Special Measures Sample Clauses

Special Measures a) Nothing in this Article precludes the parties from modifying the grievance procedure if another administrative step is required and agreed upon between the Employer and the Union. b) Either party may initiate a meeting for the purpose of resolving the grievance prior to or during the grievance, mediation or arbitration proceedings.
Special Measures. Change of mission with creation of a new institution or integration into one or more institutions that assume the same mission for the same population (whether or not it is a new legal entity)
Special Measures. All victims of domestic abuse and all witnesses aged seventeen or under at the date of commencement of proceedings are entitled to use standard special measures to allow them to give their best evidence in court. Standard special measures include any of the following, some of which can be used in combination: • giving evidence from behind a screen • having a supporter in court • giving evidence via a live TV link.
Special Measures. 8.1 The Hirer is expected to be familiar with and will solely be responsible for implementing any special measures recommended by the Government in respect of the Covid-19 pandemic, including but not limited to, changes of capacity, social distancing measures and the use of masks. 8.2 The Hirer shall be responsible for collating a record of attendees as required to comply with the Governments track and trace scheme. 8.3 The Hirer shall notify the Academy immediately should they become aware of an attendee testing positive for Covid-19 within two weeks of attending the Premises/Facilities. 8.4 The Academy shall provide upon request details of any special measures put in place in respect of Government guidance. The Academy shall remain responsible for the implementation of Government guidance in respect of common areas (including car parks, reception and corridors). 8.5 Upon request of the Academy, the Hirer will provide details of the number of attendees together with details of the special measures that will be put into place in respect of Government guidance. 8.6 The Academy will not under any circumstances accept responsibility or liability in respect of any fines or penalty fees incurred due to breach of such Government guidance or measures.
Special Measures. 5.1 When a port State authority, ship owner, management company, agent or master notifies the RO of an accident or a port State intervention on a vessel flying the Finnish flag and classed by the RO, the matter shall be dealt with immediately. 5.2 In so far as the certification services covered by this Agreement are concerned, the RO agrees to co-operate with Port State Control Officers to facilitate the rectification of reported deficiencies and discrepancies when so requested by Traficom, and notify Traficom thereof. 5.3 Where, in a matter within the RO’s scope of authority under this Agreement, the general condition of a vessel, its equipment or operation, or the state of the company in important respects does not correspond substantially with the particulars of any of the certificates, or if the condition of the vessel is found to be such that it is not fit to proceed to sea without danger to the ship or persons on board or presents an unreasonable threat to the marine environment or to third parties, the RO concerned shall inform Traficom immediately, whereupon Traficom and the RO will use their best endeavours to ensure necessary corrective actions to be taken by the owner or any other relevant party to rectify the defects. 5.4 If such corrective actions are not taken to the satisfaction of the RO, the RO shall withdraw the relevant certificates and notify Traficom immediately. If the ship is in a foreign port, the appropriate authorities of the Port State shall be notified immediately by shipmaster. In the event that deficiencies or discrepancies prove to be beyond the scope of the authorization set out in Appendix 1, the RO surveyor concerned shall inform Traficom immediately, whereupon Traficom shall determine what further action the RO shall take on behalf of Traficom. 5.5 In instances where, temporarily, the requirements of an applicable instrument cannot be met under particular circumstances, the RO will, after consultation with Traficom, specify such measures or supplementary equipment as may be available to permit the ship to proceed to a suitable port where permanent repairs or rectifications can be effected or replacement equipment fitted. 5.6 In the event that deficiencies or discrepancies prove to be beyond the scope of authorization of this Agreement, further action of the RO shall be determined in an authorization given by Traficom. 5.7 The RO shall, not issue certificates to a ship declassed before consulting Traficom. Traficom shall d...
Special Measures. 11.1 An Eligible Firm that has applied to enter the Assigned Risks Pool in accordance with the procedure set out in Rule 10 will be issued with an ARP Policy by the ARP Manager. Commentary: A copy of the standard-form ARP Policy is available on the website of the Solicitors Regulation Authority at xxx.xxx.xxx.xx and is also available from the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Contact details appear at the end of the introductory commentary. 11.2 A Firm in the Assigned Risks Pool must if and to the extent required by the Council submit to investigation and monitoring by the Society and/or its agents, including investigation and monitoring: (a) to determine the reasons why Qualifying Insurance outside the Assigned Risks Pool was not obtained; (b) to ascertain what Special Measures should be taken by the Firm. The Society‘s costs and expenses of the investigation and monitoring and the Society‘s costs and expenses of ascertaining what Special Measures should be taken and of monitoring them shall be met by the Firm and by any person who is a Principal of that Firm. The amount of such costs and expenses shall be determined by the Society which shall not be required to give any detailed breakdown thereof.
Special Measures. During performance of any Technology Trannsfer Plan under Section 3, Akriveia must, prior to disclosing the sequence or structural information of any Licensed mAb to any person, notify WuXi in writing of the person or persons that it intends disclosing such information to, provide WuXi with a copy of the relevant confidentiality agreement between Akriveia and such persons and obtain WuXi’s written consent, provided that the foregoing procedure will not be required with respect to Akriveia’s designated laboratory.
Special Measures. 1. Security interests in fixtures will not be subject to the Act from its commencement. The Act will not be applied to fixtures in a State or Territory without the agreement of that State or Territory. 2. Security interests in water rights will not be subject to the Act from its commencement. The Act will not be applied to water rights in a State or Territory without the agreement of that State or Territory. 3. The States and Territories will continue to regulate any licence, right, entitlement or authority created by or pursuant to State or Territory legislation. Notwithstanding clause 3.2.5, State or Territory legislation that expressly excludes a licence, right, entitlement or authority created by or pursuant to State or Territory legislation from the application of the Act will prevail over the Act. 4. Where there is direct inconsistency between State or Territory legislation and the Act, or subordinate legislation made under the Act, that State or Territory legislation will prevail over the Act or subordinate legislation where: a) subordinate legislation made under the Act provides that the State or Territory legislation prevails; or b) subject to clause 3.2.5, the State or Territory legislation expressly derogates from the Act or subordinate legislation. 5. A State or Territory will not introduce legislation that expressly derogates from the Act unless at least six parties agree to the introduction of the legislation. 6. Subordinate legislation made under the Act may modify or abrogate the operation of State or Territory legislation of the kind mentioned in clause 3.2.4. 7. Nothing in this clause 3.2 affects the Commonwealth’s power to legislate where to do so would be within the legislative power of the Commonwealth without the referrals referred to in this Part.
Special Measures. Nothing in this Article precludes the parties from modifying the grievance procedure as required and by mutual consent; Either party may initiate a meeting for the purpose of resolving the grievance prior to or during the grievance or arbitration proceedings. ARTICLE ARBITRATION
Special Measures. (a) Either party may initiate a meeting for the purpose of resolving the grievance prior to or during the grievance, mediation or arbitration proceedings.