Temporary Abatement of Rent Sample Clauses

Temporary Abatement of Rent. In the event of repair, reconstruction and restoration by Landlord as herein provided, the Rent payable pursuant to this Lease shall be abated proportionately with the degree to which Tenant’s use of the Premises is impaired during the period of such repair, reconstruction or restoration; provided that there shall be no abatement of Rent if such damage is the result of Tenant’s negligence or intentional wrongdoing: Tenant shall not be entitled to any compensation or damages for loss in the use of the whole or any part of the Premises and/or any inconvenience or annoyance occasioned by such damage, repair, reconstruction or restoration.
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Temporary Abatement of Rent. Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that as of the date hereof the entire Premises is not ready for use and occupancy by Tenant due to in part to the completion of necessary improvements and repairs and in part to the fact that certain other tenants ("Third Party Tenants") continue to occupy space within the Demised Premises. Therefore, in order to reasonably accommodate both Landlord and Tenant, the parties agree to work cooperatively during the balance of the calendar year 2001 to enable Landlord to remove the remaining Third Party Tenants in a manner designed to minimize cost and expense and to allow Tenant to take over and pay for the additional space in the Demised Premises as that space is actually used by Tenant, all subject to the mutual understanding that no later then December 31, 2001 all Third Party Tenants shall have been removed by Landlord and Tenant shall commence paying rent on all the 39,485.6 usable square feet comprising the Demised Premises pursuant to rent rate set forth in Paragraph 3.01 hereof. Notwithstanding anything in Paragraph 3.01 to the contrary, however, until the earlier of December 31, 2001 or the date upon which Tenant is occupying all 39,485.6 square feet, Tenant shall pay monthly rent in accordance with this Paragraph 19. Effective as of the date hereof, Tenant shall continue to pay monthly gross rent at an annual gross rent rate of $5.38 per square foot on all space actually used by Tenant (currently 35,644.4 square feet) (including any area under renovation by Tenant). Each month until the Demised Premises is fully occupied by Tenant, Landlord shall submit a statement setting forth the square footage occupied by Tenant upon which footage the $5.38 is to be paid. Landlord shall continue to pay all operating expenses, utilities, taxes and insurance on the Demised Premises until the Premises is fully occupied by Tenant and the provisions of Paragraph 3.01 with respect to the rent payment due under Paragraph 3.01 become effective as provided herein. In addition Tenant shall pay to Landlord as additional monthly rent interest (at a 9.5% annual rate) on any portion of the $600,000 of the Renovation Allowance that Landlord has advanced to pay such renovation expenses as provided for in Paragraph 4.03 hereof. The parties also agree that any Third-Party Tenants, whose leases and possessory rights in the Demised Premises have not yet been terminated, shall be terminated by Landlord upon the receipt of sixty (60) days noti...
Temporary Abatement of Rent. If the Property is destroyed or damaged and Landlord or Tenant repairs or restores the Property pursuant to the provisions of this ARTICLE 7:, any rent payable during the period of such damage, repair and /or restoration shall be reduced according to the degree, if any, to which Tenant’s use of or access to the Property, including the parking areas, is impaired. Except for such possible reduction in Base Rent and Additional Rent, Tenant shall not be entitled to any compensation, reduction, or reimbursement from Landlord as a result of any damage, destruction, repair, or restoration of or to the Property.
Temporary Abatement of Rent. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this letter amendment, the Monthly Base Rent for a four (4) month period beginning on March 1, 2020 and ending on June 30, 2020 (the “Duration Period”) is hereby abated. For the Duration Period, Lessee shall pay a Performance Based Rent (“Rent”) based on one dollar ($1.00) per Taxicab Trip. This Rent is in addition to the Taxicab Trip Fees charged under the Concession Agreement No. LAA-8562 between Lessee and City. Such Rent payable for the Duration Period shall be paid by Lessee pursuant to the current payment schedule in the Agreement. During the Duration Period, Lessee shall not be required to remit payment for Land Area Rent for Commercial and Auto Parking.
Temporary Abatement of Rent. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this letter amendment, Performance Based Rent (“Rent”), which such Rent is in addition to the Taxicab Trip Fees charged under the Concession Agreement No. LAA-8562 between Lessee and the City, shall be One Dollar ($1) from July 1,2020 through July 30, 2020 per Taxicab Trip, from August through to December 31, 2020, Rent shall be One Dollar twenty-five cents ($1.25) per Taxicab Trip, and from January 1, 2021 through to end ofthe term ofthe Agreement, Rent shall be One Dollar, fifty cents ($ 1.50) per Taxicab Trip. Such Rent payable for the Duration Period shall be paid by Lessee pursuant to the current payment schedule in the Agreement. During the Duration Period, Lessee shall not be required to remit payment for Land Area Rent for Commercial and Auto Parking. Monthly Base Rent shall be abated until and upon the first month during the term of this 2nd Letter that Taxicab Trips reach Forty-Thousand (40,000) Taxicab Trips or more, at such instance Monthly Base Rent shall resume and be payable in the amount of Fifty-eight Thousand, Eight Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($58,875) (for example, if hsi--1 September , 2020 Page 2 in February 2021, the number of Taxicab Trips are 42,999, $58,875 shall be due for the month of February and all months following until the end of the term of the Agreement).

