Threat Assessment. Threat assessments will be conducted in accordance with local school board policies adopted as required by Virginia Code § 22.1-79.4 and, in general, consistent with model procedures and guidelines published by the DCJS Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety and other appropriate practices. SROs may serve as members of threat assessment teams (including as school officials with a legitimate education interest, as defined by FERPA and as discussed above) and assist in the monitoring of subject students as well as determining the need, if any, for law enforcement action.
Threat Assessment. Anitian will assess the severity threats poses to Subscriber’s data, security, operations, and availability.
Threat Assessment. Threat assessments will be conducted in accordance with local school board policies adopted as required by the Code of Virginia § 22.1-79.4 and, in general, consistent with model procedures and guidelines published by the DCJS Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety and other appropriate practices. Pursuant to § 22.1-79.4 each division superintendent shall establish, for each school, a threat assessment team that shall include persons with expertise in counseling, instruction, school administration, and law enforcement and (effective 7/1/2022), in the case of any school in which a school resource officer is employed, at least one such school resource officer. SROs serving as members of threat assessment teams (including as school officials with a legitimate education interest, as defined by XXXXX and as discussed above) may assist in the monitoring of subject students as well as determining the need, if any, for law enforcement action.
Threat Assessment. Incident response planning and training
Threat Assessment. An employee’s request for domestic violence 30 sexual violence leave will result in a threat assessment by the District 31 Threat Assessment Team.
Threat Assessment. As part of the EL Dorado County response to threats, a county-wide collaborative effort is in place to address threats that may occur in a school or school district. Districts may participate in the countywide threat assessment process as part of their overall response plan.
Threat Assessment. Threat assessments shall be conducted in accordance with SD policies adopted as required by Va. Code §22.1-79.4 and consistent with model procedures and guidelines published by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. SROs shall serve as members of threat assessment teams and assist in monitoring of subject students as well as determining the need, if any, for law enforcement action.
Threat Assessment. Consultant shall identify primary threats to urban forest health Citywide and provide recommendations for threat mitigation.
Threat Assessment. Contractor should create and maintain an in-depth business threat assessment that includes realistic threat scenarios such as malicious activity, natural and technical disasters, and pandemic incidents. The magnitude of the business disruption should consider a wide variety of threat scenarios, including capacity.
Threat Assessment. The design team will utilize a threat and vulnerability assessment and management methodology outlined in Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) 452 to identify potential threats for the proposed facility, rank their probability and importance of their occurrence, and list possible design precautions. The assessment includes; natural threats, civil threats, and accidental hazards that are common for this type of facility and unique to this location. A roundtable discussion will be conducted with the project stakeholders to incorporate additional information pertaining to their individual operations. The outcome of this discussion will be found in Section Four of the report. Potential design mitigations are listed for each threat and they will be weighed against the overall project budget to ensure that adequate protection is provided while creating a tangible solution. The design of the facility must take into account any potential threats to the building that Xxxx County considers significant. Below is a list of potential threats: Water Supply Security (Contamination of Water Supply) Physical Security of Exterior Items (Louvers, Equipment, etc.) o Explosive Impact (Bomb) o Ballistic Impact (Gunfire) o Vehicle Impact Ventilation Security (Protection of Air Intakes from Chemical/Biological Agents) Protection of the facility from Natural Events (Flooding/Tornado/Earthquake/Wild Fire)