Termination Because of Lack of Funds Sample Clauses
Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this contract become unavailable, the Department may terminate the contract upon no less than 24 hours’ written notice to Provider. The notice must be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. The Department will be the final authority as to the availability and adequacy of funds.
Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event government funding to finance the specific government program within the State Licensing Agency under and through which this Agreement was drafted becomes unavailable, the Licensor may partially or totally suspend or terminate its obligations under the Agreement upon no less than forty-eight (48) hours notice to the Licensee. In the event of a suspension, should the Licensee be financially able to operate the Facility and honor all obligations brought on by the operation of the Facility, including adequate insurance thereon, then, notwithstanding the Licensor's lack of funds, Licensee may do so until such time as the Licensor's ability to monitor the Facility's operation, or repair or replace equipment, makes the continued operation of the Facility unsafe, untenable, or impracticable. In the event the Licensor chooses to exercise its termination option under this section neither party hereto shall have any further rights or obligations hereunder. In the event the Licensor suspends this Agreement but does not reinstate it before the end of the Agreement term, such suspension shall be considered an exercise of the Licensor's termination option. The Licensor shall be the final authority in determining all issues regarding this paragraph.
Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this contract become unavailable, the RECIPIENT or PROVIDER may terminate the contract upon no less than twenty- four (24) hours notice in writing to either party. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. Each entity shall be the final authority as to the availability and adequacy of funds for this Agreement. In the event of termination of this agreement, the PROVIDER will be compensated for any work satisfactorily completed prior to notification of termination. Any state, county or school district agency’s performance and obligation to pay under this contract is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. The costs of services paid under any other agreement or from any other source are not eligible for reimbursement under this contract.
Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this subcontract become unavailable, the Network may terminate the subcontract upon no less than twenty- four (24) hours notice in writing to the Provider. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. The Network shall be the final authority as to the availability and adequacy of funds. In the event of termination of this subcontract, the Provider will be compensated for any work satisfactorily completed prior to notification of termination.
Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this Contract become unavailable, the OAG may terminate the Contract upon no less than 24 hours’ notice in writing to the Contractor. Notice must be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. The OAG will be the final authority as to the availability of funds. In the event of termination of the Contract for lack of funds, the Contractor will be compensated for any work satisfactorily completed prior to the effective date of termination.
Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event cooperative agreement funds to finance this Agreement become unavailable, the COUNTY may terminate this Agreement upon no less than thirty (30) calendar days’ notice in writing to the SUBRECIPIENT. Said notice shall be sent either by electronic mail, facsimile, certified mail with return receipt, or in person with proof of delivery. The COUNTY shall be the final authority to determine whether or not grant funds are available.
Termination Because of Lack of Funds. If for any reason the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds available are reduced, suspended or terminated, in whole or in part, funding for this contract may cease.
Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this agreement become unavailable, the TBEP may terminate the agreement upon twenty-four (24) hours’ notice in writing to the CONTRACTOR. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. The TBEP shall be the final authority as to the availability of funds.
Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this contract become unavailable due to lack of allocation of funds by the Administration Commission or the Legislature, the agency will notify the Contractor in writing within twenty-four (24) hours after the agency learns of such unavailability of funds. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. In the event of a fiscal emergency of the State of Florida as determined by the Administration Commission or the Legislature, the department, in consultation with the agency may terminate the contract no less than twenty-four (24) hours after the contractor has received written notice. The agency shall be the final authority as to the availability of funds.
Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event funds to finance this subcontract become unavailable, the Council may terminate the subcontract upon no less than twenty-four