�cers, employees, agents or representat�ves. Customer recogn�ses that guarantees of prof�t or freedom from loss cannot be g�ven and �t �s �mposs�ble to pred�ct performance �n Fore�gn Currency and Prec�ous Metals trad�ng. Customer acknowledges that Customer has rece�ved no such guarantees from BLUE SUISSE or from any of �ts representat�ves or any Introduc�ng Broker or other ent�ty w�th whom Customer �s conduct�ng h�s/her BLUE SUISSE account and has not entered �nto th�s Customer Agreement �n cons�derat�on of or �n rel�ance upon any such guarantees or s�m�lar representat�ons. All transact�ons effected for Customer’s Accounts and all fluctuat�ons �n the market pr�ces of the Contracts xxxx�ed �n Customer’s Accounts are at Customer’s r�sk, and Customer shall be solely ll�able therefore under all c�rcumstances. Customer represents and warrants that Customer �s w�ll�ng and f�...
RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. 5.1 CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES AND UNDERSTANDS THAT TRADING AND INVESTMENT IN LEVERAGED OTC SPOT FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS IS HIGHLY SPECULATIVE, INVOLVES AN EXTREME DEGREE OF RISK, AND IS GENERALLY APPROPRIATE ONLY FOR PERSONS WHO CAN ASSUME RISK OF LOSS IN EXCESS OF THEIR MARGIN DEPOSIT. Customer understands that because of the low margin / high leverage normally available in Foreign Currency and Precious Metals trading, price changes in Foreign Currency and Precious Metals Contracts may result in significant losses. Such losses may substantially exceed Customer’s investment and margin deposit. By Customer directing BLUE SUISSE to enter into any Foreign Currency and Precious Metals Contract, any profit or loss arising as a result of a fluctuation in the exchange rate affecting such Currency will be entirely for the Customer’s account and risk, all initial and subsequent deposits for margin purposes shall be made in U.S. dollars, in such amounts as BLUE SUISSE may in its sole discretion require; and BLUE SUISSE is authorised to convert funds in Customer’s account for margin into and from such Foreign Currency at a rate of exchange determined by BLUE SUISSE in its sole discretion on the basis of the then prevailing money market rates. Customer warrants that the Customer is willing and able, financially and otherwise, to assume the risk of Foreign Currency and/or Precious Metals trading. In consideration of BLUE SUISSE carrying his/her Account(s), Xxxxxxxx agrees not to hold BLUE SUISSE responsible for losses incurred through following its trading recommendations or suggestions or those of its officers, employees, agents or representatives. Customer recognises that guarantees of profit or freedom from loss cannot be given and it is impossible to predict performance in Foreign Currency and Precious Metals trading. Customer acknowledges that Customer has received no such guarantees from BLUE SUISSE or from any of its representatives or any Introducing Broker or other entity with whom Customer is conducting his/her BLUE SUISSE account and has not entered into this Customer Agreement in consideration of or in reliance upon any such guarantees or similar representations. All transactions effected for Customer’s Accounts and all fluctuations in the market prices of the Contracts carried in Customer’s Accounts are at Customer’s risk, and Customer shall be solely lliable therefore under all circumstances. Customer represents and warrants that Customer is willing and fi...
RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. FFP does not guarantee the future performance of Client’s Account(s) or any specific level of performance, the success of any investment decision or strategy used, or the success of FFP’s overall management of the Account(s). Client understands that investment decisions made for Client’s Account(s) by FFP are subject to various markets, currency, economic, political, and business risks, and that those investment decisions will not always be profitable.
RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. 10.1 The Client acknowledges, recognises and accepts that:
RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. You unreservedly acknowledge, recognize, understand and accept that: ▪ the Company shall not conduct any continuous monitoring of the transactions already entered into by you neither individually nor manually. Hence, the Company cannot be held responsible for the transactions developing differently from what the Client might have pre-supposed and/or to the disadvantage of the Client; ▪ guarantees of profit or freedom from loss are impossible in investment trading; ▪ he has received no such guarantees or similar representations from the Company, from any agent and or affiliate, or representatives hereof; ▪ he is recommended to seek a specialist independent financial advisor and/or legal advice, in particu- lar, regarding suitability of the investment objectives; ▪ he runs a great risk of incurring losses and accepts and declares that he is willing to undertake this risk. These losses may substantially exceed the your initial investment; ▪ regardless of any information that may be offered by the Company, the value of any investment may increase or decrease and it is even probable that the investment may become of no value; ▪ you acknowledge, recognize and accept that any recommendation and any information communi- cated by the Company does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell a Product and that such recommendation and information, although based upon information from sources believed by the Company to be reliable, may be based solely on a Company’s opinion and that such information may be incomplete and may be unverified and unverifiable. The Company makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to, and shall not be responsible for, the accuracy or completeness of any information or trading recommendation furnished to you.
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  • Risk Acknowledgement The Sub-Adviser makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, that any level of performance or investment results will be achieved by the Fund, whether on a relative or absolute basis. The Adviser understands that investment decisions made for the Fund by the Sub-Adviser are subject to various market, currency, economic, political, business and structure risks and that those investment decisions will not always be profitable.

  • Your Acknowledgements You acknowledge and agree that:

  • Risk Acknowledgment ADVISER does not guarantee the future performance of the Account or any specific level of performance, the success of any investment recommendation or strategy that ADVISER may take or recommend for the Account, or the success of ADVISER’s overall management of the Account. CLIENT understands that investment recommendations for the Account by ADVISER are subject to various market, currency, economic, political and business risks, and that those investment decisions will not always be profitable.

  • Acknowledgements The Borrower hereby acknowledges that:

  • STUDENT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. I hereby acknowledge receipt of the school’s catalog, which contains information describing programs offered, and equipment or supplies provided. The school catalog is included as part of this enrollment agreement and I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this catalog. Student Initials

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