Related to Temporary Abatement of Rent

  • No Abatement of Rent This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and Tenant’s obligation to make all payments of Rent and to pay all other charges as and when required under this Agreement shall remain unabated during the Term notwithstanding any damage involving the Leased Property, or any portion thereof (provided that Landlord shall credit against such payments any amounts paid to Landlord as a consequence of such damage under any business interruption insurance obtained by Tenant hereunder). The provisions of this Article 10 shall be considered an express agreement governing any cause of damage or destruction to the Leased Property, or any portion thereof, and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, no local or State statute, laws, rules, regulation or ordinance in effect during the Term which provide for such a contingency shall have any application in such case.

  • Abatement of Rent In the event that Tenant is prevented from using, and does not use, the Premises or any portion thereof, as a result of (i) any repair, maintenance or alteration performed by Landlord, or which Landlord failed to perform, after the Lease Commencement Date and required by this Lease, which substantially interferes with Tenant’s use of the Premises, or (ii) any failure to provide services, utilities or access to the Premises as required by this Lease (either such set of circumstances as set forth in items (i) or (ii), above, to be known as an “Abatement Event”), then Tenant shall give Landlord notice of such Abatement Event, and if such Abatement Event continues for five (5) consecutive business days after Landlord’s receipt of any such notice (the “Eligibility Period”), then the Base Rent, Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses, and Tenant’s obligation to pay for parking (to the extent not utilized by Tenant) shall be abated or reduced, as the case may be, after expiration of the Eligibility Period for such time that Tenant continues to be so prevented from using, and does not use for the normal conduct of Tenant’s business, the Premises or a portion thereof; provided, however, in the event that Tenant is prevented from using, and does not use, a portion of the Premises, and as result thereof it is commercially impractical for Tenant to use all or a portion of the remaining Premises (i.e., the portion of the Premises that Tenant is actually able to use), and if Tenant does not conduct its business from the remaining Premises or portion thereof, then for such time during which it is impractical for Tenant to conduct its business therein, the Base Rent, Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses, and Tenant’s obligation to pay for parking (to the extent not utilized by Tenant) shall also be abated for the remaining Premises (or portion thereof) that Tenant does not use. If, however, Tenant reoccupies any portion of the Premises during such period, the Base Rent, Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses, and Tenant’s obligation to pay for parking (to the extent not utilized by Tenant) allocable to such reoccupied portion, based on the proportion that the rentable area of such reoccupied portion of the Premises bears to the total rentable area of the Premises, shall be payable by Tenant from the date Tenant reoccupies such portion of the Premises. To the extent an Abatement Event is caused by an event covered by Articles 11 or 13 of this Lease, then Tenant’s right to xxxxx rent shall be governed by the terms of such Article 11 or 13, as applicable, and the Eligibility Period shall not be applicable thereto. Such right to xxxxx Base Rent and Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses shall be Tenant’s sole and exclusive remedy for rent abatement at law or in equity for an Abatement Event. Except as expressly provided in this Section 19.5.2 or elsewhere in this Lease, nothing contained herein shall be interpreted to mean that Tenant is excused from paying Rent due hereunder.

  • Temporary Reduction of Rent If the Property is destroyed or damaged and Landlord or Tenant repairs or restores the Property pursuant to the provisions of this Article Seven, any rent payable during the period of such damage, repair and/or restoration shall be reduced according to the degree, if any, to which Tenant's use of the Property is impaired. However, the reduction shall not exceed the sum of one year's payment of Base Rent, insurance premiums and real property taxes. Except for such possible reduction in Base Rent, insurance premiums and real property taxes, Tenant shall not be entitled to any compensation, reduction, or reimbursement from Landlord as a result of any damage, destruction, repair, or restoration of or to the Property.

  • ABATEMENT OF RENT; LESSEE'S REMEDIES (a) In the event of (i) Premises Partial Damage or (ii) Hazardous Substance Condition for which Lessee is not legally responsible, the Base Rent, Common Area Operating Expenses and other charges, if any, payable by Lessee hereunder for the period during which such damage or condition, its repair, remediation or restoration continues, shall be abated in proportion to the degree to which Lessee's use of the Premises is impaired, but not in excess of proceeds from insurance required to be carried under Paragraph 8.3(b). Except for abatement of Base Rent, Common Area Operating Expenses and other charges, if any, as aforesaid, all other obligations of Lessee hereunder shall be performed by Lessee, and Lessee shall have no claim against Lessor for any damage suffered by reason of any such damage, destruction, repair, remediation or restoration.

