GENERAL HOLIDAYS. 8.01 The following days shall be considered as General Holidays. An employee's pay for a General Holiday shall be as set out in sub-articles 8.03 and 8.04 below: New Year's Day Labour Day Xxxxx Xxxx Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day Civic Holiday and any other day or portion of a day generally observed by the retail grocery and meat stores and designated as a Holiday by the Employer, or any other day declared by the Provincial Government. The Employer may designate the Good Friday General Holiday to be observed in the following week for those employees who volunteer to do so provided it gives the Union twenty one (21) days advance notice. In situations where there are more volunteers in a department who wish to observe Good Friday in the following week than are needed by the Employer, the senior employee will be given preference subject to the Employer having sufficient qualified employees on duty to efficiently operate the business. For those full-time employees who observe Good Friday in the following week they will be given either the Monday or Saturday as their day off in the week following Good Friday, unless mutually agreed to between the Employer and the employee. Where mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union is reached, this provision may be applied to other General Holiday weeks. 8.02 In order for a full-time or part-time employee to receive pay for a General Holiday, they must: (1) not have been voluntarily absent from work on the scheduled work day prior to and following such Holiday; (2) have worked their full, regular designated weekly hours for the week in which Holidays, a Holiday, or portion of a Holiday occur, except for bona-fide illness. Any employee on leave of absence (except employees disentitled for General Holiday pay as set out in the following paragraph) granted by the Employer, at the request of the employee, shall not qualify for a General Holiday with pay if they are absent on both their last scheduled work day prior to, and their first scheduled work day following the General Holiday. Any employee receiving a payment under the Plan 1 Weekly Indemnity Benefit, or Workers Compensation, for the full week in which the General Holiday(s) occurs, shall not be entitled to General Holiday pay. (a) Eligible full-time employees shall suffer no reduction in their pay for a General Holiday as set out in sub-article 8.01 above. (b) Full-time employees working on Ge...
GENERAL HOLIDAYS. Part-time employees will be paid four-point-six-two percent (4.62%) of their basic pay in lieu of time off on General Holidays. Such holiday pay shall be included in each regular pay deposit. General Holiday pay earned in accordance with the above shall be considered as paid hours for the purpose of accruing seniority.
GENERAL HOLIDAYS. 16.01 The Employer agrees to comply with the provisions of current Employment Standards Code with regard to General Holidays. For these purposes the following will be recognized as General Holidays: New Year’s Day Alberta Family Day Good Friday Victoria Day Canada Day Heritage Day Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas Day Boxing Day 16.02 If a General Holiday falls on a day that would normally have been a workday for the Employee, and the Employee works on the General Holiday, then the Employee is entitled to either option (a) or (b): (a) An amount that is at least the Employee’s regular wage and an amount that is one and a half (1 ½) times the Employee’s wages for each hour of work the Employee works that day; or (b) An amount that is at least the Employee’s wage rate at overtime rates if the day is worked; and; one preauthorized day off to be taken, no later than the Employee’s next annual vacation and be taken on a day that would normally be a work day for the Employee at an amount at least equal to the Employee’s regular wage. 16.03 When working the night shift, the entitlement to General Holiday pay is given to the shift that works on the holiday the longest. Therefore, the night shift that starts the day before the holiday will receive the holiday benefit, not the night shift that starts on the holiday. 16.04 Part-time and Casual Employees working on a statutory holiday shall be paid at one and one half (1½) times their basic rate of pay. Part-time and Casual Employees shall receive statutory pay equivalent to five percent (5%) of total regular earnings, excluding overtime or vacation pay, for each pay period, with each pay cheque. 16.05 An Employee must be paid General Holiday pay that is at least the Employee’s regular wage if: (a) The Employee does not work on the General Holiday; and (b) A General Holiday falls on a day that would normally have been a work day for the Employee.
GENERAL HOLIDAYS. 10.01 The following days shall be recognized and considered as general holidays for which all full-time employees shall suffer no reduction in pay on account of the closing of the Employer's business: New Year's Day Labour Day Xxxxx Xxxx Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day Civic Holiday and any other day or portion of a day designated as a holiday by the Provincial or Federal Government. Should a general holiday fall on a day other than a regular scheduled work day, an additional day off work with pay shall be given in lieu thereof. 10.02 In order for an employee to qualify for a general holiday with pay employees must not have been voluntarily absent, without the consent of the Employer, from their scheduled work day on such holiday; or on their scheduled work day immediately prior to or following such holiday. Illness, injury, or excused/approved absence shall not disqualify an employee. 10.03 If a general holiday occurs during an employee's annual vacation, the employee shall be given an extra day's vacation with pay at a time mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the employee, or the employee may choose to receive an extra day's pay. 10.04 All full-time employees shall receive their regular daily hours pay at their regular rate for each general holiday. 10.05 All part-time employees who qualify shall receive general holiday pay based on one-fifth (1/5) of their average weekly hours being paid, for each general holiday, and calculated using the hours worked in the last four (4) complete calendar weeks (excluding part-time vacation, sick leave, absences for Workers Compensation or other leaves of absence with pay) immediately prior to the week in which the general holiday occurs.
GENERAL HOLIDAYS. 22.1 The following shall be recognized as statutory holidays with pay at regular straight time hourly rates: New Year’s Day Family Day Good Friday Victoria Day Canada Day Saskatchewan Day Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas Day Boxing Day 22.2 In addition to pay for the holiday, an employee required to work on the statutory holiday will be paid not less than one and one-half times his/her regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked on that day.
