Volume Determination Sample Clauses
Volume Determination. All volume determinations shall be adjusted to a temperature of 60° Fahrenheit and 14.696 psia for liquids with equilibrium vapor pressure less than or equal to 14.696 psia and at the equilibrium vapor pressure for liquids with an equilibrium vapor pressure greater than to 14.696 psia pursuant to the most recent edition of the MPMS, Chapter 11 (according to whichever table is relevant to the Product being measured), or, if applicable, the most recent publication of the Renewable Fuel Standard Program under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Volume determinations of Product received into and delivered from the Terminal shall be in accordance with the following:
Volume Determination. A. Project stands require an estimate of tree volume to be removed (marked and/or designated), using the accepted method of sampling, variable radius plot cruising typically with 10 BAF. Cruise systems standards are detailed in the Wisconsin DNR Timber Sale Handbook, (TSH) chapter 24. Tally of volume while marking is done is also acceptable.
B. Adhere to sampling error standards as appropriate to stand size and complexity as described in Timber Sale Handbook, Cruise Accuracy Guide, chapter 23.
C. Maintain sufficient records to provide an audit trail of how the project contract volume was derived, from cruise plan to the final calculation of net volume entered in the sale prospectus and Timber Sale contract. At a minimum, maintain the following information:
1. The original cruise design, including all changes to the original plan. Include the name of the person who prepared the plan or changes.
2. Cruise implementation notes that indicate what was actually done on the ground, such as: maps, tallies, plot locations used, plot location details and any deviations from the cruise design.
3. Cruise reports printed from cruise software, if applicable.
4. Work sheets that document any adjustments made to the volume shown on the cruise reports.
5. Traverse data and reports (GPS plot locations or azimuth-distance). Determine and record timber sale area volumes. At a minimum:
a. Develop a cruise summary that lists volumes by the various sale units/blocks or by individual stands.
b. Record total volume by product and species on DNR Form 2460-001.
D. Utilization specifications for cruising will detail pulpwood volumes and sawlog volumes. Hardwood logs with a small-end diameter inside bark of at least 10.6” should be cruised and scaled as saw logs, and softwood logs with a small-end diameter inside bark of at least 7.6”should be cruised and scaled as saw logs. Sawlog volume estimates should be separated from cordwood volume estimates during cruising whenever there are at least 2 MBF of estimated sawlog volume on a sale.
E. Units from cruise (MBF, cds, tons, other) must be detailed. Total sale volumes will be reported on DNR Form 2460-001 in units of cords and MBF. The Wisconsin DNR weight conversion factors will be used, TSH, chapter 12 to convert any weight scaled products.
F. Comingling volume from cruise (e.g. 18 product code designation) can be done after all individual volumes are calculated. If products will be sold as a comingled product, the establishment notice...
Volume Determination. Calculation of the volume when a variable dilution device with constant flow control by orifice or venturi is used. Record continuously the parameters showing the volumetric flow and calculate the total volume for the duration of the test. Calculation of volume when a positive displacement pump is used. The volume of diluted exhaust gas in systems comprising a positive displacement pump is calculated with the following formula: V = Vo · N where: V = volume of the diluted exhaust gas expressed in litres per test (prior to correction); Vo = volume of gas delivered by the positive displacement pump on testing conditions in litres per revolution; N = number of revolutions per test. Correction of the diluted exhaust gas volume to standard conditions. The diluted exhaust gas volume is corrected by means of the following formula: in which: Vmix V ⋅ K1 ⋅ PP TP K = 273.2 2.6961(K ⋅ kPa −1)
Volume Determination. (4/13) Volume determination shall be based on Weight Measurement unless otherwise agreed. Products shall be weighed on certified scales at locations approved by Forest Service. The weight slip, showing sale name, Load Removal Permit number, date and time weighed, and the gross and tare weights, shall be attached to the Scaler Permit and placed in the location(s) designated by the Forest Service. In the event of weight scale equipment breakdown or suspension of use for other reasons, hauling shall be suspended until Contractor and Contracting Officer agree to an alternate weighing location. If Scaler Permits and/or weight slips are not provided for any reason, Forest Service shall use data from the records during the period in which loss occurred to determine weight of load(s). The weights of such load(s) shall be deemed equal to the load with the heaviest net weight presented during the payment period in which the loss occurred. Payment for lost products may not be required if Forest Service determines that the weight of such lost products involved is small and justified by existing conditions. K-G.8.4.0 - WEIGHT ACCOUNTABILITY (3/12). Products shall be accounted for as follows:
Volume Determination. Hydrocarbons produced, except for those that have been used for the benefit of operations of this contract and those that are unavoidably wasted in said operations, shall be transported by THE CONTRACTOR to the Delivery Point. Hydrocarbons shall be measured pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 13.1. above, and upon such measurement the royalties volume referred to in Clause 12 and of remaining Hydrocarbons shall be determined, which correspond to THE CONTRACTOR.
