salary grid placement. Where reasonably possible, the School Division will identify teachers on leaves of absence greater than five (5) months. Nothing in this clause prevents the School Division from providing the information on a more frequent basis.
salary grid placement. B.1.1 A teacher shall be paid in the category determined by the Statement of Evaluation.
B.1.2 The teacher has the responsibility of reporting his/her QECO rating or any change therein to the Superintendent responsible for Human Resource Services. When requested by the Director or his/her designate, a teacher must produce documentation to indicate the courses/certificates used in the evaluation.
B.1.2.1 Notwithstanding the use of QECO Programme 4 or 5 as stated in A.3.21, no teacher under contract with the Board on August 31, 1985 shall be paid on the basis of a lower category on which that teacher’s salary was based at that date, while the teacher continues to be employed with the Board. No qualification may receive duplicate recognition.
B.1.3 The maxima in the grid in B.5.2 may be exceeded only by the following:
B.1.3.1 an allowance for appointment to a Position of Added Responsibility as stated in B.7.0;
B.1.3.2 an allowance for an additional degree or certificate as stated in B.9.0.
salary grid placement. Where reasonably possible, the School Division will identify teachers on leaves of absence greater than five (5) months. Nothing in this article prevents the School Division from providing the information on a more frequent basis.
2.8.2. The School Division shall provide the following information to the Association and to TEBA annually as soon as possible after September 30 but no later than the last operational day in December: HSA / WSA / RRSP utilization rates; Most recent School Division financial statements; Total benefit premium cost; Total substitute teacher cost; Total Principal / Vice Principal / Assistant Principal allowance cost; Total other allowance cost; and, Notwithstanding the timeline set out in clause 2.8.2, the full-time assignable hours for a typical full-time teacher for each school shall be provided no later than October 31.
salary grid placement. (a) A Long Term Occasional Teacher as defined in Article 1 shall be paid in accordance with the current salary grid applicable to the Board’s Teachers less an amount equivalent to the total of vacation and statutory holiday pay to which the Occasional Teacher is entitled under applicable legislation. Placement on the salary grid shall be in accordance with the Long Term Occasional Teacher’s recognized teaching experience and category placement as of the date of the Long Term Occasional Assignment. Payment on the Teacher’s salary grid shall be retroactive to the first day of the Long Term Occasional Assignment. The Long Term Occasional Teacher shall be paid as set out herein until the termination of her/his Long Term Occasional Assignment or the assignment thereunder.
(b) The vacation and statutory holiday pay to which the Long Term Occasional Teacher is entitled under applicable legislation shall be added to the rates set out in 16.06 (a) above.
salary grid placement. All teachers shall be placed on the teacher salary grid in Clause 9.02 on the basis of a Statement of Evaluation in accordance with QECO Program 5 as set out in 6.01. Such Statements of Evaluation shall be sent to the Board Business Administrator.
salary grid placement. L.B.
1.1 A teacher shall be paid in the category determined by the Statement of Evaluation.
salary grid placement. Category placement on the salary grid for long occasional teachers shall be in accordance with Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario Programme Experience credit for placement on the salary grid shall granted only for the following. The number of full years or major portions thereof of full time equivalent teaching experience as a permanent or probationary contract teacher in a school approved by the Director or designate. Teaching experience for work done while employed as an occasional teacher shall be credited as teaching experience for salary purposes provided that such occasional teaching experience was done on a long term basis in one (1) school year and such long experience totals more than ninety-seven (97) days. In no case shall experience granted under this clause total more than two (2) years.
salary grid placement. (a) A Long Term Occasional Teacher as defined in Article 1 shall be paid in accordance with the applicable salary grid as outlined below. These rates are inclusive of the vacation and statutory holiday pay to which the Occasional Teacher is entitled under applicable legislation. Placement on the salary grid shall be in accordance with the Long Term Occasional Teacher’s recognized teaching experience and category placement as of the date of the Long Term Occasional Assignment. Payment on the Teacher’s salary grid shall be retroactive to the first day of the Long Term Occasional Assignment. The Long Term Occasional Teacher shall be paid as set out herein until the termination of her/his Long Term Occasional Assignment or the assignment thereunder.
salary grid placement. 1. Teachers are placed in the appropriate column according to the degree status.
2. A teacher who has completed the requirements for the Master’s Degree or Doctorate Degree in the months of January through August, and validates that claim by September 1, of the current year, shall be placed on the Master’s salary column or the appropriate salary column beginning that August.
3. A claim for Master’s Degree salary grid placement is validated only when the Corporation has been provided with an official transcript. A letter or telephone call from the college or university granting the Master’s or Doctorate Degree may serve as a preliminary notification that the course requirements have been fulfilled.
4. Teachers who hold a valid Indiana teaching license shall be granted year for year teaching experience credit for placement on the salary grid. Teaching experience will be verified by the Human Resources Department.
salary grid placement. 7.1 Salary Grid for Full-time Faculty (See Appendix A)
7.2 Salary Rates for Part-time Faculty (See Appendix B) The Salary Schedule will be increased as follows:
7.3 Qualifications and Verification for Grade Placement for Full-time Faculty In general, recognition will be given only to academic qualifications from an accredited Canadian University that are applicable to the area in which a faculty member is teaching. Degrees conferred outside of Canada must be accredited by the Province of Alberta, International Qualification Assessment Service, Alberta Advanced Education and Technology, in order to be valid and recognized by Medicine Hat College. All faculty who are newly hired, or are on temporary contracts, must provide official transcripts verifying their qualifications. GRADE A: Earned Doctorate GRADE B: a) Master’s Degree, plus completion of the candidacy requirements of a doctoral program, or