Reduction of Personnel Sample Clauses
Reduction of Personnel. A. During the term of this contract, reduction in personnel shall be in conformity with this Agreement and with the Statutes of the State.
B. If a reduction in personnel is being considered, the Board shall notify the Association as soon as possible.
C. During said layoffs, such teacher's seniority shall remain unbroken despite such layoff and his accumulated sick leave shall not be canceled but shall remain credited to him pending his return to a professional assignment in this district.
D. The fact that a teacher is laid off for the purpose of staff reduction, this shall not result in the loss of status or credit for previous years of service.
E. Reduction of certified personnel who are represented by the Bargaining Unit will be made according to the following:
(1) Seniority for the purpose of this Article shall be defined as non- terminated years of employment in the district.
(2) A seniority list shall be prepared by the Board and presented to the Association which includes all present Bargaining Unit personnel.
(3) Probationary teachers will be laid off first where any teacher who has acquired tenure and whose position has been curtailed is certified to perform the services of the probationary teacher to the extent it is permissible by law.
(4) In the event teachers must be laid off, layoff will be on the basis of seniority and certification except as provided for in (3.) above.
(5) In the event of a layoff with all of the above factors being equal, teachers will be considered on the basis of a rating determined by the Superintendent with the least satisfactory to be released from service first.
(6) Transfers made necessary under this procedure and requests for re-transfer will be handled within the intent of Article XIV of this Agreement.
F. Recall -- Teachers shall be recalled in the inverse order of layoff for position openings for which they are certified and qualified in accordance with the following:
(1) If a position exists within the district for which the teacher is certified pursuant to this Agreement, the teacher shall be notified by certified mail. Within ten (10) days of the receipt of a written offer to return to employment, the teacher shall accept the position via a response by certified mail or it shall be determined that he has declined the position he was offered. If a teacher is under contract to another school district, he shall have sixty (60) days from being notified of a position in which to return to the district.
(2) All teac...
Reduction of Personnel. The Customer shall provide Securitas with a written notice of at least sixty (60) days in advance of any intended reduction in the number of personnel. The notice must include the specific reasons for the reduction, the number of personnel to be reduced, and the proposed effective date of the reduction. Upon receipt of the notice, Securitas shall evaluate the request and provide a written response within fifteen (15) Working Days from the date of receipt of notice. If Securitas agrees to the reduction, the parties shall mutually agree on the effective date and any necessary adjustments to the Service Fee. Any changes to the Service Fee shall be documented in a revised schedule provided by Securitas. Should the Customer wish to reinstate personnel following a reduction, the Customer must provide Securitas with at least sixty (60) days' written notice. Reinstatement of personnel shall be subject to availability and may require adjustments to the Service Fee.
Reduction of Personnel. A. The District and the Association recognize the possibility that the financial condition of the schools at a given time could necessitate a curtailment of programs on the part of the District, including a reduction of personnel. The parties also recognize that such determinations are within the exclusive discretion of the District. In the event of a general cutback or reduction of personnel through layoff from employment, the following procedure, based upon program needs, will be utilized by the District or its designated representatives:
1. NCP shall be laid off in inverse order of seniority provided that the staff remaining, due to any such layoff, shall be qualified (which could include non-teaching certificate, see 5.b. below) to fill the remaining positions.
2. Seniority shall be defined as the length of continuous service in the bargaining unit. Periods of time spent on leaves of absence shall not constitute a break in continuous service, and seniority shall accrue during such periods. For purposes of this Article only, service at less than the full teaching load shall count as if the service was at the full teaching load.
a. In the event of ties in seniority, as defined above, position on the seniority list shall be determined by using the last four (4) digits of the respective social security numbers. The lower number shall receive the lower position on the seniority list.
b. Not later than November 1 each year, the Board shall prepare a seniority list and deliver the same to the HEA President. In the event that HEA disputes the accuracy of said list, it will notify the Board of any alleged errors, in writing, by December 1.
Reduction of Personnel. A. When the Board determines that a reduction in the number of regular drivers is necessary, the affected drivers shall be added to the top of the seniority list of relief drivers in order of seniority. A “reduction” within this meaning does not refer to any type of reduction of hours within or among runs and/or routes within or among the attendance areas. Increases and decreases of driving times may occur from time to time as enrollment demographics, attendance boundaries, etc., change. Such changes in hours shall not result in recall rights to a particular run, route, or attendance area.
B. Should a layoff occur, employees will be laid off in the following order:
1. Relief drivers
2. Probationary regular drivers
3. Regular drivers in reverse order of seniority The driver(s) to be laid off will be notified at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the effective date of the layoff.
C. If the district decides to eliminate a route, the affected driver may bump using his or her district seniority. The driver does not go to the bottom of the seniority list, but may use his/her district seniority to displace a less senior driver with equivalent or fewer hours.
D. If a shuttle or transfer is eliminated during the school year, the affected driver shall bump the least senior driver with a shuttle or transfer that fits into the reduced driver’s schedule.
E. When a recall of laid off or underemployed (more than one hour per day) driver(s) is required, preference will be given to the driver(s) by recalling in order of greatest District seniority, e.g., the highest District seniority to the lowest.