Volume Determination. (a} [***]. For all purposes under this Agreement, the volume of [***] of [***] and [***] that have been purchased by PANTRY directly from MPC in a relevant time period shall be taken as the equivalent of the volume of [***] of [***] and [***] delivered to the [***] for resale at retail in the time period; except that any volumes of [***] and [***] delivered by PANTRY in the time period to a retail motor fuel outlet which is the subject of a separate Improvement Agreement, Marketer's Agreement, Branding Agreement, Conversion Agreement, or any similar agreement, howsoever denominated, and whenever executed, by MPC and PANTRY shall not be deemed to be volumes of [***] or [***] delivered for resale at retail to the Retail Outlets in the time period.
Volume Determination. The volume of CO2 delivered at the Measurement & Pricing Point shall be determined as follows:
(a) The unit of measurement shall be MSCF.
(b) Metered volumes will be obtained by developing a meter factor at line conditions by use of a prover loop. A meter factor will be applied to the gross metered volume as set out below.
(c) The metered volume will be adjusted by the following formulas for the quality of CO2 actually received:
(i) Actual CO2 received (MSCF) = measured CO2 (MSCF) times the Volume % CO2
(ii) Volume % CO2 = the volume % of CO2 in the gas flow stream as measured by a chromatograph or similar analytical device installed at or near the Measurement & Pricing Point.
(d) The resulting net metered volume will then be multiplied by a constant and the measured density to obtain pounds-mass, which will then be converted to MSCFs.
Volume Determination. All volume determinations shall be adjusted to a temperature of 60° Fahrenheit and 14.696 psia for liquids with equilibrium vapor pressure less than or equal to 14.696 psia and at the equilibrium vapor pressure for liquids with an equilibrium vapor pressure greater than to 14.696 psia pursuant to the most recent edition of the MPMS, Chapter 11 (according to whichever table is relevant to the Product being measured), or, if applicable, the most recent publication of the Renewable Fuel Standard Program under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Volume determinations of Product received into and delivered from the Terminal shall be in accordance with the following: (a) Truck and Railcar. The quantity of Products received from or delivered to trucks or railcar, as applicable, will be determined using one of the following methods, in order of preference (i) by Truck Rack meter, if available, (ii) by scales, if available, (iii) by manually gauging the Terminal’s static tanks or (iv) by gauging the railcar.
Volume Determination. The CSFS has estimated the Sale Volume in the following manner: Net total volume for designated timber was estimated at 20,538 hundred cubic feet (CCF), comprised of 15,674 CCF of ESL, 151 CCF of ESD, and 4,713 CCF of TF using variable plot sampling. CSFS will determine final volumes sold through weight scaling as described in this section. Volume by tons as depicted in Table 1 – Description of Products Sold, in Section 5 (Product Pricing), was calculated for the mid-point of the sale using a GMUG National Forest approved conversion factor of 2.61 tons per CCF of delivered product. This conversion factor incorporates a 5% delivered defect for ESL, 25% for ESD, and 5% for TF. Volumes listed in Section 5 (Product Pricing) are for estimation purposes only and are not guaranteed. PURCHASER is responsible for making their own estimates of actual gross volume, defect, and net volume recovery. PURCHASER shall account for all timber products included in this contract during the scaling process, with final settlement based on actual weight scale volumes. CSFS will determine the timber designated for harvest and underutilized as described in Section 8 (Utilization Standards) and PURCHASER will pay CSFS accordingly. In the event any live timber products are severed from the xxxxx for a period of ninety (90) days or more without being weight scaled, CSFS, at their discretion, may reassess the volume with an appropriate and reasonable method that meets industry standards. PURCHASER shall bear any additional costs to CSFS resulting from excessive delay in removing the timber products. Only CSFS-approved, state certified weight scales and procedures are authorized for weight scaling. At a minimum, the weighing facilities must weigh the entire load of logs in a single operation and have automatic electronic design and readout that lists gross, tare and net weight, time, and date automatically on the printed load receipt. The PURCHASER shall attach the CSFS stub portion of the load ticket, described in Section 7 (Load Identification and Log Accountability), to the weight scale receipt which includes: gross, tare and net weight, species, corresponding load ticket number, timber sale contract name, date, and time of delivery. PURCHASER shall deposit this weight scale receipt and attached CSFS stub in a CSFS lock box located at the weighing facility or accounted for in an alternate secured manner acceptable to CSFS. The PURCHASER is responsible for accountability of the CSFS ...
Volume Determination. The volume of CO2 delivered at the Measurement & Pricing Point shall be determined as follows: