Section 1.1 The Employer hereby recognizes the Council as the exclusive representative of all employees in the bargaining unit described in Section 1.3, and the Council recognizes the responsibility of representing the interests of all such employees.
Section 1.2 Nothing contained herein shall be construed so as to include in the bargaining unit any person whose duties as deputy, administrative assistant, or secretary necessarily imply a confidential relationship to the Board of Directors or superintendent of the District pursuant to RCW 41.56.030(2).
Section 1.3 The bargaining unit to which this Agreement is applicable shall consist of all classified employees in the general job classifications of Custodial, Facilities Maintenance, Bus Drivers, Substitute Bus Drivers as defined by the Public Employment Relations Commission, Bus/Truck Mechanics and Servicepersons, Truck Driver/Warehousepersons, Mail Messengers and Special Education Para Educators; as specifically set forth within Appendices "A" through "D" as well as substitute employees as defined in the definitions section.
RECOGNITION AND COVERAGE OF AGREEMENT. Section 1.1 The District hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative of all employees in the bargaining unit described in Section 1.4., and the Association recognizes the responsibility of representing the interests of all such employees. It is agreed that all employees subject to this Agreement shall have and shall be protected in the exercise of the right, freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal, to join and assist the Association. The freedom of such employees to assist the Association shall be recognized as extending to participation in the management of the Association, including representation of the views of the Association to the Board of Directors of the District or any other governmental body, groups, or individual. The District shall take whatever action is required or refrain from such action in order to assure employees that no interference, restraint, coercion, or discrimination is allowed within the District to encourage or discourage membership in all employee organizations.
Section 1.2 It is understood that matters appropriate for consultation and negotiation between the District and the Association are hours, wages, benefits, grievance procedures and general working conditions of employees in the bargaining unit subject to this Agreement. It is further recognized that this Agreement does not alter the responsibility of either party to meet with the other party to advise, discuss, or consult regarding matters concerning working conditions not covered by this Agreement.
Section 1.3 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to include in the bargaining unit any person whose duties as deputy, administrative assistant or secretary necessarily imply a confidential relationship to the board of directors or superintendent of the District pursuant to RCW 41.56.030(2).
Section 1.4 The bargaining unit to which this agreement is applicable shall consist of all full-time and regular part-time employees of the District engaged in the maintenance and operation of the transportation system, including substitute transportation employees who have worked 30 or more cumulative days during the current or preceding school year*; excluding supervisors, confidentials and all other employees. The District will maintain a list of current substitutes and made available to Association Leadership upon request.
Section 1.5 New job descriptions or job descriptions that are substantially changed, shall be submitted to the Association for i...
RECOGNITION AND COVERAGE OF AGREEMENT. 1.1 The District hereby recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative of all employees in the bargaining unit described in Section 1.4, and the Union recognizes the responsibility of representing the interests of all such employees.
1.2 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to include in the bargaining unit any person whose duties necessarily imply a confidential relationship to the Board of Directors and Superintendent of the District pursuant to RCW 41.56.030 (2).
1.3 The District shall furnish the Union with copies of all position descriptions subject to this Agreement and shall provide the Union and respective employees with amendments, changes, or additions as they may from time to time occur. Under normal circumstances, position descriptions will not be significantly changed during a given work year. Any significant changes in the position descriptions of employee classifications covered by this Agreement or the creation of new positions to be covered by this Agreement shall necessitate consultation with the Union and the negotiation of the salary for that position or classification.
1.4 The bargaining unit to which this Agreement is applicable shall consist of all classified employees in the following general job classifications: Transportation, Dispatch, Garage Mechanics, Building Maintenance (including Swimming Pool Maintenance), Nutrition Services, and Warehouse Drivers; excluding personnel represented by RESP and RPTA, and the Supervisor(s) of Transportation, Maintenance, and Nutrition
1.1.1 The District hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative of all employees in the bargaining unit described in Section 1.1.3, and the Association recognizes the responsibility of representing the interests of all such employees.
1.1.2 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to include in the bargaining unit any person whose duties as deputy, administrative assistant, or central office secretaries, imply a confidential relationship with the Board of Directors or Superintendent. New positions will be included or excluded from representation as mutually agreed upon by the District and the Association.
