Special Education Routes. Two (2) weeks after bid time, the District will develop an average run time for individual Special Education Transportation routes. The District will total the run time for each week included in the period, and divide by the number of weeks, to determine a minimum route time. All parties understand that this is a protection for the employee during times of student illness.
Special Education Routes. All of the above working rules will apply equally to Special Education routes. Additionally, Special Education drivers and attendants will report to Dispatch any changes in their routes, i.e., students who move or do not ride the bus for a period of ten (10) consecutive days or more.
Special Education Routes. 1. It is understood and agreed that special skills are required to successfully handle children involved in special education runs and that, accordingly, selection of drivers and aides for such runs shall be vested solely in the Board and not subject to established bidding procedures. Special skills;
a. Patience
b. Attendance
c. Verbal Communication Skills
d. Ability to deal with biohazard situations daily
2. Employees interested in special education runs shall notify the Transportation Supervisor by the scheduled August bidding meeting.
a. Letters of interest shall be renewable annually.
Special Education Routes. The Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx Bus Drivers have accepted the decision of the Board of Education on Special Education routes with the stipulation that if any new Special Education routes open, or an established route opens, the position shall be posted and offered to the regular Drivers. It shall be understood by the interested parties that the filling of the position will be governed by the principle of providing the best person for the position, seniority preference, and the discretion of the Board. If a regular Driver accepts such a position, he/she shall lose their seniority in that classification. He/she shall have a ninety [90] day trial period for this position.
Special Education Routes. The scheduled act of picking-up and/or delivering students that are scheduled special education qualified, to one or more destinations.
Special Education Routes. The Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx Bus Drivers have accepted the decision of the Board of Education on Special Education routes with the stipulation that if any new Special Education routes open, or an established route opens, the position shall be posted and offered to the regular Drivers. It shall be understood by the interested parties that the filling of the position will be governed by the principle of providing the best person for the position, seniority preference, and the discretion of the Board. He/she shall have a ninety [90] day trial period for this position.
Special Education Routes. Drivers of the regular Special Education Routes shall receive fifty cents ($.50) per hour in addition to their regular hourly rate while driving that route.
Special Education Routes. It is acknowledged that Special Education routes may change throughout the year. Drivers will be assigned to these routes based on matching the driver’s bus parking location, the first pick up point of the morning run and the driver’s experience in dealing with Special Education students. These routes require that they be dealt with on a case by case basis. Should a senior Special Education driver receive less hours in a four (4) week period then a less senior driver, the senior driver may apply to switch routes with the junior driver so long as the deadhead does not increase by more than five (5) kms for one (1) run. Differences of less than four (4) hours on a monthly basis shall not be applicable to this clause.
Special Education Routes i. Every attempt will be made with Special Education and parents to identify an alternative drop off site. Students will be dropped off at the alternate drop-off site, daycare, or taken to the bus barn if no one is home to accept them.
ii. Special Education buses will be provided with blankets.
Special Education Routes. Administration will determine which routes are considered Special Education Routes prior to Bid Meeting or Posting.