Stop Work Orders Sample Clauses
Stop Work Orders. A. The JBE may, at any time, by Notice to Contractor, require Contractor to stop all or any part of the Services for a period up to ninety (90) days after the Notice is delivered to Contractor, and for any further period to which the parties may agree (“Stop Work Order”). The Stop Work Order shall be specifically identified as such and shall indicate it is issued under this provision. Upon receipt of the Stop Work Order, Contractor shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the Services covered by the Stop Work Order during the period of stoppage. Within ninety (90) days after a Stop Work Order is delivered to Contractor, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the JBE shall either (i) cancel the Stop Work Order; or (ii) terminate the Services covered by the Stop Work Order as provided for in this Agreement.
B. If a Stop Work Order issued under this provision is canceled or the period of the Stop Work Order or any extension thereof expires, Contractor shall resume the performance of Services. The JBE shall make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule, the Contract Amount, or both, and the Agreement shall be modified, in writing, accordingly, if:
i. The Stop Work Order results in an increase in the time required for, or in Contractor’s cost properly allocable to the performance of any part of this Agreement; and
ii. Contractor requests an equitable adjustment within thirty (30) days after the end of the period of stoppage; however, if the JBE decides the facts justify the action, the JBE may receive and act upon a proposal submitted at any time before final payment under this Agreement.
C. The JBE shall not be liable to Contractor for loss of profits because of a Stop Work Order issued under this provision.
Stop Work Orders. 19.1. The Owner may, at any time, by written order to the Consultant, require the Consultant to stop all, or any part, of the work called for by this Agreement for a period of up to 90 days after the order is delivered to the Consultant, and for any further period to which the parties may agree. Upon receipt of the order, the Consultant shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stoppage. Within a period of 90 days after a stop work order is delivered to the Consultant, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the Owner shall either—
19.1.1. Cancel the stop work order; or
19.1.2. Terminate the work pursuant to Xxxxxxx 00, Xxxxxxxxxxx.
19.2. If a stop work order issued under this section is canceled or the period of the order or any extension thereof expires, the Consultant shall resume work. The Owner shall make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule or Contract Price, or both, and the Agreement shall be modified in writing accordingly, if— • The stop work order was not issued because of Consultant’s Default in its performance of its obligations under any part of this Agreement; • The stop work order results in an increase in the time required for, or in the Consultant’s cost properly allocable to, the performance of any part of this Agreement; and, • The Consultant provides Notice of Potential Claim pursuant to Section 29, Disputes and Claims.
Stop Work Orders a. The Contracting Officer may, at any time, by written order to the Contractor, require the Contractor to stop all, or any part of the work for a period of up to ninety (90) days after the order is delivered to the Contractor, and for any further period to which the parties may agree. The order shall be specifically identified as a "Stop Work Order" ("SWO") issued under this clause. Upon receipt of the SWO, the Contractor shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the SWO during the period of work stoppage. Within a period of ninety (90) days after a SWO is delivered to the Contractor, or within any extension of that period to which the parties agree, the Contracting Officer shall either:
i. Cancel the SWO; or
ii. Terminate the work covered by the SWO as provided in this Contract, as appropriate.
b. If a SWO is cancelled or expires, the Contractor shall resume work. The Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment to the delivery schedule or Contract price, or both, and shall modify the Contract in writing if, in his or her judgment:
i. The SWO results in an increase in the time required for, or in the Contractor's cost properly allocable to, the performance of any part of this Contract; and
ii. The Contractor submits a written claim for such adjustment within thirty (30) days after the end of the period of work stoppage. At the Contracting Officer's discretion, WMATA may act upon any claim submitted at any time before final payment under this Contract.
c. If a SWO is not cancelled and the work covered by the Contract is terminated for the convenience of WMATA, the Contracting Officer shall allow reasonable costs, if any, resulting from the SWO in arriving at the termination settlement pursuant this Contract.
Stop Work Orders. During unseasonable weather, all Work must stop when the City Representative so directs, and all work must be suitably protected by Contractor at all times. However, the City Representative shall be under no obligation to stop work on the Project. If the Project is stopped, the Contractor shall not be entitled to extra compensation for delays or problems associated with the stoppage.
Stop Work Orders. A. If the Developer and/or Landowner fail to comply with this Agreement, the City may stop all further construction of improvements by issuing a stop work order regarding the nonconforming construction and notifying the Developer and/or Landowner and its Engineer of the order.
B. A stop work order shall remain in effect until the City approves:
1. Arrangements made by the Developer and/or Landowner to remedy the nonconformity; and
2. Assurances by the Developer and/or Landowner that future nonconformities will not occur.
C. The issuance of a stop work order under this section is solely for the benefit of the City. The City does not undertake to supervise the work for the benefit of the Developer and/or Landowner or any other person. No suspension of work under this section shall be grounds for any action or claim against the City or for an extension of time to perform the work.