F. Notice of recall shall be sent by certified or registered mail to the last known address as shown on the Employer's records. The recall notice shall state the time and date on which the employee is to report back to work. It shall be the employee's responsibility to keep the Employer notified as to his/her current mailing address. A recalled employee shall be given at least ten (10) calendar days from registered receipt of mailing, excluding Saturdays and Sundays, to report to work. The Employer may fill the position on a temporary basis until the recalled employee can report for work providing the employee reports within the ten (10) day period. Employees recalled to work for which they are qualified are obligated to take said work. An employee who declines recall to perform work for which he/she is qualified shall forfeit his/her seniority rights.
Reduction of Personnel. No teacher shall be laid off pursuant to a necessary reduction in personnel for any school year or portion thereof, unless said teacher shall have been notified of said layoff by April 30 of the previous school year. The official action of the Board of Education at a public meeting shall constitute such notice. Teachers hired after April 30, will not be covered under the provisions of the paragraph. Such teachers who have to be laid-off, shall receive notice of layoff prior to June 15, of the previous school year.
Reduction of Personnel. A. Prior to the Board acting to reduce the teaching staff the Board shall notify the Association in writing of the necessity, the procedure for laying off positions needed based upon the proposed educational program for the forthcoming year.
B. Reduction of certified personnel who are members of the bargaining unit shall be made according to certification, qualification by state and federal guidelines and continuous service in the Monroe school district. The order of layoff will be as follows:
1. Probationary employees will be laid off first and shall not be retained over tenured teachers except where no tenure teacher is certified or qualified to fill the position.
2. Tenure teachers by seniority, certification, and qualifications as hereinafter defined.
C. Certified shall be defined as a state recognized valid teacher certificate. A teacher will be considered certified for only those areas listed and university verified as of February 1. In the case of special education placements, certification shall be dictated by the ability of the individual to qualify for a certificate endorsement and the ability to qualify for Department of Education approval.
D. [See Appendix E]
E. Teachers on leaves of absence will be given notice of layoff if they were scheduled to return to work but no position exists because of a layoff. Such teachers shall be placed on the recall list.
Reduction of Personnel. Notwithstanding any of the seniority rules contained herein, the Union President and the Chairperson of the Grievance Committee shall, during their terms of office, be placed at the head of the seniority list provided, however, that this preferential seniority shall be only for the purpose of determining layoff and recall.
Reduction of Personnel. A. In cases requiring a reduction of the teacher work force due to declining student enrollment within the district (secondary or elementary level), or budgetary necessity, or when a teacher returns from an involuntary leave, the following factors will be used:
1. The teacher with the most district wide seniority shall be retained, provided that s/he is fully certified and qualified as defined in this contract.
2. Whenever necessary in order to protect the most senior employee who has not been placed on layoff status, involuntary transfers and assignments will be made based on certification and qualifications.
3. No person employed by the Mount Xxxxxxx School District, who has achieved tenure status outside of the bargaining unit, may displace a teacher within the bargaining unit.
B. When involuntary transfers are necessary to retain the most senior teacher(s) who have not been placed on layoff status, the administration shall transfer teacher(s). Such involuntary transfer shall not be grievable if implemented in accordance with Section VIII, C, 3, g, (1) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
C. The Superintendent will meet with the Association to explain and discuss the proposed reduction prior to its implementation. The following information will be provided by the Superintendent:
1. A seniority list (by rank order)
2. A list of all teaching personnel, including date of hire, certification, endorsements, highly qualified content area(s), and majors and minors, in that order, depending upon AS400 programming capabilities. This list will be provided no later than March 1. This list will be updated annually and sent to the Association.
D. Teachers identified for layoff for the following school year shall be given at least sixty (60) days written notice prior to the end of the current school year except in a financial emergency or when a teacher returns from an involuntary leave. When layoffs are made because of a financial emergency, or when a teacher returns from an involuntary leave, teachers to be laid off shall be given at least sixty (60) days written notice prior to the effective date of layoff. At the time a teacher is notified that s/he is to be laid off, the Board shall advise him/her of the recall procedures.
1. Notification will be via certified U.S. mail, or by an administrator in a private setting. There will be no "drop in" notification.
E. The number of teachers laid off shall approximate the projected number of positions to be eliminated.
Reduction of Personnel. The Board shall adhere to the statutory procedures pertaining to the honorable dismissal or recall of employees as set forth in the School Code.
Reduction of Personnel. 7.1 In the event it becomes necessary to reduce the number of teachers due to program elimination or reduction, or to reduce the number of teachers in a given subject area, field or program or eliminate or consolidate positions, the Board shall follow the procedure listed below:
1. Teachers not holding a regular Michigan provisional, continued, or qualified certificate will be laid off first, provided there are qualified and certified teachers to replace and perform all of the needed duties of the laid off teachers.
2. If reduction is still necessary, then probationary teachers with the least seniority will be laid off first, provided there are remaining qualified and certificated teachers to replace and perform all the needed duties of the laid off teachers.
3. If further reduction is still necessary, then tenure teachers with the least seniority will be laid off first, provided there are qualified and certificated teachers to replace and perform all the needed duties of the laid off teachers.