Social aspects. Subject to the transitional provisions set out in Annex II to this Agreement, the Parties shall act in accordance with the legis lation relating to air transport specified in Part F of Annex III to this Agreement.
Social aspects. The Contracting Parties shall ensure that their relevant legislation, rules or procedures deliver, at minimum, the regulatory requirements and standards relating to air transport specified in Part F of Annex IV as detailed in Annex VI. TITLE III INSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS
Social aspects. 1. The Parties recognise the importance of considering the effects of this Agreement on labour, employment and working conditions. The Parties agree to cooperate on labour matters within the scope of this Agreement, inter alia, in relation to impacts on employment, fundamental rights at work, working conditions, social protection and social dialogue.
2. The Parties recognise the right of each Party to establish its own level of domestic labour protection as it deems appropriate, and to adopt or modify accordingly its relevant laws and policies, in a manner consistent with its international obligations. The Parties shall ensure that the rights and principles contained in their respective laws and regulations are not undermined but effectively enforced.
3. Each Party shall continue to improve those laws and policies in a manner consistent with its international obligations, and shall strive towards providing and encouraging high levels of labour protection in the aviation sector. The Parties recognise that the violation of fundamental principles and rights at work cannot be invoked or otherwise used as a legitimate comparative advantage and that labour standards should not be used for protectionist purposes.
4. The Parties reaffirm their commitment, in accordance with their obligations deriving from their membership of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 86th Session in 1998, to respect, promote and effectively implement and apply the Fundamental Rights and Principles at Work.
5. The Parties shall promote the objectives included in the ILO Decent Work Agenda and the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization of 2008 adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 97th Session.
6. Each Party undertakes to make best endeavours towards ratifying, if it has not yet done so, the fundamental ILO conventions. The Parties will also consider the ratification of other ILO conventions and consequently the effective implementation of corresponding international standards in the labour and social domain of relevance for the civil aviation sector, taking into account domestic circumstances.
7. Either Party may request a meeting of the Joint Committee to address labour issues that the requesting Party identifies as significant. TITLE III INSTITUTIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS
Social aspects. 1. Subject to the transitional provisions set out in Annex III to this Agreement, the Parties shall act in conformity with their respective legislation concerning the requirements and standards relating to social aspects specified in Annex I, Part E, to this Agreement.
2. Ukraine shall adopt the necessary measures to incorporate in its legislation and effectively implement the requirements and standards referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, in accordance with transitional provisions stipulated in Annex III to this Agreement.
3. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure the implementation by Ukraine of its legislation adopted with the aim of incorporating the requirements and standards referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Social aspects. 1. Subject to the transitional provisions set out in Annex I to this Agreement, the Parties shall ensure that their relevant legislation, rules or procedures comply with the regulatory requirements and standards relating to air transport specified in Part G of Annex II to this Agreement.
2. The Parties recognise the importance of considering the effects of this Agreement on labour, employment and working conditions. The Parties undertake to cooperate on labour matters within the scope of this Agreement, inter alia in relation to impacts on employment, fundamental rights at work, working conditions, social protection and social dialogue.
3. The Parties shall through their laws, regulations and practices promote high levels of protection in the labour and social domain of the civil aviation sector.
4. The Parties recognise the importance of the benefits that arise when the significant economic gains from open and competitive markets are combined with high labour standards for workers. The Parties shall implement this Agreement in a manner that contributes to high labour standards, irrespective of the ownership or nature of the air carriers concerned, and to ensure that the rights and principles contained in their respective laws and regulations are not undermined but effectively enforced.
5. The Parties commit to the promotion and effective implementation in their laws and practices of internationally recognised core labour standards as contained in the fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organization as ratified by Armenia and EU Members States.
6. The Parties commit to promoting also other internationally agreed standards and agreements in the labour and social domain of relevance for the civil aviation sector and their effective implementation and enforcement in their domestic legislation.
7. Either Party may request a meeting of the Joint Committee to address labour issues that the requesting Party identifies as significant. TITLE III INSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS
Social aspects. 1. Subject to the transitional provisions set out in Annex I, the Parties shall ensure that their relevant legislation, rules or procedures comply with the regulatory requirements and standards relating to air transport specified in Annex II, Part G.
2. The Parties recognise the importance of considering the effects of this Agreement on labour, employment and working conditions. The Parties undertake to cooperate on labour matters within the scope of this Agreement, inter alia in relation to impacts on employment, fundamental rights at work, working conditions, social protection and social dialogue.
3. The Parties shall through their laws, regulations and practices promote high levels of protection in the labour and social domain of the civil aviation sector.
4. The Parties recognise the importance of the benefits that arise when the significant economic gains from open and competitive markets are combined with high labour standards for workers. The Parties shall implement this Agreement in a manner that contributes to high labour standards, irrespective of the ownership or nature of the air carriers concerned, and to ensure that the rights and principles contained in their respective laws and regulations are not undermined but effectively enforced.
5. The Parties commit to the promotion and effective implementation in their laws and practices of internationally recognised core labour standards as contained in the fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organization as ratified by Armenia and EU Members States.
6. The Parties commit to promoting also other internationally agreed standards and agreements in the labour and social domain of relevance for the civil aviation sector and their effective implementation and enforcement in their domestic legislation.
7. Either Party may request a meeting of the Joint Committee to address labour issues that it identifies as significant. TITLE III INSTITUTIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS
Social aspects. The Contracting Parties shall act in accordance with Community legislation relating to air transport specified in Part F of Annex VI. TITLE III
Social aspects. 1. The Contracting Parties recognise the importance of considering the effects of this Agreement on labour, employment and working conditions. The Parties agree to cooperate on labour matters within the scope of this Agreement, inter alia in relation to impacts on employment, fundamental rights at work, working conditions, social protection and social dialogue.
2. The Contracting Parties shall through their laws, regulations and practices promote high levels of protection in the labour and social domain of the civil aviation sector.
3. The Contracting Parties recognise the importance of the benefits that arise when the significant economic gains from open and competitive markets are combined with high labour standards for workers. The Contracting Parties shall implement this Agreement in a manner that contributes to high labour standards and to ensure that the rights and principles contained in their respective laws and regulations are not undermined but effectively enforced.
4. The Contracting Parties reaffirm their commitment, in accordance with their obligations deriving from the membership of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 86th Session in 1998, to respect, promote and effectively implement and apply the Fundamental Rights and Principles at Work.
5. Each Contracting Party will make continued and sustained efforts towards ratifying, to the extent it has not yet done so, the fundamental ILO conventions.
Social aspects. 1. The Parties reaffirm their commitment, in accordance with their obligations deriving from the membership of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 86th Session in 1998, to respect, promote and effectively implement and apply the Fundamental Rights and Principles at Work, to the extent of their respective ratifications.
2. The Parties shall through their laws, regulations and practices promote high levels of protection in the labour and social domain of the civil aviation sector.
Social aspects. 1. The Parties recognise the importance of considering the effects of this Agreement on labour, employment and working conditions. The Parties agree to cooperate on labour matters within the scope of this Agreement, inter alia, in relation to impacts on employment, fundamental rights at work, working conditions, social protection and social dialogue.
2. The Parties recognise the right of each Party to establish its own level of domestic labour protection as it deems appropriate, and to adopt or modify accordingly its relevant laws and policies, consistent with its international obligations. The Parties shall ensure that the rights and principles contained in their respective laws and regulations are not undermined but effectively enforced.
3. Each Party shall continue to improve those laws and policies consistent with its international obligations, and shall strive towards providing and encouraging high levels of labour protection in the aviation sector. The Parties recognise that the violation of fundamental principles and rights at work cannot be invoked or otherwise used as a legitimate comparative advantage and that labour standards should not be used for protectionist purposes.
4. The Parties reaffirm their commitment, in accordance with their obligations deriving from the membership of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 86th Session in 1998, to respect, promote and effectively implement and apply the Fundamental Rights and Principles at Work.
5. The Parties shall promote the objectives included in the ILO Decent Work Agenda and the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization of 2008 adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 97th Session.
6. Each Party undertakes to make best endeavours towards ratifying, if it has not yet done so, the fundamental ILO conventions. The Parties will also consider the ratification of other ILO conventions and consequently the effective implementation of corresponding international standards in the labour and social domain of relevance for the civil aviation sector, taking into account domestic circumstances.
7. Either Party may request a meeting of the Joint Committee to address labour issues that the requesting Party identifies as significant.