CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS. The University shall classify and/or reclassify all positions in the bargaining unit according to the nature and difficulty of duties assigned to and performed by the employee based on a current and accurate job description and shall assign to each position in the bargaining unit a classification title, number, and salary range. An employee new to his/her position will receive a copy of his/her job description upon hire. The appropriate administrator/supervisor will review the description with the employee. Materials used in determining classifications and reclassifications, such as class specifications and reclassification interpretation manuals, shall be readily available to the Union and employees on request.
CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS. Section 1. Job Classification. All positions shall be assigned to a specific classification by the Employer and all positions substantially alike with respect to type, difficulty, and responsibility of work shall be included in the same classification. Class specifications can be found electronically at:
CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS. The University shall classify and/or reclassify all positions in the bargaining unit according to the nature and difficulty of duties assigned to and performed by the employee, based on a current and accurate job description, and shall assign to each position in the bargaining unit a classification title, number, and salary range.
CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS. 15.01 The Centre shall use the agreed upon classification plan “CCOHS Classification Plan”. No modifications to the plan shall be made, except by mutual agreement of the Parties. 15.02 i) All Bargaining Unit positions at the Centre shall be classified by a joint Union Management Committee.
CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS. (a) The classification structure provides the minimum and maximum job evaluation points for positions covered by this Agreement. (b) WaterNSW will use the Mercer CED methodology to evaluate positions to determine a point valuation and corresponding grade within the classification structure set out in Schedule 1 of this Agreement. (c) Accredited WaterNSW and/or Mercer specialists will be engaged to evaluate positions.
CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS. Should new jobs be created or the job description of present classifications substantially change, the Employer and Union shall negotiate the classification of such new jobs to indicate the nature of the work performed and place such job in a pay range with other jobs requiring comparable skill and responsibility. An employee may request of his or her supervisor at any time that his/her employment status or the classification of his/her position be reviewed. The Employer will act promptly on requests for reclassification and advise the employee within thirty (30) days as to the decision of such request. The matters within this Article are not subject to Article 8, Grievance and Arbitration.
CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS. The Employer agrees to appropriately classify an employee according to the job classifications set forth in the wage schedule. An employee may request of supervision at any time that the employee’s employment status or job classification be reviewed. The Employer job evaluation procedure shall include the development and maintenance of position descriptions covering each job classification.
CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS. All positions substantially similar with respect to duties, responsibilities, authority and character of work shall be included within the same grade and the same schedule of compensation shall apply with equity under like working conditions to all positions in the same grade. No new position shall be allocated to a grade without negotiations and agreement with the Union, although the Town may make a temporary allocation pending negotiations. Position classifications are set forth in Appendix A to this Agreement.
CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS. 12.1.1 The position classifications of Employees are as specified in Appendix A hereto.
CLASSIFICATION OF POSITIONS. Positions of all employees who work continuously on a weekly basis shall be classified under the classification names and Hay point ranges specified in Schedule “A”. New classifications may be created during the term of this Collective Agreement, provided that the two Parties agree upon each new classification’s name, Hay point range, classification specification and salary range in a Letter of Understanding. The Employer agrees to notify the Union of any changes to the classification specifications of those classifications outlined in Schedule A and to discuss with the Union any such changes that are significant. Any such change which would also change the Hay point range for a classification will be done by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union.