Time Horizon. When do you expect to need your money? For example, to buy a house, pay for education or to retire. Your investment plan will take into account the timing of your cash flow needs. Financial situation: The money you have available to invest will have an impact on which products you should have in your account. You will need to disclose financial assets (deposits, investments)
Time Horizon. 18. Time horizon How long do you intend to hold the portfolio? Short term (2-4 years) Medium term (5-10 years) Long term (over 10 years)
Time Horizon. How long do you expect to leave the portfolio invested without making major redemptions? Less than 2 years. 2-5 years. 6-9 years. More than 10 years.
Time Horizon. E.2.1 Investments in the Portfolio are a long term investment and the client should be aware that if they need to realise the investments at short notice the value of investments may be significantly lower due to market fluctuations.
Time Horizon. The Congregation expects to maintain the great majority of its assets invested for a period of 5 years or more. It does not anticipate requesting the return of capital from ELFEC in large amounts within that period.
Time Horizon. Time horizon is the period from now to when you will need to access a significant portion of the money invested. This will be determined by asking you the following: ■ How many years do you expect to be saving before beginning to withdraw from the Account? ■ After reaching your saving goal, indicate the approximate number of years you plan to make withdrawals? Why do we need to know this? Mutual funds may increase or decrease in value. The less time you have to invest the less time your investment has to recover losses from any downturns in the market. On the other hand, if you have more time to invest there may be more time to ride out any market volatility.
Time Horizon. This is the period from now to when you will need access to some or all the money invested. For example, to buy a house, pay for education, or enter retirement. The length of your time horizon impacts the types of investments that may be suitable for you. Investors with a longer investment time horizon may have a greater degree of flexibility when building a portfolio, whereas a short investment time horizon may mean that conservative investments may be the only suitable option.
Time Horizon. The length of my investment time horizon impacts the types of investments that may be suitable for me. Investors with a time horizon of greater than three years have a greater degree of flexibility when building a portfolio (although risk tolerance and investment objectives must also be considered). If I have a very short time horizon, more conservative investments like GICs or money market funds may be the only suitable option for me. Indicate time horizon that is suitable for me.
Time Horizon. Is the period from now to when the client will need access to a significant portion of the money invested. For example to: buy a house, pay for education, or enter retirement.
Time Horizon. The aspect of time horizons can be interpreted as less critical for TT, TREMOVE or any other (transport) model. One may say that as long as the required input data is available, theoretically any time horizon can be modelled. Nevertheless, practical applications show that most scenario oriented work in transport does not consider futures beyond a 20 to 30 years time horizon. Beyond this timeframe uncertainties regarding changes in framework conditions of economic and demographic change become very high. Even though assumptions for demographic and economic developments are often made in scenarios in this time horizon, shifts in mobility behaviour or trend breaks (social, economical, technological) are rarely treated. This is where the degree of uncertainty determines the time horizon considered. This means a first uncertainty is related to the unknown – but assumed – development of framework conditions, i.e. data for demographic and economic growth, a second uncertainty, also unknown – and generally not assumed for the future – is about behavioural changes. If we assume a model with a correct reproduction of underlying causal interactions, the points of data availability and reliability determine the level of uncertainty. The same applies for TREMOVE. Estimations in vehicle stock and emission standards strongly depend on technological development. This again is influenced by economic growth conditions, competiveness or the application of governmental programmes to promote technological progress. In this context predictions regarding technological development become uncertain as well, this leads to the comparable situation of not extending the time horizon for policy analysis beyond 20 to 30 years. Regarding TT we can detect a positive correlation between the time horizon and the level of aggregation of the model. The aggregated level of TT– which naturally has to do with its large geographical coverage –is also reproduced by its aggregated input data, e.g. using overall population numbers and few travel purposes rather than numerous socioeconomic population clusters and disaggregated purposes. If predictions are done for model runs in 20, 30 or more years from today, the bias impact of a poor prediction on the results might be less according to the overall population numbers than for highly disaggregated population sub- groups (e.g. differentiated by age, income, etc.).