TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SEVERANCE PAY. 17.1 The Employer will provide the Union with not less than three (3) months notice of intention to introduce automation, equipment or changes in administrative procedures which might result in the reduction of personnel and/or changes in job duties sufficient to change job groupings.
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SEVERANCE PAY. ‌ 21.1 Definition of Technological ChangeIn this agreement, "technological change" means: (a) the introduction by an employer into his work, undertaking or business of equipment or material of a different nature or kind than that previously used by the Employer in that work, undertaking or business, or (b) a change in the manner, method or procedure in which the Employer carries on his work, undertaking or business that is related to the introduction of that equipment or material, but "technological change" does not include normal layoffs resulting from a decrease in the amount of work to be done.
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SEVERANCE PAY. 17.01 The Employer will provide the Union with as much notice as possible of intention to introduce automation, equipment or changes in administrative procedures which might result in the reduction of personnel and/or changes in job duties sufficient to change job groupings.
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SEVERANCE PAY. Section 1 The Employer will provide the Union with at least (6) months’ notice of intention to introduce automation, equipment or procedures which might result in displacement or reduction or personnel or in changes of job classification. Section 2 Employees becoming redundant due to new equipment or procedures shall be eligible for retraining to equip them for operation of such new equipment or procedure, or to qualify for new positions. Such retraining will be provided by the Employer without cost and without loss of pay to the affected employee(s). Section 3 In cases where employees are not trainable for available positions or where other positions with the Employer are not available, the employee shall elect for termination of employment or shall elect to be placed on the recall list. An employee on recall under this section shall receive all the benefits which he/she has accrued during employment at the end of the recall period or at such earlier time as he/she may elect to terminate. Section 4 A specified extension of the recall period, where recall is applied under the foregoing Section 3, may be mutually agreed by the employee and the Employer, subject to written approval by the Union. Section 5 Severance Pay – Shall be paid to employees laid-off because of new procedures, consolidation, or suspension of business. Severance pay shall also be paid to employees upon retirement at the approved retirement age. The amount of severance pay shall be two (2) weeks at the Employee’s current regular salary for each year of service to a maximum of thirteen (13) weeks. Employees with less than one (1) year’s service will be entitled to one (1) week severance pay.
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SEVERANCE PAY. 17.1 The Employer will provide the Union with as much notice as possible of intention to introduce automation, equipment or changes in administrative procedures which might result in the reduction of personnel and/or changes in job duties sufficient to change job grouping. 17.2 Wherever practical, an employee becoming redundant due to new equipment or procedures, shall be eligible for retraining to qualify for the operation of such new equipment or procedure, or to qualify for new positions. Such retraining shall be provided by the Employer without cost and without loss of pay to the affected employee. 17.3 In cases where the retraining of an employee is not practical, or where other positions with the Employer are not available, the employee shall elect for termination of employment or shall elect to be placed on the recall list in accordance with Article 13, Section 3. 17.4 Severance pay as provided for in Section 5, shall be due and payable to a displaced employee, immediately upon termination in addition to two (2) weeks’ notice or pay, in lieu of such notice.
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SEVERANCE PAY. 9.01 The OTF will provide the Union with reasonable notice of intention to introduce automation or equipment which might result in displacement or reduction of personnel or in changes of job classification. 9.02 Employees becoming redundant (exceeding the number of employees required) due to automation or new equipment, shall be eligible for retraining to equip them for the operation of such new equipment, or to qualify for new positions. Such retraining will be provided by the OTF without loss of pay or seniority to the affected employee(s). 9.03 In cases where the retraining of employees is not practical or where other positions with the OTF are not available, the employee(s) shall elect for termination of employment or shall elect to be placed on the recall list. Where termination is elected, the employee will be entitled to severance pay in accordance with clause 9.04(b).
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SEVERANCE PAY. I t i s t he pur pos e of t hi s Xx xxxx t o pr ovi de f or t echnol ogi cal change as t hat phr ase i s pr esent l y def i xxx i n t he I ndus t r i al Rel at i ons Act of Br iti sh Col umbi a and t o mi ni mi ze any adver se ef f ect s of such change on empl oyees i n t he bar gai ni ng uni t by pr ovi di ng f or r et r ai ni ng or sever ance pay.
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SEVERANCE PAY. Section 1 The Employer will provide the Union with at least (6) months’ notice of intention to introduce automation, equipment or procedures which might result in displacement or reduction or personnel or in changes of job classification.
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SEVERANCE PAY. Section 1 The Employer shall notify the Union at least ninety (90) days in advance of an intent to introduce technological change which shall result in reduction of personnel or changes of job classification. Section 2 Wherever practical, an employee becoming redundant due to new equipment or procedures shall be eligible for retraining to qualify for the operation of such new equipment or procedure, or to qualify for new positions. Such retraining shall be provided by the Employer without cost and without loss of pay to the affected employee. If the Employer decides it is not practical to train the affected employee and the employee does not agree, the matter shall be referred to the Standing Committee under Article 3, Section 3 for resolution, and if necessary to Article 18,
TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND SEVERANCE PAY. Section 1 The Employer will provide the Union with as much notice as possible of intention to introduce automation, equipment or changes in administrative procedures which might result in the reduction of personnel and/or changes in job duties sufficient to change job groupings. Section 2 Wherever practical, an employee becoming redundant due to new equipment or procedures shall be eligible for retraining to qualify for the operation of such new equipment or procedure or to qualify for new positions. Such retraining shall be provided by the Employer without cost and without loss of pay to the affected employee. Section 3 In cases where the retraining of an employee is not practical or where other positions with the Employer are not available, the employee shall elect for termination of employment or shall elect to be placed on the recall list in accordance with Article 13, Section 3. Section 4 Severance pay as provided for in Section 5, shall be due and payable immediately upon termination to an employee who elects for termination of employment pursuant to Section 3.