Salary Schedule, Payment of Salaries and Responsibility Allowances. 3.1 All sums outlined in this article are "per annum" unless specifically stated otherwise.
3.2 Subject to articles 8, 9.2 and 10, the amount of university education and length of teacher experience, computed as hereinafter provided shall together determine the basic salary rate for each teacher contracted by the Board. The minimum salary, maximum salary and increments for each year of teaching experience are calculated as follows.
3.3 The monthly salary for each teacher shall be 1/12 part of the appropriate annual salary.
3.3.1 Teachers shall be paid on the 25 day of each month, including July and August or the last teaching day of the month, whichever comes first.
3.4 A teacher who is employed to teach on a part-time basis for the full year or a portion thereof shall be paid for that fraction of the annual salary entitlement which corresponds to the fraction of time taught.
3.5 In addition to salary as a teacher, principals shall be paid an administrative allowance per annum based on the number of pupils enrolled in the principal's school in accordance with the following schedule:
3.6 Each vice-principal shall receive 50 percent of the principal's allowance.
3.6.1 Notwithstanding article 3.6, no vice-principal shall receive an annual allowance per annum of less that $5,125 effective September 1, 2001 and not less than $5,365 effective July 1, 2002. Effective September 1, 2002 the allowance shall be adjusted by the same percentage change as the September 1, 2002 salary grid with no roll back.
3.6.2 When in the absence of the principal the vice-principal acts in place of the principal for a period of three or more consecutive school days, the vice-principal shall be designated as acting principal effective the third consecutive school day and from that date shall be paid as principal for the duration of the designation.
3.6.3 In the absence of all designated administrators, a teacher shall be designated as acting principal and shall be paid 50 percent of the principal's allowance on the second and subsequent consecutive school days of the designation, with payment to be made each month.
3.7 In addition to salary as a teacher, a consultant shall be paid an allowance of three percent of the teacher's placement on basic salary grid.
3.8 When the Board chooses to appoint team leaders and the teacher accepts, the person shall be appointed for one year, with the provision for reappointment by mutual consent. In addition to salary as a teacher, the person shall b...