Drawings Sample Clauses
Drawings. In respect of the Concessionaire's obligations relating to the Drawings of the Bus Terminal as set forth in this Agreement, the following shall apply:
(a) The Concessionaire shall prepare and submit, with reasonable promptness and in such sequence as is consistent with the Project Completion Schedule, three copies each of all Drawings to the Independent Engineer for review;
(b) The Concessionaire shall clearly specify in the Drawings the area of Bus Terminal, Project Facilities and associated circulation area that shall be handed over to the Authority after the Concession Period of Bus Terminal.
(c) By submitting the Drawings for review to the Independent Engineer, the Concessionaire shall be deemed to have represented that it has determined and verified that the design and engineering, including field construction criteria related thereto, are in conformity with the Scope of the Project and the Specifications and Standards;
(d) Within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of the Drawings, the Independent Engineer shall review the same and convey its observations to the Concessionaire with particular reference to their conformity or otherwise with the Scope of the Project and the Specifications and Standards. The Concessionaire shall not be obliged to await the observations of the Independent Engineer on the Drawings submitted pursuant hereto beyond the said 15 (fifteen) days period and may begin or continue Construction Works at its own discretion and risk;
(e) If the aforesaid observations of the Independent Engineer indicate that the Drawings are not in conformity with the Scope of the Project or the Specifications and Standards, such Drawings shall be revised by the Concessionaire and resubmitted to the Independent Engineer for review. The Independent Engineer shall give its observations, if any, within 7 (seven) days of receipt of the revised Drawings;
(f) No review and/or observation of the Independent Engineer and/or its failure to review and/or convey its observations on any Drawings shall relieve the Concessionaire of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement in any manner nor shall the Independent Engineer or the Authority be liable for the same in any manner;
(g) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Clause 12.3, the Concessionaire shall submit to the Authority for review and comments, its Drawings relating to the Bus Terminal, finished road level, location and layout of the ticket counter[s], Workshop[s], Authority's Offic...
Drawings a. Drawings Submitted With Bid When the Bid Specifications require the Bidder to furnish drawings and/or plans, such drawings and/or plans shall conform to the mandates of the Bid
Drawings. That part of the Contract Documents prepared or approved by the Design Professional that graphically show the scope, extent, and character of the Work to be performed by Contractor. Shop Drawings and other Contractor submittals are not Drawings as so defined.
Drawings. The Drawings are the graphic and pictorial portions of the Contract Documents, wherever located and wherever issued, showing the design, locations and dimensions of the Work, generally including plans, elevations, sections, details, schedules and diagrams.
Drawings. Any review or approval of drawings by Xxxxx will be for Seller’s convenience and will not relieve Seller of its responsibility to meet all requirements of this Order.
Drawings. These documents shall be 50% construction drawings corresponding to the educational specifications and program requirements illustrating the general scope, scale, and relationship of project components. In addition to Phase II requirements, SREF requirements, and information required by the Owner’s document submittal checklist for phase III 50%, the documents shall include the following:
.1 Site Plan(s) and detailing which, in addition to the Phase II requirements, indicate:
.1 Spot elevations, based on the civil grading plan, for the perimeter of the new additions, sidewalk, or any other areas pertinent to the drainage of rainwater.
.2 Location of storm water service for new additions roof drainage.
.3 Parking lot lighting poles location and type.
.4 Final location for manholes, handholes, pull boxes.
.5 Layout of underground distribution systems (normal power emergency power, fire alarm, master clock, intercommunication, television, telephone, security, control and spares).
.6 Locations of all site improvements, playground and athletic equipment, street furniture, planters and other features.
.7 Details of all curbing, typical parking spaces (regular and handicap accessible), handicap ramps, bus loop(s), parent drop-off, directional signage, site lighting, flagpole and fence foundations, and any other site conditions pertinent to the scope of work.
.8 Plans of new playcourts, tennis courts, tracks, event pads and other pertinent athletic, physical education or recreational areas provided with court markings and detailing for basketball goals, volleyball sleeves, tennis nets, and other playcourt equipment or accessories.
.2 A plan to delineate staging areas, site barriers and other area designations to control and separate students, faculty, staff and the public from construction activities and traffic.
.3 Landscape plans and detail including a plant list clearly noted and cross referenced, details for shrub and tree plantings, identification of plants and trees to remain, be removed or relocated, and other necessary documentation.
.4 Irrigation plans and details delineating the entire area of the project, and addressing necessary connections, alteration, repair or replacement of any existing irrigation systems.
Drawings. Any review or approval of drawings by Buyer will be for Seller’s convenience and will not relieve Seller of its responsibility to meet all requirements of this Order.
Drawings. Schedules shall govern over all other notes and drawings. Bottom elevations of footings shown on drawings shall govern over a general note such as: “All footings shall rest on firm, undisturbed soil and extend a minimum of a certain number of feet into natural or finish grade, whichever is lower.” In the event the footing must be lowered below the bottom elevation shown, the Contractor shall be entitled to additional payment as provided in Section 4.2, CHANGES. In the event the footing is raised above the bottom elevation shown, the Department shall be entitled to a credit as provided in Section 4.2, CHANGES. When a bottom of pile, drilled shaft, piling or cofferdam is shown as an estimated or approximate elevation, the Contractor shall plan and construct to that elevation or to any deeper elevation required by the plans or the direction by the Project Manager. The Project Manager, at the Project Manager’s sole discretion, may order in writing termination of all or part of the work above the estimated or approximate elevation. Except for drawing schedules and bottom elevations as noted above, general notes shall govern over all other portions of the drawings: Larger scale drawings shall govern over smaller scale drawings. Figured or numerical dimensions shall govern over dimensions obtained by scaling. Measurements from the drawings when scaled shall be subject to the approval of the Project Manager. In cases of discrepancies in the figures or drawings, the discrepancies shall be immediately referred to the Project Manager without whose decision said discrepancy shall not be corrected by the Contractor save at its own risk and in the settlement of any complications arising from such adjustment without the knowledge and consent of the Project Manager, the Contractor shall bear all extra expense involved. Items shown on the drawings that are completely void in terms of description, details, quality and / or performance standards in both the Drawings and Specifications to make a price determination shall be considered an omission and the Contractor shall immediately refer same to the Project Manager for a decision. Where there is a conflict between the architectural sheets and the civil or landscaping or electrical sheets, etc., the conflict shall be considered a discrepancy and the Contractor shall immediately refer same to the Project Manager for a decision. Any requirement occ...
Drawings. This Tendering document includes NO drawings.
Drawings. Drawings means the graphic and pictorial portions of the Agreement as attached or listed in Schedule H – Drawings and Specifications or elsewhere in the Agreement wherever located and whenever issued, showing the design, location and dimensions of the Work, generally including plans, elevations, sections, details, and diagrams, as the same may be amended, supplemented or replaced from time to time by the Owner.