Section H Sample Clauses

Section H. By adding a new Paragraph 6 as follows and by renumbering the current Paragraph 6 as Paragraph 7:
Section H. Employees receiving pay from this plan will be considered absent because of sickness or injury (“off sick”).
Section H below. At the option of the Employer, a probationary employee may be utilized for direct exchange reassignment and consideration for such use, while not mandatory, is encouraged. When two employees request exchange reassignments within the same classification at the same work location or at a different work location the Employer may grant such request with Local Union agreement. The denial of an exchange reassignment shall not be grievable.
Section HThe union has a bank of eighty (80) hours per year with pay for representatives to attend conferences and workshops. Permission for absences under this provision must be secured in advance. Upon request, up to twenty (20) hours of additional time may be added.
Section H. DEALER RECORDS AND REPORTS, RIGHT TO INSPECT.....................20 1.
Section H. Supervisors will work with employees who are assigned to multiple buildings (to relieve overloaded situations) to assist in prioritizing workload expectations.
Section HEffective upon the complete execution of this Agreement, promotional increases to all positions shall be seven and one-half percent (7.5%) with the exception of promotions to the position of Driver Engineer (DE) which shall be five percent (5%).
Section H. No formal disciplinary action shall be taken against a teacher on the basis of ARTICLE X STUDENT DISCIPLINE AND TEACHER PROTECTION (Continued) Section H (continued) a complaint by a parent or a student, nor any notice thereof shall be included in the teacher's personnel file unless the matter is first reported to the teacher in writing. At the teacher’s request, an Association representative shall be present.
Section H. Full-time Non-Tenure Track Evaluation Process 47 Section I. Post Tenure Review Process 48
Section HSTATE CRITERIA AND FRAMEWORK 32 1. The state evaluation criteria are: 33 a. Centering instruction on high expectations for student achievement; 34 b. Demonstrating effective teaching practices; 35 c. Recognizing individual student learning needs and developing strategies to address 36 those needs; 37 d. Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter, content, and 38 curriculum; 39 e. Fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment; 40 f. Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student 41 learning; 42 g. Communicating and collaborating with parents and school community; and 43 h. Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices focused on improving instructional 44 practice and student learning.