D. The Developer and/or Landowner shall include in all contracts for work to be performed, or materials to be used under this Agreement, the following provision: The City of Garden City, pursuant to a Restricted Build Agreement on file with the City Clerk and incorporated by reference herein, has the authority to inspect all work or materials under this contract and to stop work in the event that the work performed under this Agreement fails to comply with any provision of the Restricted Build Agreement. In the event that the City issues a stop work order, the contractor shall immediately cease all work and await further instructions from the Developer and/or Landowner and City. Site safety is the Developer and/or Landowner’s responsibility.
Stop Work Orders. Buyer may, at any time by written order, require Seller to stop all or any part of the work under these Terms of Purchase for a period of up to ninety (90) days after delivery of such stop work order, and for any further period as the parties may agree. Immediately upon receipt of such stop work order, Seller shall comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work stoppage. At any time during such period, Buyer may, in whole or in part, either cancel the stop work order or terminate the work in accordance with the “Termination” Article of these
Stop Work Orders. Buyer may at any time by written order require Seller to stop all or any part of the work under this order for a period of up to ninety (90) days after delivery of such stop work order, and for any further period as the parties may agree. Immediately upon receipt of such stop work order, Seller shall comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrance of costs allocable to the work stoppage. At any time during such period, Buyer may, in whole or in part, either cancel the stop work order or terminate the work in accordance with subparagraph A or B of the “Termination” clause of this order. To the extent the stop work order is canceled or expires, Seller shall resume work. If a stop work order is the sole and exclusive cause of a material change in cost or delivery, an adjustment shall be made in the price (excluding profit) or the delivery schedule, or both and this purchase order modified accordingly’ provided, however, that no adjustment in price or delivery shall be made under this provision if (i) the work would have been otherwise interrupted or delayed or (ii) such adjustment is available or expressly excluded under any other provision of this order. No claim for adjustment shall be allowed unless submitted to Buyer in writing in a specified amount within twenty (20) days after the work is terminated or the stop work order expires or is canceled, whichever first occurs.
Stop Work Orders. Buyer may order the temporary stoppage of all or part of the work. Immediately upon receipt of such stop work order, Seller shall comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the costs allocable to the work stoppage. Following such stoppage period, or any extension thereof to which the parties shall have agreed, Buyer shall either: (i) cancel the stop work order, (ii) let such order expire, or (iii) terminate the work covered by such order pursuant to the termination provisions herein. If a stop work order is cancelled or the period of any extension expires, Seller shall resume work as previously agreed.
Stop Work Orders. The Owner may, at any time, by written order to the Consultant, require the Consultant to stop all, or any part, of the work called for by this Agreement for a period of up to 90 days after the order is delivered to the Consultant, and for any further period to which the parties may agree. Upon receipt of the order, the Consultant shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stoppage. Within a period of 90 days after a stop work order is delivered to the Consultant, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the Owner shall either— Cancel the stop work order; or Terminate the work pursuant to Xxxxxxx 00, Xxxxxxxxxxx. If a stop work order issued under this Section is canceled or the period of the order or any extension thereof expires, the Consultant shall resume work. The Owner shall make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule or Contract Price, or both, and the Agreement shall be modified in writing accordingly, if— The stop work order was not issued because of Consultant’s Default in its performance of its obligations under any part of this Agreement; and, The stop work order results in an increase in the time required for, or in the Consultant’s cost properly allocable to, the performance of any part of this Agreement; and, The Consultant provides Notice of Potential Claim pursuant to Section 28, Disputes and Claims.
Stop Work Orders. 20.1 The Township's Chief Administrative Officer may issue a development stop work order pursuant to this Agreement:
i) if the construction or installation of the works and services contemplated by the plans, the additional plans and this agreement are not being complied with (the determination of which shall be in his sole discretion);
ii) if the Developer has failed to commence to construct the works and services or having commenced such works and services, fails to proceed with reasonable speed to complete the same; or,
iii) if the Developer is in any other breach of the plans, and the additional plans, or this Agreement.
20.2 A stop work order shall not be issued until after the Chief Administrative Officer has given to the Developer five (5) days (not including Saturday, Sunday, or statutory holidays) notice in writing outlining the matter or matters which are of concern and the Developer has not, in his opinion, taken reasonable steps to rectify such matter or matters. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if at any time the Chief Administrative Officer considers that any situation or condition is unsafe, damaging to the environment or contrary to the provisions of any applicable laws, the Developer shall do, cause to be done or refrain from doing any act or thing as directed by the Chief Administrative Officer; If the Developer fails to comply with such direction, the Township may take any action it deems necessary including issuing an immediate development stop work order.
20.3 If a stop work order has been issued and the Developer fails to stop work the Developer shall be deemed to be in breach of this agreement.
20.4 If a stop work order has been issued, work shall not begin again until the Developer has made arrangements that are satisfactory to the Chief Administrative Officer to rectify the breach or to correct the improper construction or installation of works and services.
20.5 A stop work order may be restricted in its term to the installation or construction of specific underground or above ground services, or to a specific site or area. If it is so restricted, it shall not affect the continuing installation or construction of other services or to work on other sites or areas.