  • Rent Abatement Except for the negligence or willful act of Tenant or its agents, employees, contractors or invitees, if all or any part of the Premises are rendered untenantable by fire or other casualty and this Lease is not terminated, Monthly Base Rent and Rent Adjustments shall xxxxx for that part of the Premises which is untenantable on a per diem basis from the date of the casualty until Landlord has Substantially Completed the repair and restoration work in the Premises which it is required to perform, provided, that as a result of such casualty, Tenant does not occupy the portion of the Premises which is untenantable during such period.

  • Rental Abatement If (a) the Property is damaged by fire or other casualty thereby causing the Premises to be inaccessible or (b) the Premises are partially damaged by fire or other casualty, the Rent shall be proportionally abated to the extent of any actual loss of use of the Premises by Tenant.

  • Temporary Space Upon reasonable prior notice from Tenant to Landlord, Landlord agrees to provide Tenant with temporary space (the "Temporary Space") on either the second floor of Building A or the second floor of Building B of a size and in a location to be mutually agreed upon by Landlord and Tenant for a period of time commencing no earlier than sixty (60) days from the date of Tenant's notice requesting that the Temporary Space be made available and expiring on the Commencement Date of this Lease. Tenant's occupancy of the Temporary Space shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Lease to the extent appropriate, except that (i) Annual Fixed Rent for the Temporary Space shall be payable at the annual rate equal to the product of (x) $4.00 and (y) the rentable floor area of the Temporary Space, (ii) for the purposes of determining Tenant's payments on account of Landlord's Operating Expenses under Section 2.6 above and Landlord's Tax Expenses under Section 2.7 with respect to the Temporary Space, the "Rentable Floor Area of the Premises" shall be deemed to be the rentable floor area of the Temporary Space and (iii) the Temporary Space shall be delivered to Tenant in its "as is" condition and no improvement allowance or brokerage commission shall be payable with respect thereto. In addition, it is acknowledged and agreed that if Tenant shall elect to lease any Temporary Space hereunder, Tenant shall be occupying such Temporary Space while Landlord is proceeding with components of the Base Building Work in Buildings A and B and accordingly that Tenant shall use and occupy the Temporary Space in such as manner as to minimize any unreasonable interference with Landlord's performance of the Base Building Work. (signatures on next page) EXECUTED as a sealed instrument in two or more counterparts each of which shall be deemed to be an original. WITNESS: LANDLORD: BOSTON PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: Boston Properties, Inc., its general partner By: --/s/ Xxxxx RosenName: Xxxxx RosenTitle: Senior Vice President, Development TENANT ATTEST: By: By: /s/ Xxxxx Xxxxx Name: Name: Xxxxx Xxxxx Title: Secretary or Assistant Secretary Title: President or Vice President Hereto duly authorized By: Name: Title: Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer Hereto duly authorized EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF SITE Those certain parcels of land (with the buildings thereon) situated in Bedford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts bounded and described as follows: PARCELS 1 and 2 Two certain parcels of land situated in Bedford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, shown as Lot 1 and 2 on a plan entitled “Plan of Land in Bedford, Mass." dated March 1, 1962 by Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, Inc., recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds as Plan No. 487 of 1962 in Book 10022, Page 278, and together bound and described as follows: SOUTHWESTERLY by Xxxxxx Road by three lines measuring respectively two hundred eighty-three and 011100 (283.01) feet, twenty-one and 271100 (21.27) feet and four hundred eighty-three and 43/100 (483.43) feet; thence SOUTHERLY by said Xxxxxx Road by a curved line, one hundred nineteen and361100 (119.36) feet; thence SOUTHEASTERLY SOUTHERLY and SOUTHWESTERLY by said Xxxxxx Road by several lines measuring respectively two hundred ninety-three and 04/100 (293.04) feet, three hundred fifty­ three and 041100 (353.04) feet and two hundred twenty and 97/100 (220.97) feet; thence NORTHEASTERLY by the parcel marked "Reserved for Town of Bedford" on said plan, sixteen hundred forty-six and 81/100 (1646.81) feet; and thence NORTHWESTERLY by land now or late of The Worcester Corp., by two lines measuring respectively 305.23 feet and 294.24 feet and by land now or late of Xxxxxxx by two lines measuring respectively 170.33 feet and 64.34 feet, to the place of beginning. For Title see Deed recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 12926, Page 233. PARCEL 3 A certain parcel of land situated in said Bedford, shown on a plan of land in Bedford, Mass.Dated June 5, 1961 by Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, Inc., Registered Land Surveyors, recorded with Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds at the end of Book 9844, bounded and described as follow: SOUTHWESTERLY by Xxxxxx Road, two hundred ninety-eight and 63/100 (298.63) feet; NORTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of the Worcester Corporation, two hundred nine and 95/100 (209.95) feet; NORTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of the Worcester Corporation, two hundred fifty and 57/100 (250.57) feet; and SOUTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Sinbad Realty Corporation by two lines respectively measuring one hundred seventy and 33/100 (170.33) feet and sixty-four and 341100(64.34) feet. Containing approximately 60,951 square feet of 1.4 acres according to said plan. For Title see Deed from Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 13539, Page 732. PARCEL 4 All right, title and interest in and to (i) that portion of Xxxxxx Road described in that certain Deed (a) recorded with the Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds in Book 14013, Page 486 and (b) filed with the Middlesex South Registry District of the Land Court as Document No. 599584 as to which Certificate of Title No. 161163 in Registration Book 936, Page 13 was issued; and

