Promotional Increases. Upon promotion, an employee’s salary will be at a step in the higher salary range which will ensure a minimum of sixty dollars ($60.00) per month increase. Promotional increases will be effective from the day the employee assumes the new position.
Promotional Increases. Employees promoted from one job to another within the bargaining unit will be accorded the following pay treatment:
A. Promotional increases will be the higher of the start rate of the job to which promoted or 10% of the same step rate on the promoted-to wage scale added to the current pay, rounded up to the next higher step of the promoted-to wage scale, not to exceed the maximum rate for the promoted-to job. Example: Office Assistant on 24th month of WS 10, is promoted to a Special Assistant on WS 14 Current Pay for WS 10, 24th month = $703.50 WS 14, 24th month $767.00 x 10% = $76.70 (Promotional Increase) $703.50 + $76.70 = $780.20 (Proposed rate of pay) The nearest higher step on WS 14 is the 30th month. The employee will be moved to this step at $827.50 and wage experience adjusted to provide the employee with 30 months wage experience.
B. For wage experience credit treatment for employees reclassified to a lower-rated job and who are subsequently promoted to a job on their previous wage scale within 5 years, see 8.02D.
C. Where an employee is transferred to another exchange/WRA pursuant to a promotion, the transfer will first be made under
Promotional Increases. An employee who is promoted shall be placed on the lowest step in the new range which results in an increase equivalent to approximately five percent (5%).
Promotional Increases. 2.1. Promotional increases shall be determined in accordance with section 1, above. Promotions are defined as a change in position title that results in a wage increase.
Promotional Increases. A bargaining-unit member who receives a promotion shall receive the base-salary increase shown below, effective on the same date as the promotion which shall take effect September 1st following the academic year in which the successful review takes place.
Promotional Increases. Upon promotion to a higher paid classification, a unit member shall be placed at a step in the new class range which will insure at least 5% increase above the unit member's previous rate. The unit member will be given an additional 1% for each range beyond the initial 5% increase, up to a maximum increase of 10% total, and placed on the appropriate step of the salary schedule. If the increase falls between steps, then the increase will be placed at the higher level. Additional advancement will be at the designated interval for the step thereafter. For the purpose of this rule, appointment of a unit member to a class with a salary range equal to or below his current range shall not be considered a promotion and shall not warrant a salary increase; in such cases, placement will be made on the same rate formerly earned by the unit member, not to exceed the maximum of the range of the class to which he is appointed.
Promotional Increases. When an employee is promoted to a higher paying job classification, his/her base rate will be adjusted to the base rate shown in Appendix A on the date the employee begins work on the new job.
Promotional Increases. Each promoted faculty member will receive a promotion increase in his/her base contract salary effective with the start of the following academic year. The amount of the increases will be $1,000 from Instructor to Assistant Professor; $1,500 from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor; and $2,000 from Associate Professor to Professor. At no time shall a faculty member be compensated for both advancement in rank and his/her degree completion (listed in section 25.20 on Professional Growth for Educational Degree Attainment), but will receive the higher amount of the two. Current faculty can apply for their current rank if they want to financially benefit from it. All current faculty are grandfathered into their current ranks. Advancement-in-Rank Evaluation Committee: The purpose of the committee is to recommend to the CAO faculty for advancement who exemplify high quality performance. The committee does not confer the advancement-in-rank, but gives a recommendation to the CAO.
Promotional Increases. An employee who is promoted to a higher position shall be placed on the salary range for the new job classification.
Promotional Increases. Employees who are promoted shall receive an increase of 7% for a one grade promotion, 10% for a two grade promotion, or 15% for a three grade promotion.