1.1.3 The bargaining unit to which this Agreement is applicable shall consist of all full- time and regular part-time office professionals.
RECOGNITION AND COVERAGE OF AGREEMENT. Section 1.1. The District hereby recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative of all employees in the bargaining unit described in Section 1.2 and the Union recognizes the responsibility of representing the interests of all such employees.
Section 1.2. The bargaining unit to which this Agreement is applicable shall consist of all full-time and regular part-time classified employees in the following general job classification: FOOD SERVICE, excluding all confidential, supervisory, and all other employees of the employer. Substitutes represented by the Union shall include only those employed by the District for more than thirty (30) days of work either within the current or immediately preceding school year. (See Article XI for a listing of those sections of this Agreement which pertain to such substitutes, other sections do not apply).
Section 1.3. The District will provide the Union with job descriptions for all employees subject to this Agreement. Modification of existing positions, or the creation of new positions, shall require reopening of this Agreement pursuant to Article XVII, Section 17.3, for salary of the new position only. If the District creates a new position or substantially changes the duties of an existing assignment, a new job description will be prepared. A copy of the job description will be sent to the Union, along with the salary classification, which the District has determined, is consistent with the District/Union classification criteria. The Union may, within five (5) working days, request that the classification be referred to negotiations. If there is no request to negotiate, the determined salary classification will stand.
RECOGNITION AND COVERAGE OF AGREEMENT. Section 1.1 The District recognizes the Union as the exclusive bargaining representative of all employees in the bargaining unit described in Section 2 and the Union recognizes the responsibility of representing the interest of all such employees.
Section 1.2 The bargaining unit to which this Agreement is applicable is all personnel performing work within the Buildings/Grounds, Custodial,
RECOGNITION AND COVERAGE OF AGREEMENT. 1.1.1 The District hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative of all employees in the bargaining unit described in Section 1.1.3, and the Association recognizes the responsibility of representing the interests of all such employees.
1.1.2 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to include in the bargaining unit any person whose duties as deputy, administrative assistant, district office bookkeepers, or office secretaries, imply a confidential relationship with the Board of Directors or Superintendent.
1.1.3 The bargaining unit to which this Agreement is applicable shall consist of classified employees in the following general job classifications: Maintenance and Operations, Food Service, Transportation (except Mechanics), Mechanics, Security, Technology and Para Educators Substitutes who work thirty (30) days in casual employment or twenty (20) days of consecutive employment shall also become members of the bargaining unit. See Article 3, Section 3.11 for definitions of these employee's rights under this Agreement.
RECOGNITION AND COVERAGE OF AGREEMENT. Section 1.1 The Employer hereby recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative of all full-time and regular part-time Theater Managers of the District, excluding confidential employees, supervisors and all other employees, and the Union recognizes the responsibility of representing all such employees.
RECOGNITION AND COVERAGE OF AGREEMENT. Section 1.1 The District hereby recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative of all employees in the bargaining unit described in Section 1.4 and the Union recognizes the responsibility of representing the interests of all such employees.
Section 1.2 Nothing contained herein shall be construed to include in the bargaining unit any person whose duties as deputy, administrative assistant, or secretary necessarily imply a confidential relationship to the Board of Directors or Superintendent of the District pursuant to RCW 41.56.030 (2).
Section 1.3 When job descriptions are revised or new positions created, the Union will be furnished a copy of said job description. Creation of new positions or the significant modification of existing positions shall require reopening of this Agreement pursuant to Section 19.3 for the wages of the new position. No employee will be required to work outside of the work of this bargaining unit unless agreed by the employee or in case of an emergency (including but not limited to weather events, lock downs, and natural disasters).
Section 1.4 The bargaining unit to which this Agreement is applicable shall consist of all classified employees in the following general job classifications: custodial, grounds, maintenance, warehouse and food service delivery, distribution and utility drivers, print shop and transportation shop. Substitutes represented by the Union shall include only those employed by the District for more than thirty (30) days of work within the current or immediately preceding school year and who continue to be available for employment as substitutes.