TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. 5.1. Upon the written request of LOTTE, within 30 days after the completion of each stage of the Development, ZBB shall give necessary technical instruction, guidance and training to the LOTTE’s staff on the Results developed by ZBB during the period of each stage of the Development, subject to the terms and conditions to be agreed upon, case by case, between LOTTE and ZBB.
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TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. 9.1 The LICENSOR shall permit the LICENSEE to send one employee at a time to the LICENSOR's subsidiary's factory in the United States of America for instruction and training in the use of the Know-How and in the manufacture of the Licensed Products, for such period as may be reasonably required for that purpose without unreasonably interfering with the LICENSOR's routine and current commitments.
TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. Each apprentice, including those upgraded, will receive and complete a course of instruction in the technical subjects related to his classification which shall include electrical theory, blueprint and schematic diagram reading and work methods, the cost of which shall be paid by the Carrier. This related instruction shall include classroom work at outside vocational or trade schools, or in schools of instruction set up at Carrier facilities during regular working hours together with a correspondence course in which the apprentice shall participate and satisfactorily complete during other than regular working hours. The total amount of related instructions excluding correspondence course will be: Crew Lineman Class 5, 80 hours of actual classroom time; Assistant Crew Xxxxxxx Class 4, 32 hours of actual classroom time; District Lineman Class 2, 24 hours of actual classroom time; Cable Splicer Class 1-C, 80 hours of actual classroom time. Where no correspondence course is provided for Cable Splicer, an additional 40 hours of actual classroom will be required; Electronic Technician Class 1, 360 hours of actual classroom time. The apprentices shall receive the appropriate rate of pay during such actual classroom time and the Carrier will pay the cost of the course and of any instruments and supplies, which will become the property of the apprentice upon satisfactory completion of apprenticeship training. If the training is terminated for any reason prior to completion, the instruments and unused supplies shall be returned to the Carrier in good condition or the cost may be deducted from the employee's wages due. When the Carrier determines that an apprentice has not maintained satisfactory progress on related technical training, he may be dropped from the apprenticeship training program, which shall be handled in accordance with Rule 30 after the probationary period specified in paragraph (c) above. Progress in connection with the Railway Educational Bureau Program, or other programs mutually agreed to, will not be considered satisfactory if the apprentice becomes more than two months behind in completing his lessons, or if the apprentice becomes more than three months behind in reworking lessons graded at less than 70%; but illness or other causes beyond the control of the individual will be taken into consideration. An apprentice dismissed from the training program solely because of unsatisfactory progress in technical training will be reinstated if he submi...


  • Special Instructions As used herein, the term "Special Instructions" shall mean Proper Instructions countersigned or confirmed in writing by the Treasurer or any Deputy or Assistant Treasurer of the applicable Fund or any other person designated by the Treasurer of such Fund in writing, which countersignature or confirmation shall be (i) included on the same instrument containing the Proper Instructions or on a separate instrument relating thereto, and (ii) delivered by hand, by facsimile transmission, or in such other manner as the applicable Fund and the Custodian agree in writing.

  • Proper Instructions and Special Instructions “Proper Instructions,” which may also be standing instructions, as such term is used throughout this Agreement shall mean instructions received by the Custodian from a Fund, a Fund’s duly authorized investment manager or investment adviser, or a person or entity duly authorized by either of them. Such instructions may be in writing signed by the authorized person or persons or may be in a tested communication or in a communication utilizing access codes effected between electro-mechanical or electronic devices or may be by such other means and utilizing such intermediary systems and utilities as may be agreed from time to time by the Custodian and the person(s) or entity giving such instruction, provided that the Fund has followed any security procedures agreed to from time to time by the applicable Fund and the Custodian including, but not limited to, the security procedures selected by the Fund via the form of Funds Transfer Addendum hereto, the terms of which are hereby agreed to. Oral instructions will be considered Proper Instructions if the Custodian reasonably believes them to have been given by a person authorized to provide such instructions with respect to the transaction involved; the Fund shall cause all oral instructions to be confirmed in writing. For purposes of this Section, Proper Instructions shall include instructions received by the Custodian pursuant to any multi-party agreement which requires a segregated asset account in accordance with Section 2.9 hereof.

