Scope and Effect Sample Clauses

Scope and Effect. This Agreement shall supersede any and all prior agreements and understandings between the parties, whether written or oral, regarding the matters herein, and shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the parties and binding upon their respective representatives, successors and assignees.
Scope and Effect. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all prior agreements or representations oral or written as to matters contained herein, and supersedes any agreements between Provider and BCBSM which conflict with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Scope and Effect. The Parties agree and acknowledge that the jurisdiction of the Joint Coordinating Committee shall be limited to liaison and consultation only and that any decisions or agreements of the committee shall not be binding upon the Parties absent express written agreement to the contrary. The resolutions, considerations and discussions taking place from time to time within the Joint Coordinating Committee shall at all times remain subject to the express provisions of this Agreement, and, accordingly the respective rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement (or otherwise) shall not be affected by Articles 11.1 to 11.2.
Scope and Effect. Subdivision 2 does not make void and unenforceable any contract provision of a public works contract that: (1) requires notice of any delay, disruption, or acceleration by the party affected thereby; (2) provides for reasonable liquidated damages; or (3) provides for arbitration or any other procedure designed to settle contract disputes.
Scope and Effect. From and after the Effective Time, each party shall be relieved from all obligations to perform the License Agreement that shall have arisen from and after the Effective Time, but this Agreement shall not relieve any party to the License Agreement from any obligation that shall have arisen prior to the Effective Time. Except for any such obligations, this Agreement shall supersede the License Agreement.
Scope and Effect. This Amendment modifies, supplements and amends the Employment Agreement, and in the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this Amendment and the terms of the Employment Agreement, the terms of this Amendment shall govern and control. In all other respects, the Employment Agreement is and shall remain in full force and effect. Unless expressly indicated to the contrary hereinbelow, the defined terms used in the Amendment shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Employment Agreement.
Scope and Effect. 2.1 The Company and the CWU intend to enter this Agreement on the basis that it is a legally enforceable contract between the Company and the CWU. Accordingly the statutory presumption referred to in section 179(1) of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Xxx 0000 will not apply. 2.2 For the avoidance of doubt, no Current Agreement shall constitute a legally binding agreement. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the wording of any Current Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. 2.3 The Protection set out in clause 3.1.7 of this Agreement shall be read in the context of the provisions of the Job Security, Resourcing and Managing Change Agreement. 2.4 Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent either party from seeking injunctive relief, specific performance or any other equitable relief for any breach of the provisions of this Agreement. 2.5 The rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement are at all times subject to compliance with any Legal or Regulatory Requirements.
Scope and Effect. Xxxxx and Effect considers the purpose of the work, end results, and the impact of the work (both internal and external). This factor does not consider the impact of employee negligence. (Negligence is the failure to act with the prudence a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstances.) Impact is defined as the overall effect on the mission or public image of the district, including the workplace culture, fiscal or legal implications, the safety of students, etc. The organizational scope of impact includes immediate work unit, program or service, cross- functional areas, and internal or external services, including the fiscal, physical, mental and emotional well-being of others and self student success and responsibility for others (non-supervisory) Consideration will only be given to Level Description Points A Work results have impact only on the immediate work unit. Errors might normally result in the loss of time to correct the error, minor damage, waste or financial loss. Work is closely controlled through the structured nature of the work itself and routinely review by others, or close supervision. 35 B Work results have impact beyond the immediate work unit but within the organization. Consequences and/or errors can be identified and resolved quickly with short-term implications. Errors might normally result in: a) the loss of time to correct the errors, either for the employee or co-worker and/or supervisor, b) damage, including limited health and safety impacts, waste or financial loss, and/or c) the ability for others employees to complete their work. 70 C Work results have impact within and, to a limited extent, outside the organization. Consequences and/or errors are identified through monitoring accuracy and adherence to instructions and resolved relatively quickly with short-term implications. Errors might normally result in: a) the loss of time to correct the errors, either for the employee or co-worker and/or supervisor, b) damage, including limited health and safety impacts, waste or financial loss, c) the ability for others employees to complete their work, d) some impact on internal and external clients/customers, and/or limited impact on public image. 110 D Work has a direct impact on the final service or product delivered within and/or outside the organization. Consequences and/or errors may not be immediately identifiable and require significant effort to resolve; impact is beyond the short-term. Work has a significant...
Scope and Effect. I. The Agreement consists of the following documents: (I) This Agreement. (II) Application Guide for Residency in Startup Terrace kaohsuing. (III) Startup Terrace kaohsuing Residency Application Form and relevant attachments. (IV) Startup Terrace kaohsuing management and residency regulations (To be supplemented) II. Provisions herein shall supplement each other. In the case of any inconsistency in various documents, the Agreement shall prevail. If the said inconsistency remain unclear , it shall be resolved in accordance with Startup Terrace kaohsuing management and residency regulations. Where a matter prescribed herein is in violation of laws or regulations, or unenforceable, such matter shall be void. However, if the Agreement remains valid without such part, the validity of the other parts herein shall remain unaffected. Both parties may, when necessary, amend it in accordance with the original purpose of the Agreement.
Scope and Effect. This Addendum modifies, supplements and amends the Agreement, and in the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this Addendum and the terms of the Agreement, the terms of this Addendum shall govern and control. In all other respects, the Agreement is and shall remain in full force and effect. Unless expressly indicated to the contrary hereinbelow, the defined terms used in the Addendum shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Agreement.