  • Base Rent Abatement Provided that Tenant is not then in Default, and subject to the terms of this Section 3.2 below, then (i) during the last six (6) full calendar months of the Lease Term with respect to the Phase I Premises and (ii) during the last ten (10) full calendar months of the Lease Term with respect to the Phase II Premises (collectively, the “Base Rent Abatement Period”), Tenant shall not be obligated to pay any Base Rent otherwise attributable to the Premises or the Phase II Premises, as applicable, during such Base Rent Abatement Period (collectively, the “Rent Abatement Amount”). Tenant acknowledges and agrees that the foregoing Base Rent Abatement has been granted to Tenant as additional consideration for entering into this Lease, and for agreeing to pay the rental and perform the terms and conditions otherwise required under this Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall have the right, at Landlord’s option, on a month by month basis commencing on the Lease Commencement Date, to accelerate any remaining Base Rent Abatement Amount relating to a full month during the Base Rent Abatement Period for a particular phase of the Premises (the “Phase”) forward, to apply to the Base Rent that would otherwise be due with respect to the next occurring month of the Lease Term for such Phase (the “Landlord Base Rent Abatement Acceleration Election”), in which case Tenant shall have no obligation to pay Base Rent attributable to such next occurring month of the Lease Term for such Phase, and the Base Rent Abatement Amount that is accelerated forward shall no longer be applicable during the Base Rent Abatement Period. Landlord may make such election on a month by month basis with respect to each of the months of the Base Rent Abatement Period. In addition, commencing on the Lease Commencement Date, if Landlord has not exercised the Landlord Base Rent Abatement Acceleration Election on or before the date that the next installment of Base Rent is due under the Lease, and provided that the Lease has not been terminated as a result of any Default of Tenant or rejection of the Lease in bankruptcy (the “Abatement Condition”), then Tenant shall have the right, at Tenant’s option, on a month by month basis commencing on the Lease Commencement Date, to accelerate any Base Rent Abatement Amount relating to a full month during the Base Rent Abatement Period for a Phase forward to apply to the Base Rent that would otherwise be due with respect to the next occurring month of the Lease Term for such Phase (the “Tenant Base Rent Abatement Acceleration Election”), in which case Tenant shall have no obligation to pay Base Rent attributable in such next occurring month of the Lease Term for such Phase, and the Base Rent Abatement Amount that is accelerated forward shall no longer be applicable during the Base Rent Abatement Period. Tenant may not elect to accelerate more than one (1) month of such Base Rent Abatement at any particular time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as long as the Abatement Condition is satisfied, if Tenant fails to deliver notice to Landlord exercising the Tenant Base Rent Abatement Acceleration Election for a particular month of the Lease Term, then Tenant shall be deemed to have elected to exercise the Tenant Base Rent Abatement Acceleration Election for such month without the requirement of providing notice to Landlord. Notwithstanding the different monetary amount of one (1) full calendar month at the end of the Lease Term from the monetary amount of one (1) full calendar month at the beginning of the Lease Term, the value of any full month of Base Rent Abatement, whether accelerated by Landlord or by Tenant, shall be equal to one (1) full month of Base Rent at the time it is applied.

  • Rent The Tenant shall pay the Landlord, in equal monthly installments, $ ("Rent"). The Rent shall be due on the of every month (“Due Date”) and paid under the following instructions: .

  • Basic Rental Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord during the ------------- Term hereof, at Landlord's office or to such other person or at such other place as directed from time to time by written notice to Tenant from Landlord, the initial monthly and annual sums as set forth in Article 1.C of the Basic Lease Provisions, payable in advance on the first day of each calendar month, without demand, setoff or deduction, and in the event this Lease commences or the date of expiration of this Lease occurs other than on the first day or last day of a calendar month, the rent for such month shall be prorated. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the first full month's Basic Rental shall be paid to Landlord in accordance with Article 1.J. of the Basic Lease Provisions.

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