Salary Range The 20 20 - 2 0 2 1 salary range for returning teachers is $39,000 to $75,846. The 2021-2022 salary range for returning teachers is $40,500-$77,392. At the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, the salaries of returning full-time teachers were between $40,000 and $79,346.
Salary Sacrifice (a) Where an Employee wishes to have their pay salary sacrificed for additional superannuation, the Employer will comply with the Employee’s request without unreasonable delay and consistent with any relevant statutory requirements. (b) All entitlements and benefits contained in this Agreement will be calculated on the pre-salary sacrifice pay rate.
Salary Schedule The salaries of employees covered by this agreement are set forth in the salary schedule in Appendix A which is attached to and incorporated into this agreement.