Annual Holidays (a) All workers shall be entitled to four weeks annual leave after each period of 12 months continuous employment with the employer, to be provided and paid in accordance with the Holidays Act 2003. The parties to this collective agreement agree that the taking of a minimum of 4 weeks paid annual leave per 12 months of employment is essential for the rest and recreation needs of all employees. Therefore the employer will not promote or accept requests from employees to pay out any of the 4 week annual leave yearly entitlement except where the employee establishes that exceptional circumstances require them to make such request. (b) Except that Managers shall be eligible for a minimum of 5 weeks annual leave per year (c) The parties agree that workers who are paid by direct credit to their bank account shall be paid for their annual holidays in the pay that relates to the period during which the holiday is taken.Where workers are paid other than by direct credit, annual holiday pay shall be paid before the holiday starts. (d) Each worker is expected to take their annual leave entitlement by the due date and shall not carry over more than two weeks entitlement into the next year without mutual agreement with their employer. (i.e. leave earned in one year is to be taken no later than the end of the following year unless agreement has been reached to carry over the leave as outlined above). (e) Annual leave may be taken in advance by agreement with the employer and will be available to employees in their first 12 months of service. Such agreement shall not be unreasonably be withheld. The parties agree that any such holiday pay paid in advance may be deducted from a worker’s final pay if she/he leaves the service before the leave has lawfully been accrued. (f) Study leave and annual leave shall be taken at times mutually agreed between the worker and the employer. The worker is required to give reasonable notice of any application of leave. In the event that the parties are unable to reach agreement as to the timing of annual leave, the employer may require the employee to take annual leave by giving 28 days written notice. (g) At the beginning of any twelve month period an employee may elect to take a 2% salary reduction in return for an additional weeks leave on full pay at the end of that twelve month period. (h) Employers will provide written receipt of request for annual leave immediately if practicable.
Holidays During Vacation If a paid holiday falls or is observed during an employee's vacation period, he/she shall be granted an additional day's vacation with pay for each holiday in addition to his/her regular vacation time.
Public Holidays falling within Annual Leave (a) If a Public Holiday, as prescribed in this Agreement, falls within an Employee’s Annual Leave the Public Holiday does not constitute part of the Employee’s Annual Leave and will be paid as ordinary hours.
Unbroken Vacation Period An Employee shall receive an unbroken period of vacation unless mutually agreed upon between the Employee and the Employer.
GENERAL HOLIDAYS 8.01 The following days shall be considered as General Holidays. An employee's pay for a General Holiday shall be as set out in sub-articles 8.03 and 8.04 below: New Year's Day Labour Day Xxxxx Xxxx Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day Civic Holiday and any other day or portion of a day generally observed by the retail grocery and meat stores and designated as a Holiday by the Employer, or any other day declared by the Provincial Government. The Employer may designate the Good Friday General Holiday to be observed in the following week for those employees who volunteer to do so provided it gives the Union twenty one (21) days advance notice. In situations where there are more volunteers in a department who wish to observe Good Friday in the following week than are needed by the Employer, the senior employee will be given preference subject to the Employer having sufficient qualified employees on duty to efficiently operate the business. For those full-time employees who observe Good Friday in the following week they will be given either the Monday or Saturday as their day off in the week following Good Friday, unless mutually agreed to between the Employer and the employee. Where mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union is reached, this provision may be applied to other General Holiday weeks. 8.02 In order for a full-time or part-time employee to receive pay for a General Holiday, they must: (1) not have been voluntarily absent from work on the scheduled work day prior to and following such Holiday; (2) have worked their full, regular designated weekly hours for the week in which Holidays, a Holiday, or portion of a Holiday occur, except for bona-fide illness. Any employee on leave of absence (except employees disentitled for General Holiday pay as set out in the following paragraph) granted by the Employer, at the request of the employee, shall not qualify for a General Holiday with pay if they are absent on both their last scheduled work day prior to, and their first scheduled work day following the General Holiday. Any employee receiving a payment under the Plan 1 Weekly Indemnity Benefit, or Workers Compensation, for the full week in which the General Holiday(s) occurs, shall not be entitled to General Holiday pay. (a) Eligible full-time employees shall suffer no reduction in their pay for a General Holiday as set out in sub-article 8.01 above. (b) Full-time employees working on General Holidays, designated in Article 8 of this Agreement, shall be paid the regular, hourly rate they would have received had they not worked, plus an additional double (2x) time said hourly rate for all time required to be on duty. Employees other than full-time, working on General Holidays, designated in Article 8 of this Agreement, shall be paid their regular, hourly rate they would have received had they not worked, plus additional time and one-half (1½) said hourly rate for all the time required to be on duty. 8.04 Eligible part-time employees shall be compensated as follows: (a) All part-time employees who have been employed thirty (30) calendar days or more and have worked and/or were paid an average of at least thirty-two (32) hours or more per week in the four
Illness During Vacation (The following clause is applicable to full-time employees only)
Paid Holidays – Long Weekends (a) When an employee is scheduled to work a weekend where a paid holiday falls on the Monday or the Friday, the Employer shall endeavour to also schedule the employee to work the paid holiday. (b) When the employee is scheduled off on a weekend where a paid holiday falls on the Monday or the Friday, the Employer shall endeavour to schedule the employee off the paid holiday. (c) In the event of a scheduling conflict, 12.07 (a) will be the deciding provision.
Holiday During Vacation If a holiday, named under Article 7 of this Agreement, falls within the vacation period of an employee, he shall be granted an additional day's pay in lieu of the holiday.
Holiday Coinciding with a Day of Vacation Where an employee is on vacation leave and a day of paid holiday falls within that period, the paid holiday shall not count as a day of vacation.
Annual Vacation 9.1 An employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, is not qualified under paragraph 9.2 hereof, shall be allowed one working day’s vacation with pay for each 25 days’ cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 10 working days until qualifying for further vacation under paragraph 9.2. 9.2 Subject to the provision of Note 1 below, employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 3 years and have completed at least 750 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation schedule on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 16 2/3 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph 9.3. NOTE 1: Employees covered by paragraph 9.2 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on fourth or subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 1,000 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.1. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. 9.3 Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below, employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year, have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 9 years and have completed at least 2,500 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working days’ vacation with pay for each 12 1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph 9.4. NOTE 2: Employees covered by sub-paragraph 9.3 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on their tenth or subsequent service anniversary that they achieve 2,750 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.2. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. (a) Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year, have, maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 9 years and have completed at least 2,250 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 12 1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph NOTE 2: Employees covered by sub-paragraph 9.3(a) will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on their tenth of subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 2,500 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.2. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. 9.4 Subject to the provisions of Note 3 below employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year, have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 19 years and have completed at least 4,750 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 10 days of cumulative compensated service or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year with a maximum of 25 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph 9.5. NOTE 3: Employees covered by paragraph 9.4 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein of in their twentieth or subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 5,000 days if cumulative compensated service; otherwise, their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.3. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. 9.5 Subject to the provisions of Note 4 below, employees who at the beginning of the calendar year have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 28 years and have completed at least 7,000 days of cumulative compensated service shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 8 1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with maximum of 30 working days. NOTE 4: Employees covered by paragraph 9 5 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on their twenty-ninth or subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 7,250 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. (a) Scheduling an employee for five weeks vacation with the employee being paid for the sixth week vacation at pro rata rates; or (b) Splitting the vacation on the basis of five weeks and one week.