SLASH TREATMENT. Within the roadway, remove limbs, chunks, and debris in excess of 12 inches in length and 3 inches in diameter, and concentrations that may plug ditches or culverts, and water courses. Dispose of slash by scattering outside the roadway limits without damaging trees, or improvements.
SLASH TREATMENT. Subdivision or
SLASH TREATMENT. Subdivision or Unit No Specified Method Prohibited Method N/A accumulated at landings and disposal sites shall be kept separate from unutilized logs and treated by the method shown in the following table.
SLASH TREATMENT. Landing slash shall not be transported outside the landing perimeter without authorization from the Forest Service. Erosion control and fuels reduction. ALL Within RHCAs, equipment should be limited to slopes less than 20% if the slope is directly above, and runs continuously down to a stream channel. If the slope is greater than 20%, but does not slope directly into the creek, the 30% rule with no short pitches to 35% a will be permitted. Do not track up and down drainage pathways and minimize all equipment movement through xxxxxx. When equipment is operating inside RHCAs, minimize ground disturbance with short perpendicular entries into the RHCA. Backblade any berms created by equipment that could concentrate water. Reduce soil compaction, disturbance and protect water quality. ALL Purchaser shall deck separately Sawtimber and Non- Sawtimber products prior to the removal of products from the landing. Product decks shall be removed from the Sale Area in separate operations with all Sawtimber removed from each landing prior to the removal of Non-Sawtimber. Forest Service shall inspect and approve utilization and removal of Sawtimber products prior to the initiation of Non- Sawtimber product removal on a landing-by-landing basis. Accountability for sales having two products with different pricing. ALL To minimize weight loss and reduce potential fire hazard from felled products, all Included Products felled in the xxxxx must be removed from the Sale Area within 30 days of cutting from June 1 - September 30, inclusive. Outside of this time period, felling shall be limited to the amount of Included Products that can be removed from the Sale Area within 4 weeks. Fuels reduction during period of high fire danger. Sample ALL Road Management: Road Dust Abatement Water and road palliatives (including magnesium chloride) will be used on roads for dust abatement. Water will be preferred except on roads where distance limits practical application of water. When using road palliatives other than water, application will include a 25 foot buffer from flowing water. Permanent Roads  Erosion control for road drainage will be provided as needed.  Maintain an out-sloped road surface wherever possible.  Provide drainage improvements where needed.  Utilize drivable dips and out sloped road surfaces where feasible.  Avoid disturbing cut and fill slopes as much as practicable.  Where culverts need to be replaced due to damage during operations, ensure that the culverts ar...
SLASH TREATMENT. Landing slash shall not be transported outside the landing perimeter without authorization from the Forest Service. Erosion control and fuels reduction. ALL Ground skidding equipment will be used on slopes no greater than 30% slope with short pitches up to 200 feet up to 35%. Short pitches over 35% may be agreed to on a site-specific basis as approved by the Forest Service. All skid trails over 30% will be mulched. Mulch (limb slash, wood chips, etc.) where agreed to be used for erosion control, will be spread to a maximum depth of 4.0 inches on skidtrails. Existing slash adjacent to skidtrails will be utilized, if available, before slash from landings. Reduce soil compaction, disturbance and protect water quality. ALL Within RHCAs, equipment should be limited to slopes ≤ 20% if the slope is directly above and runs continuously down to a stream channel. If the slope is > 20%, but does not slope directly into the creek, the 30% rule with no operations on short pitches to 35% will be permitted. Do not track up and down drainage pathways and minimize all equipment movement through xxxxxx. When equipment is operating inside RHCAs, minimize ground disturbance with short perpendicular entries into the RHCA. Backblade any berms created by equipment that could concentrate water. Reduce soil compaction, disturbance and protect water quality. 1, 8, 22, 35, 39, 41, 42, 47, 53, 55, 56, and 57 In Controlled Equipment Access Areas designated on the Sale Area Map, skidding and harvesting equipment is to stay to designated skid trails and access points as approved by the Forest Service to minimize soil disturbance and protect water quality. These areas are designated with white signs with black lettering stating “Controlled Equipment Access Behind This Sign”. Reduce soil compaction, disturbance and protect water quality. 53 Within this subdivision operations cannot meet the 25 foot equipment exclusion due to the gullied and multi-channeled inherent characteristics of this unit. In this unit, equipment operation on the upland between drainages will be favored over working perpendicular to the drainages. Skidding equipment will back up to bundles to minimize turning. Reduce soil compaction, disturbance and protect water quality.
SLASH TREATMENT. See Table A See Table B See Table C Table B: Landing, Disposal Sites and Other Slash CT6.7#
SLASH TREATMENT. Landing slash shall not be transported outside the landing perimeter without authorization from the Forest Service. Erosion control and fuels reduction
SLASH TREATMENT. See Table A See Table B See Table C Not Applicable Table A: Treatment Along Permanent Roads CT6.7# Table B: Landing Disposal Sites and Other Slash