  • Authorized Instructions The Custodian shall be entitled to rely upon any Oral Instructions or Instructions actually received by the Custodian and reasonably believed in good faith by the Custodian to be from an Authorized Person (“Authorized Instructions”). Notwithstanding any other provision included in this Agreement, Written Instructions relating to the disbursement of moneys of the Fund other than in connection with the purchase, sale or settlement of Securities, shall be in the form of a Certificate. The Fund agrees that an Authorized Person shall forward to the Custodian Instructions confirming Oral Instructions by the close of business of the same day that such Oral Instructions are given to the Custodian. The Fund agrees that the fact Instructions confirming Oral Instructions are not received or that contrary Instructions are received by the Custodian after the Custodian has effected such Oral Instructions shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of transactions authorized by such Oral Instructions and effected by the Custodian.

  • Acting on Instructions; Unclear Instructions (a) Bank is authorized to act under this Agreement (or to refrain from taking action) in accordance with the instructions received by Bank, via telephone, telex, facsimile transmission, or other teleprocess or electronic instruction or trade information system acceptable to Bank ("Instructions"). Bank shall have no responsibility for the authenticity or propriety of any Instructions that Bank believes in good faith to have been given by Authorized Persons or which are transmitted with proper testing or authentication pursuant to terms and conditions that Bank may specify. Customer authorizes Bank to accept and act upon any Instructions received by it without inquiry. Customer shall indemnify the Bank Indemnitees against, and hold each of them harmless from, any Liabilities that may be imposed on, incurred by, or asserted against the Bank Indemnitees as a result of any action or omission taken in accordance with any Instructions or other directions upon which Bank is authorized to rely under the terms of this Agreement, provided that Bank shall not be indemnified against or held harmless from any Liabilities arising out of Bank's negligence, bad faith, fraud, or willful misconduct.

  • Instruction; Etc The Underwriters, for and on behalf of each of the Investors, hereby irrevocably instruct the Escrow Agent, and the Escrow Agent agrees, (a) to enter into the Deposit Agreement, (b) to appoint the Paying Agent as provided in this Agreement, (c) upon receipt at any time and from time to time prior to the Termination Date (as defined below) of a certificate substantially in the form of Exhibit B hereto (a "WITHDRAWAL CERTIFICATE") executed by the Pass Through Trustee, together with an attached Notice of Purchase Withdrawal in substantially the form of Exhibit A to the Deposit Agreement duly completed by the Pass Through Trustee (the "APPLICABLE NOTICE OF PURCHASE WITHDRAWAL" and the withdrawal to which it relates, a "PURCHASE WITHDRAWAL"), immediately to execute the Applicable Notice of Purchase Withdrawal as Escrow Agent and transmit it to the Depositary by facsimile transmission in accordance with the Deposit Agreement; PROVIDED that, upon the request of the Pass Through Trustee after such transmission, the Escrow Agent shall cancel such Applicable Notice of Purchase Withdrawal, and (d) if there are any undrawn Deposits (as defined in the Deposit Agreement) on the "TERMINATION DATE", which shall mean the earlier of (i) December 31, 1999 (provided that, if a labor strike occurs at The Boeing Company prior to such date (a "LABOR STRIKE"), such date shall be extended by adding thereto the number of days that such strike continued in effect (the "ADDITIONAL DAYS") and (ii) the day on which the Escrow Agent receives notice from the Pass Through Trustee that the Pass Through Trustee's obligation to purchase Equipment Notes under the Note Purchase Agreement has terminated, to give notice to the Depositary (with a copy to the Paying Agent) substantially in the form of Exhibit B to the Deposit Agreement requesting a withdrawal of all of the remaining Deposits, together with accrued and unpaid interest on such Deposits to the date of withdrawal, on the 35th day after the date that such notice of withdrawal is given to the Depositary (or, if not a Business Day, on the next succeeding Business Day) (a "FINAL WITHDRAWAL"), PROVIDED that if the day scheduled for the Final Withdrawal in accordance with the foregoing is within 10 days before or after a Regular Distribution Date, then the Escrow Agent shall request that such requested Final Withdrawal be made on such Regular Distribution Date (the date of such requested withdrawal, the "FINAL WITHDRAWAL DATE"). If for any reason the Escrow Agent shall have failed to give the Final Withdrawal Notice to the Depositary on or before January 7, 2000 (PROVIDED that if a Labor Strike occurs, such date shall be extended by the Additional Days), and there are unwithdrawn Deposits on such date, the Final Withdrawal Date shall be deemed to be January 31, 2000 (PROVIDED that if a Labor Strike occurs, such date shall be extended by the Additional Days).

  • DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS In the event of a Failed Final Remarketing, Senior Notes that are in physical form should be delivered to the person(s) set forth below and mailed to the address set forth below. Name(s) (Please Print) Address (Please Print) (Zip Code) (Tax Identification or Social Security Number) EXHIBIT G INSTRUCTION TO CUSTODIAL AGENT REGARDING WITHDRAWAL FROM REMARKETING U.S. Bank National Association as Custodial Agent 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx 0000 Xxx Xxxx, Xxx Xxxx 00000 Telephone No.: (000) 000-0000 Telecopier No.: (000) 000-0000 Attention: Corporate Trust Administration Re: Senior Notes due 2010 of PNM Resources, Inc. (the “Company”) The undersigned hereby notifies you in accordance with Section 5.07(c) of the Pledge Agreement, dated as of October 7, 2005 (the “Pledge Agreement”), among the Company and you, as Collateral Agent, Custodial Agent and Securities Intermediary, and U.S. Bank National Association, as Purchase Contract Agent and as attorney-in-fact for the holders of Corporate Units from time to time, that the undersigned elects to withdraw the $__________ aggregate principal amount of Separate Senior Notes delivered to the Collateral Agent on __________, 2010 for remarketing pursuant to Section 5.07(c) of the Pledge Agreement. The undersigned hereby instructs you to return such Senior Notes to the undersigned in accordance with the undersigned’s instructions. With this notice, the undersigned hereby agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of Section 5.07(c) of the Pledge Agreement. Capitalized terms used herein but not defined shall have the meaning set forth in the Pledge Agreement. Dated: By: Name: Title: Signature Guarantee: Name Social Security or other Taxpayer Identification Number, if any Address

  • Wiring Instructions At the Closing, Investor shall advance the Loan proceeds to Sponsor by wire transfer of immediately available funds pursuant to the wiring instructions separately provided.

  • Know-How Transfer As and when required in relation to a COVID R&D Plan (and from time to time during the Term if new Know-How within the CureVac Know-How comes to be Controlled by CureVac) or as soon as reasonably practicable upon GSK’s request, CureVac shall disclose and/or deliver to GSK copies of all Development Data and the CureVac Know- How that is reasonably required for GSK’s Development activities in accordance with the COVID R&D Plan (including for regulatory purposes) (“Development Transfer Materials”), with the exception, however, of all Know-How comprised in the CureVac Manufacturing Technology which shall be made available to GSK or its designee as set forth in Section 5.2.1. The technology transfer to be undertaken under this Section 4.7 shall be overseen by the Joint Steering Committee. Any transfer of Know-How pursuant to this Section 4.7 shall be carried out on the basis of a specific technology transfer plan determined in good faith by the Parties and reflected in a technology transfer addendum to this Agreement, detailing at least the following activities together with appropriate timelines: (i) the provision by CureVac of soft copies and, to the extent reasonably required by GSK, hard copies of all Development Transfer Materials; (ii) the procurement by CureVac of the services of such qualified and experienced scientists and technicians, production and quality assurance personnel, engineers, and quality checking personnel as may be reasonably necessary to support the transfer of the Development Transfer Materials. Until completion of the transfer of the Development Transfer Materials, CureVac shall build and maintain a secure, readable, accessible and complete repository of the Development Transfer Materials.

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