Section 6.11.1 Sample Clauses
Section 6.11.1. 4 In the assignment of overtime, the District agrees to provide the employee with as much advance 5 notice as practicable in the circumstances. Normally an employee designated to work overtime on 6 days other than the workweek will be advised of the possibility no later than twenty-four (24) hours 7 prior to the end of the last shift before the overtime commences.
Section 6.11.1. 15 The workweek shall consist of four (4) consecutive days commencing Monday or Tuesday, 16 followed by three (3) consecutive days of rest: Friday, Saturday and Sunday; or Saturday, 17 Sunday and Monday, as appropriate.
Section 6.11.1. 2 In addition to driving time, the District will provide each driver fifteen (15) minutes 3 AM pre-trip, ten (10) minutes PM pre-trip and ten (10) minutes post-trip for each AM 4 and PM route, to perform duties associated with bus check out, warm-up, cleanup and
Section 6.11.1. All hours in excess of forty (40) compensated hours per week will be compensated at the rate 34 of one and one-half (1½) times the employee's base pay.
Section 6.11.1. 29 It is agreed that two Paraeducators per building, hired after September 1, 1988, may be 30 assigned to a daily shift of less than six and one-half (6-1/2) hours.
Section 6.11.1. 39 In addition to driving time, the District will provide each driver fifteen (15) minutes AM 40 pre-trip, ten (10) minutes PM pre-trip and ten (10) minutes post-trip for each AM and PM 41 route, to perform duties associated with bus check out, warm-up, cleanup and safety. If the 42 driver is assigned a different bus for the PM route the District will provide the driver a 43 fifteen (15) minute pre-trip. Extra time may be allowed by the Transportation Supervisor 44 for unusual or emergency situations, but not to exceed the additional time actually required 45 through no fault of the employee.
Section 6.11.1. 45 In the event an extra trip is cancelled by the District after it has been awarded to the driver and 47 pay. If an extra trip should be cancelled, the driver’s name assigned to the extra trip shall be 48 placed at the top of the rotation roster for the next meeting. If the trip is rescheduled for the 1 current or following week, the driver has the option of keeping the trip. Employees that decline
Section 6.11.1. 19 It is agreed that two Paraeducators per building, hired after September 1, 1988, may be 20 assigned to a daily shift of less than six and one-half (6-1/2) hours. 22 Section 6.2. 23 Each shift of five (5) hours or more per day shall include a thirty (30) minute duty-free, unpaid lunch 24 period as near the middle of the shift as practicable. Employees shall receive a paid fifteen (15) minute 25 rest period for each three (3) hours worked. The rest period shall occur as near the middle of each 26 three (3) hour shift as practicable.
Section 6.11.1. If one of the above days (holidays) falls on a weekend, the employee shall be given the last 3 workday before or after the Holiday as a paid Holiday, as mutually agreed upon by the 4 Association and the District. 8 A R T I C L E V I I
Section 6.11.1. Employees recalled to duty for a previously unidentified assignment and following completion 11 of a regular school bus run or their regular workday shall be guaranteed a two (2) hour 12 minimum. 14 Employees who are called to duty for a previously unidentified assignment on Saturday, 15 Sunday, or a holiday shall be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours pay. 18 19 A R T I C L E V I I 20 21 HOLIDAYS AND VACATIONS