GENERAL HOLIDAYS. (a) The following have been designated as paid general holidays: Family Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Remembrance Day Easter Monday Christmas Eve Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day British Columbia Day New Year’s Eve Day Labour Day New Year’s Day - and any other holiday proclaimed as a holiday by Federal or Provincial Government legislation. (b) Payment for paid holidays will be made at the rate of basic pay that the faculty member is receiving at the time of the holiday. (i) Faculty members must work the last regularly scheduled day of work prior to the paid holiday and the first regularly scheduled day of work after the paid holiday in order to qualify for the paid holiday; (ii) It is agreed that regular faculty members, who on the last regularly scheduled day of work prior to the paid holiday, and on the first regularly scheduled day of work after the paid holiday, are on approved leave with pay as provided for in Articles 3.11, 12.12, 13.03, 13.04, 14 and 17.06(h), shall have been deemed to have worked the last regularly scheduled day of work before the paid holiday and the first regularly scheduled day of work after the paid holiday. (d) It is agreed that holiday pay is already included in the annual or pro-rata basic pay of regular faculty members and is included in the Per Semester Credit or Monthly
GENERAL HOLIDAYS. ‌ 14:01 The following are recognized as general holidays for purposes of this Agreement and either they or an alternate day off in lieu will be given at the basic rate. Failing this, an additional day’s pay at the basic rate shall be granted in lieu. 14:02 An employee required to work on a general holiday will be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1½ x) times her basic rate of pay for all hours worked up to eight (8) hours. 14:03 Subject to Article 14:06 below a full-time employee required to work on a general holiday will be granted an alternate day off with basic pay. 14:04 Subject to Article 14:06 below, if a general holiday falls on the regular day off of an employee or during her annual vacation, she shall be granted an alternate day off with basic pay at the mutual convenience of the Employer and the employee. If an agreement cannot be reached that would allow the employee to take an alternate day off within thirty (30) working days before or after the holiday, a day’s pay at the basic rate shall be granted in lieu. 14:05 If a general holiday falls on a day on which an employee is receiving income protection benefits, it shall be paid as a holiday and not deducted from income protection credits. 14:06 Full-time employees shall be allowed to maintain up to five (5) alternative days off in lieu of general holidays, for the employee’s future use, at a time mutually agreed to between the employee and the Employer. The employee shall submit his/her request for time off at least one (1) week prior to the posted schedule. Approval will be based on operational requirements and will be granted whenever possible. If compensating time off is impractical to schedule by March 31, of any year, the employee shall receive her regular rate of pay for all days banked. Such days may only be taken individualy. 14:07 Where the Facility determines that work is to be performed on a general holiday, the employee whose regular scheduled shift that falls on the general holiday shall work on that shift. 14:08 Subject to operational requirement the Employer agrees to make a reasonable effort to schedule employees over Christmas and New Years, so as to accommodate personal preferences. The employees will not be required to work both Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. If all else is equal, preference will be given in order of seniority within the classification.
GENERAL HOLIDAYS. 2101 A day off with pay shall be granted to every full-time employee on or for each of the following general holidays: New Year’s Day August Civic Holiday Xxxxx Xxxx Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day July 1 Boxing Day and any other holiday declared by the Federal, Provincial or Local Government Authority. 2102 An employee scheduled and required to work on any General Holiday shall be paid one and one-half (1 ½X) times her basic rate for regular daily hours. In addition a full-time employee shall be granted a compensating paid day of rest within thirty (30) days before or after the holiday. If a compensating day is offered to, but by mutual agreement, not taken by an employee, then that employee shall receive an additional day's pay at the basic rate in lieu thereof. 2103 Employees shall be allowed to bank up to five (5) alternative days off in lieu of general holidays, for the employee's future use, at a time mutually agreed to between the employee and the Employer. 2104 The Employer will ensure that all employees receive at least two (2) General Holidays, in addition to Christmas Day or New Year's Day, on the days on which they actually occur, and consecutive with days off. 2105 A General Holiday which occurs while an employee is receiving income protection benefits will be paid as a holiday, and not deducted from accumulated credits. 2106 The Employer agrees to distribute time off as equitably as possible over Christmas and New Year’s endeavouring to grant each employee as many consecutive days off as reasonably possible over either Christmas Day or New Year’s Day.
GENERAL HOLIDAYS. 18.01 The following days shall be considered holidays for which there shall be no reductions of pay: New Year's Day Labour Day Xxxxx Xxxx Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day Xxxxx Xxx Day and any other days proclaimed as holidays by Federal, Provincial or Civic authorities, provided such holidays are observed by the major competitors in the City of Selkirk. 18.02 General Holidays shall be observed on days other than the calendar date when so proclaimed by Federal, Provincial or Civic authorities. 18.03 When a General Holiday or Holidays occur, the work week for full- time employees shall be reduced by eight (8) hours (or sixteen (16) hours when a second holiday falls in that week) and no full-time employee shall suffer a reduction in take-home pay. When a Federal, Provincial or Civic holiday is proclaimed, the work week for full-time employees shall be reduced by the number of hours the work schedule is affected. Full-time employees working in excess of the reduced hours of work for that week shall be paid overtime rates for all such hours worked. 18.04 All part-time employees shall receive General Holiday pay in an amount of five (5%) percent of their total gross earnings (excluding overtime) four (4) weeks immediately prior to the General Holiday. 18.05 In order for an employee to qualify for a General Holiday with pay the employee must not have been voluntarily absent from their scheduled work day immediately prior to or following such holiday. Vacation, illness, injury, or any other authorized leave of absence shall not disqualify an employee. 18.06 All employees working on General Holidays shall be paid for the holiday as indicated above if they qualify, plus an additional one and one-half (1½) times said hourly rate of pay for all such time worked.